Custom Query (96 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#4171 Schema of the "dumpXMLDAE" output points to dead URL new somebody defect low
#4200 Save Animation assigned vwaurich enhancement low Future
#4458 Idea: OpenModelica Language Server Protocol new somebody discussion low Future
#5180 OMSimulator and stand-alone simulation should be able to save results as HDF5 files new somebody enhancement low Future
#5893 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.Surfaces fails with internal error new somebody defect low Future
#6424 : two syntax errors assigned arun3688 defect low
#3228 Error message and expandable connectors new somebody enhancement normal Future
#3277 Discrete Fourier Transform support by OM new somebody enhancement normal Future
#3556 pseudo loops with function new somebody defect normal Future
#3661 Add a resimulate() function to the API new somebody enhancement normal 2.0.0
#3908 Automated decision support for compilation and simulation flags new somebody discussion normal Future
#4117 partial differential create complex ArrayEquation? new somebody defect normal Future
#4146 Summary of omc scaling issues assigned casella defect normal Future
#4166 SimCodeFunctionUtil.lookForExtFunctionLibrary for msvc new somebody discussion normal Future
#4356 netCDF reader works on Linux, not on Windows accepted adrpo defect normal Future
#4789 Strange message when doing "Save as..." new somebody defect normal
#5181 OMSimulator and stand-alone simulation should be able to save results as ASAM MDF/ MF4 files new somebody enhancement normal Future
#5198 Model simulation failed new somebody defect normal Future
#5222 adding OpenModelica to Windows package managers assigned adrpo enhancement normal Future
#5505 Avoid file lists to be shown along with error messages new somebody defect normal
#5521 Connector with array of records - problem when assigned in algorithm section new somebody defect normal Future
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit new somebody defect normal Future
#5939 variableFilter sometimes includes aliases of selected variables new somebody defect normal
#2799 Missing enumeration type declaration in DAEXMLdump new somebody defect high Future
#2880 allow save plot to file from script new somebody enhancement high Future
#2884 Performance tracing for compiler and simulation stages new somebody discussion high Future
#2941 Replace all Package.RECORD with Package.UnionType.RECORD? new somebody discussion high Future
#3015 OMEdit Plots are not correct assigned adeas31 defect high Future
#3084 Under-determined linear system not solvable! accepted wbraun defect high Future
#3170 Under Mac OS X, BouncingBall FMU segfaults in fmuCheck new somebody defect high Future
#3224 Final parameter is not refreshed in plot windows after re-simulating example new somebody defect high Future
#3276 createNonlinearResidualEquationsComplex failed for fluid-model new somebody defect high Future
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating assigned wbraun defect high Future
#3572 Clarifications in the Compiler Flag Documentation accepted lochel defect high
#3678 Efficient flattening (and code generation) for large-scale network models new perost enhancement high Future
#4021 Incorrect array indexing in for-loop in algorithm section new somebody defect high Future
#4076 Really bad performance with big tables new somebody defect high Future
#4416 Incorrect results are obtained if the residual is overly sensitive to the tear variables. new somebody defect high Future
#4418 Incorrect results are obtained if the residual is insensitive to the tear variables new somebody defect high Future
#4432 unbalanced if-eqns are not detected new somebody defect high Future
#4465 Improve FMI option dialog new somebody enhancement high Future
#4482 checkAndGetAlgorithmOutputs failed new somebody defect high
#4497 Overriding a parameter that sets a parameter in a record has no effect new somebody defect high Future
#4506 Generating FMU C library with MSVC compiler is broken (RUNTIMEDIR not interpreted) new somebody defect high Future
#4542 Performance issues with medium-sized linear systems new ptaeuber defect high
#4630 Rethink mathematical simplifications new somebody defect high
#4678 Allow passing external objects as parameters to a class new somebody enhancement high Future
#4698 OMPython + 'Failed to build model: BouncingBall' new somebody defect high Future
#4699 BaseAvlSet/Tree use O(n*log n) memory new somebody enhancement high
#4749 Error: variable not found in scope (...) while flattening model assigned defect high
#4755 Reduce memory usage when building models in OpenModelica new enhancement high 2.1.0
#4785 Memory is never given back new somebody defect high
#4804 IDEAS.Buildings.Examples.Structure crashes OMEdit 32 bit on Windows 10 new somebody defect high NeedsInput
#4989 Build error using homebrew's Qt 5.11 on macOS assigned adeas31 defect high Future
#5142 Plot shows different value than the calculated value through simulation new somebody defect high Future
#5257 OMEdit works only if started as superuser new trlo defect high Future
#5365 find declared but unused variables and parameters new somebody enhancement high Future
#5368 Nightly Build 1.14.0 giving odd Syntax Warnings and Effecting Old Simulation Results new somebody defect high Future
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? new somebody discussion high Future
#5391 How do I fix the error, “Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations” new somebody defect high Future
#5396 how to select a large number of output variables in a mos script new somebody defect high Future
#5419 Interactive simulation crashing due to missed deadlines for all but the simplest models new somebody defect high
#5491 Interactive simulation ignores RealInput changes when using kinsol as nonlinear solver new somebody defect high
#5498 High Memory Usage When Opening a Model new somebody defect high Future
#5551 Cannot open the OMEdit internal Modelica documentation new somebody defect high Future
#5634 Compilation on macOS fails new somebody defect high
#5713 Compile openmodelica with icc and icpc assigned adrpo discussion high Future
#5745 Problem installing OM on macOS Catalina with Macports new somebody defect high Future
#5764 OPC UA seems to miss DataType at the nodes attributes assigned defect high
#5793 Comments in enumerations are not shown in OMEdit in case of type imports new somebody defect high Future
#5808 OMedit focus jumps from one block to another on a right click.... new somebody defect high Future
#5962 We should check that major Linux distros work in the testsuite new adrpo defect high
#5977 Schedule for 1.16.0 release new adrpo task high
#6078 OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored? assigned defect high
#6159 timeline not visible anymore assigned adrpo defect high
#6226 OMEdit freezes when starting/initializing a SSP simulation from the GUI new adrpo defect high
#6265 assert() not correctly handled by OM: second case new casella defect high
#6276 Error in simulation: Simulation process failed. Exited with code 3. new somebody discussion high NeedsInput
#6408 Wrong start values for NLS with homotopy assigned AnHeuermann defect high NeedsInput
#6425 E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. new somebody defect high NeedsInput
#6430 Error -1073741819 at solving initiation (after complete compilation) new somebody defect high NeedsInput
#1177 Redesign and set up restrictions for simplication of expressions new petar discussion critical Future
#3510 inline function assigned wbraun defect critical Future
#3565 OMC does not tell the user what it is doing new defect critical
#5746 Translation Error from Timer block assigned AnHeuermann discussion critical
#6006 Migrate this Trac to Github new somebody task critical Future
#4835 Get Complex numbers to work without compromises assigned casella defect blocker 2.0.0
#5288 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 3.2.3 models with NF assigned casella enhancement blocker 2.0.0
#5639 Issues with WasteWater library new perost defect blocker 1.19.0
#5709 Equidistant time grid not working properly new somebody defect blocker 1.19.0
#5799 Initialization solver hangs or fails at start of homotopy process without a clue what it is doing assigned adrpo defect blocker 1.19.0
#5855 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 4.0.0 models new casella defect blocker 2.0.0
#6340 Automatically recognize if a model is best run with daeMode new AnHeuermann enhancement blocker 2.0.0
#6363 MSL 4.0.0 including Clocked supported by OM 1.16.2? assigned AnHeuermann defect blocker 1.19.0
#6377 Avoid generating dense Jacobian above a certain size and set default solvers accordingly assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0
#6386 Better diagnostics for over- and under-determined systems new Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 2.0.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.