Custom Query (163 matches)


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Results (101 - 163 of 163)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4206 compilation very slow adeas31 defect high 1.11.0 OMEdit
#4265 Crash report adeas31 defect high 1.12.0 OMEdit
#4280 Custom annotation __OpenModelica_[parametricplot|plot] somebody enhancement high Future *unknown*
#4435 Pop-ups in the declarative debugger window should not disappear adeas31 defect high 1.12.0 OMEdit
#4489 Cannot install omlib-modelicaservices-3.2.1-modelica3d defect high Third-Party Libraries
#4907 Support for Real x(value=10.0) adrpo defect high 1.19.0 New Instantiation
#5153 reCAPTCHA V1 is not working anymore thus not allowing to send some posts on Trac algorether somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5199 Strange diagnostics with diamond-inheriting from a class with equations perost defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5260 Incompatibility between OM & Dymola on some variable initializations adeas31 defect high 1.14.0 OMEdit
#5383 Instruction y[i] = if ud2[i] > 0.0 then true else false; not correctly executed in a loop Karim.Abdelhak defect high 1.14.0 Run-time
#5562 Windows installation is slow because of anti-malware checks? adeas31 defect high 2.0.0 Installation program
#5578 Qualified tuple assignments in MetaModelica defect high MetaModelica
#5653 Improve moving through arrow keys adeas31 enhancement high 2.0.0 OMEdit
#5679 +daeMode error with omc but not with OMEdit adeas31 defect high Run-time
#5803 Library FCSys incompatible adrpo defect high 1.16.0 Interactive Environment
#5831 Asserts with "greater equal" conditions do not detect equals case somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5864 Bug during compilation, just after the installation Jean NOEL defect high 1.14.1 Installation program
#5892 solartherm library example enhancement high 1.17.0 Build Environment
#5896 Encrypted library in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement high 1.16.0 OMEncryption
#5993 error messages after installation of OM1.15 64bit in W10 adeas31 defect high never OMEdit
#6146 Issues handling libraries during Windows build adrpo defect high 1.17.0 Package Manager
#6164 complex transfer function block uses wrong order of coefficients somebody defect high 1.16.0 *unknown*
#6297 FMU of a LeadLag block fails lochel defect high 1.17.0 FMI
#6366 Function "kc_roundTube_KC" at Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube_KC adeas31 defect high NeedsInput OMEdit
#1001 Text formatting of Modelica files is not saved. donida defect normal Parser
#1079 Prevent users from adding components to short class definitions, causing kernel errors. (from MathCore) krsta defect normal
#1424 OMNotebook does not start under Windows XP Andrey Vitushkin defect normal OMNotebook
#1500 in vesion 1.6.1 functions could not be parsed fh77 defect normal
#1560 Erroneous MetaModelica error for match expression perost defect normal
#1561 Non-returning MetaModelica function with list output returns 0 perost defect normal
#2170 let OMEdit open files with more than one model adeas31 enhancement normal 1.9.0 OMEdit
#2201 OMC allows non-vector array expressions as ranges in for-loops somebody defect normal Future Frontend
#2326 default start and nominal values lochel discussion normal 1.9.0 Run-time
#2351 Mark all appropriate strings in OMC as translatable somebody enhancement normal Future Frontend
#2696 Display enhancement of very large numbers on vertical axis adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#3039 Installation issues with 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 nightly build adrpo defect normal Future Installation program
#3083 Replace LAPACK/BLAS enhancement normal never Third-Party Libraries
#3330 Error occurred while flattening model Buildings.Electrical.AC.*.Sources.PVSimpleOriented defect normal 1.17.0 Third-Party Libraries
#3394 Package fails to load for "unknown reason" somebody enhancement normal never *unknown*
#3595 Dereference of uninitialized value in fmiInstantiateModel adeas31 defect normal never FMI
#3880 Openmodelica 1.9.6 from MacPorts fails to build defect normal Build Environment
#3909 Not possible to use animation with openmodelica 1.10.0~dev-595-g8fdd61b-1 missing directory omlibrary-modelica3d defect normal never Installation program
#4462 OMEdit: New file - Set "Insert into class" field automatically adeas31 enhancement normal 1.12.0 OMEdit
#4467 OMEdit: Problems with SVG export: line width given by vector-effect adeas31 enhancement normal 1.13.0 OMEdit
#4849 The Description column should be visible by default in OMEdit adeas31 defect normal 1.13.0 OMEdit
#5259 Portability between OM and Dymola on the delay() operator adeas31 discussion normal Future OMEdit
#5416 disable a toolbar adeas31 enhancement normal 1.14.0 OMEdit
#5722 Compilation error: kinsol_sparse.h missing adeas31 defect normal Future Installation program
#6021 OM Visual quality - size of icons adeas31 enhancement normal 1.17.0 OMEdit
#6318 Adding automatic diagram size option somebody enhancement normal 1.18.0 *unknown*
#6432 Variable not found in foriter loop scope perost defect normal 1.18.0 New Instantiation
#1037 experimental new linux build ebo defect low
#1276 Investigate speed string sharing in MetaModelica adrpo task low Red October Frontend
#1301 Redesign: Add extra phase on top of SCode task low Compiler Redesign Preprocessor
#1553 Hiding annotations in OMEDIT ceraolo discussion low OMEdit
#1656 Simplify some simple polynomials defect low Future *unknown*
#2373 Omedit Instantiate window adeas31 defect low 1.9.1 OMEdit
#3343 A small improvement in OMEdit zooming adeas31 enhancement low never OMEdit
#3354 A minor OMEdit glitch regarding selection of a lower layer object adeas31 enhancement low never OMEdit
#3393 OpenModelica fails to open package with syntax errors enhancement low never Parser
#4017 OMEdit: Options dialog: minor visual optimization adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#4345 OMEdit: correct size for pages in options dialog adeas31 defect low 1.12.0 OMEdit
#5339 OMCTest.cpp fails (assert) on Linux somebody defect low Future Cpp Run-time
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