Custom Query (45 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1177 Redesign and set up restrictions for simplication of expressions new petar critical Future *unknown*
#4362 Always check how new methods scale with the problem size new lochel critical Backend
#5746 Translation Error from Timer block assigned AnHeuermann critical *unknown*
#5869 NULL-Pointer Exception caused by pool_malloc new lochel critical FMI
#1625 OMEdit: change the View with incorrect code new wbraun high Future
#1899 Discusssion on how to make the generated code smaller new somebody high Future Backend
#2061 combine plots from different result-files new somebody high Future Interactive Environment
#2247 Policy for the treatment of Modelica nonconformances in OMC new somebody high 2.0.0 Frontend
#2584 How to handle bad used StateSelect.never attribute? new probably noone high Future Backend
#2591 backend debug-dump within OMEdit new somebody high Future Interactive Environment
#2884 Performance tracing for compiler and simulation stages new somebody high Future *unknown*
#2941 Replace all Package.RECORD with Package.UnionType.RECORD? new somebody high Future *unknown*
#2973 relations vs. zero crossings new somebody high Future Backend
#3044 warn if one tries to override secondary parameters new somebody high Future Run-time
#4272 Simulation Process Failed accepted lochel high Future Run-time
#4384 Memory management of pre values new lochel high Future Run-time
#4515 Automatic inference of nominal attributes for scaling new perost high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4721 Complex variables do not show documentation string in Variables Browser new adeas31 high Future OMEdit
#5154 Strange license of FMI run-time new lochel high Future FMI
#5195 Division by zero during the initialization via file (.mat), of the system of equations. assigned lochel high Future Initialization
#5267 Additional variables added in FMUs exported from OM new lochel high Future FMI
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? assigned adrpo high Future Build Environment
#5370 Modelica compiler should issue warnings when clocked equations appear outside of the when equations new lochel high 2.0.0 Backend
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? new somebody high Future *unknown*
#5494 RemoveSimpleEquations module should remove simple equations with parametric coefficients new lochel high Future Backend
#5624 if else ODE and Algebraic Equation new lochel high Future Backend
#5713 Compile openmodelica with icc and icpc assigned adrpo high Future *unknown*
#5934 auxiliary state in der-call new lochel high Future Backend
#5947 Backend cannot solve for variable indexed array elements new Karim.Abdelhak high Future Backend
#6276 Error in simulation: Simulation process failed. Exited with code 3. new somebody high NeedsInput *unknown*
#6278 FMUs exported from OM are very heavy assigned adrpo high FMI
#6305 Retire support of Python 2 in OMPython new arun3688 high OMPython
#6344 How to reopen the .csv file of a SSP model run? accepted lochel high OMSimulator
#6355 Can I get more information on the variable steppers oms-mav et oms-mav-2? new lochel high NeedsInput OMSimulator
#2736 Final Constraints for Optimization missing accepted mahge930 normal Future Frontend
#2838 ExternalMedia library, OMEdit crash with Test.fluidProp.WaterIF95.TestBasePropertiesDynamic accepted adrpo normal Future Frontend
#3538 function outputs array slice new somebody normal Future Backend
#3908 Automated decision support for compilation and simulation flags new somebody normal Future *unknown*
#4166 SimCodeFunctionUtil.lookForExtFunctionLibrary for msvc new somebody normal Future *unknown*
#4588 Unit propagation and deduction. assigned lochel normal Future Backend
#5429 SimulationInfos are not correctly saved in FMU init file new lochel normal Future FMI
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF assigned perost normal New Instantiation
#6143 Drop support for FMI 1.0 new lochel normal FMI 1.0
#3568 Performance issues in DIVISION_SIM new somebody low Future Run-time
#4458 Idea: OpenModelica Language Server Protocol new somebody low Future *unknown*
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