Custom Query (250 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1429 Some kinds of array equations are not supported somebody defect low Future Backend
#2417 Support arrayLayout defect low Future Code Generation
#3121 Missing bindings in flattened operator overloading example perost defect low 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#3925 Protected variables are incorrectly written to the result file perost defect low 2.0.0 Run-time
#4174 OMNotebook: change in text in LaTeX cell does not show the star (*) in the filename arun3688 defect low 2.0.0 OMNotebook
#4200 Save Animation vwaurich enhancement low Future *unknown*
#4324 OMEdit: Additional space added after editing parameters defect low Interactive Environment
#6040 Output variables changing name in FMU AnHeuermann defect low FMI
#6424 : two syntax errors arun3688 defect low *unknown*
#1211 Nested der-expressions generates invalid simulation code somebody defect normal Future Backend
#1935 getNthInheritedClass is wrong for some models ... adrpo defect normal Interactive Environment
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork wbraun enhancement normal Future Backend
#3020 Custom annotation cannot be read and proposed code changes to adrpo defect normal Future Interactive Environment
#3045 Erroneous Nominal min and max for swArc component somebody defect normal Future Backend
#3221 Equation count of models containing expandable connectors mahge930 defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#3252 Abnormal memory consumption during compilation of models with inlined functions and symbolic differentiation vwaurich defect normal Future Backend
#3639 MinGW linker finds pre-built MSVC library adrpo defect normal Future Third-Party Libraries
#3764 OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is imported defect normal Future OMPython
#4006 SimCode scales as O(N^2) in models with many when clauses and events wbraun defect normal Backend
#4014 Unexpected behavior of Start Time wbraun defect normal Future Interactive Environment
#4115 Clarify error message in the absence of voltage reference (ground) vwaurich enhancement normal Future Backend
#4146 Summary of omc scaling issues casella defect normal Future *unknown*
#4346 OMEdit: inconsistant handling of protected objects wbraun defect normal Future Run-time
#4554 Internal error CevalScript.calculateSimulationSettings - can't run simulation when stopTime/interval is above 1e6 adrpo defect normal Future Interactive Environment
#4588 Unit propagation and deduction. lochel discussion normal Future Backend
#4811 array_alloc_real_array error somebody defect normal NeedsInput Code Generation
#5021 Wrong handling of selfcreated variables ($) // HideResult Karim.Abdelhak defect normal Future Run-time
#5222 adding OpenModelica to Windows package managers adrpo enhancement normal Future *unknown*
#5382 Simcode scales badly for models with large-sized arrays and events Karim.Abdelhak defect normal Backend
#5539 Stack overflow with tearingSelect lochel defect normal Future Backend
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF perost discussion normal New Instantiation
#5635 Multi(---) connection issue adeas31 enhancement normal 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5922 Alias variables do not display in Transformational Debugger defect normal Debugger
#6114 Unit checking scales with O(2^N) in case of large expressions involving +-*/ operators perost defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#1055 No warning produced for blocks with non-directional variables (from MathCore) krsta defect high Future
#1061 Check of redeclaration of different type is not made (from MathCore) krsta defect high Future
#1232 Equation systems in when equations not handled correctly wbraun defect high Future Backend
#1427 Assignment of continuous signals to discrete variables should be rejected lochel defect high Future Backend
#1451 Backend scaling for simple array-equation ptaeuber defect high Future Backend
#1552 Optimize algorithm sections whenever possible wbraun defect high Future Backend
#1640 Connectors in models are not updated jez defect high Future
#1643 FMU is not re-initialized after set continuous state jfrenkel defect high Future Backend
#1645 renameClass API takes very long time when Modelica library is loaded adeas31 defect high Future
#1688 Reinit of non-state variables lochel defect high Future Backend
#1816 Fix getNthInheritedClass API adrpo defect high Interactive Environment
#1817 Exporting "Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AIMS_Start" to FMI generates invalid modelDescription.xml wbraun defect high Future Code Generation
#1842 Illegal redeclare should be rejected by the NF with appropriate error message perost defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#1884 incompatible types when assigning to type 'modelica_real' from type 'modelica_string' somebody defect high Future Backend
#1929 Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong initialization values wbraun defect high 2.0.0 Backend
#1931 Do not scalarize vector equations jfrenkel defect high Frontend
#2045 Initialisation of external object fails lochel defect high Future Run-time
#2080 Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.PrismaticJoint lochel defect high Future Backend
#2120 Make sure solving for a variable always solves the equation ptaeuber defect high Future Backend
#2122 Save API doesn't handle multiple classes adeas31 defect high Interactive Environment
#2174 Allow for modifiers in translateModel() and simulate() API functions adrpo enhancement high Future Frontend
#2199 wrong figures when plotting 2 different variables. adeas31 defect high Future OMPlot
#2292 wrong generated C code lochel defect high Backend
#2316 Remove need to use OPENMODELICAHOME adrpo defect high Future Installation program
#2387 Operator overloading fails for matrices perost defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#2500 premature optimization when generating simulation code adrpo defect high Future Backend
#2520 model including two SpringDamper blocks leads to compiler error Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#2618 Reinitial in algorithm section also continuos relations Karim.Abdelhak defect high Future Backend
#2689 mapping of zero crossings to equations does not work properly Karim.Abdelhak defect high 2.0.0 Backend
#2730 Unproper behaviour of function "dumpXMLDAE" for "stateSpace" translationLevel somebody defect high Future Code Generation
#2750 Units of derivatives in the variables browser mahge930 defect high Code Generation
#2788 Enumerated types causing errors wbraun defect high Future Code Generation
#2809 Detect and optimize useless tuple construction defect high Future Frontend
#2863 NFSCodeDependency removes used constant perost defect high Future Frontend
#2895 Error translating new Medium package adrpo defect high Future Frontend
#2931 Bootstrapped compiler should check undefined variables in if branches adrpo defect high Future MetaModelica
#2969 differentiate delay expr AnHeuermann defect high Future Backend
#3008 Error in type inference when using function passed to function perost defect high Future Frontend
#3015 OMEdit Plots are not correct adeas31 defect high Future *unknown*
#3071 Handle argument conversion in external C structs adrpo defect high Future Code Generation
#3120 XML code generation can not handle record assignments in algorithm section somebody defect high Future Code Generation
#3139 equations do not switch based on param value in if statement adrpo enhancement high Future Frontend
#3241 Cpp runtime naming conventions niklwors defect high Future Cpp Run-time
#3288 FMU compilation (MSVC) adrpo defect high Future Code Generation
#3289 FMU compilation (MSVC) fails for big models adrpo defect high Future FMI
#3321 cppruntime does not return proper exit codes niklwors defect high Future Cpp Run-time
#3383 Issues with Modelica_Noise Beta 1 Backend perost defect high Future Backend
#3494 Start values not taken from modelDescription.xml wbraun defect high Future FMI 1.0
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating wbraun defect high Future *unknown*
#3511 BackendDAEUtil.tryToSolveOrDerive don't use functionTree lochel defect high Future Backend
#3586 FMI import crashes lochel defect high Future FMI
#3592 Eigen values fails with error Karim.Abdelhak defect high Code Generation
#3598 C++ keywords as a Modelica variable inside of a function niklwors defect high Future Cpp Run-time
#3638 Parameters based on externally read parameters are not calculated correctly wbraun defect high Future Run-time
#3668 Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows quadratically with the system size wbraun defect high Future Backend
#3706 OMEdit does not render some icons adrpo defect high Future Interactive Environment
#3731 OMEdit creates unnecessary empty Icon and Diagram annotation adrpo defect high Future Interactive Environment
#3781 Fix scaling of detectJacobianSparsePattern Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#3844 Unnecessary array instantiations adrpo defect high 2.0.0 Frontend
#3847 Feature Request: Complete as you Type Class Member Drop-Down List atrosinenko enhancement high OMEdit
#3851 optimized zero crossings for cpp runtime wbraun defect high Backend
#3917 stategraph2 expamples not working adrpo defect high Future Frontend
#3921 Introduce wrapFunctionCalls and CSE also for the initial equations Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high Backend
#3943 Implement support for daeMode in the C++ runtime niklwors defect high Future Cpp Run-time
#3957 Simulation errors with hierarchical state machines in Modelica 3.3 bthiele defect high Future Backend
#3997 Missing replacement of identifiers when inlining functions adrpo defect high Future Backend
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