Custom Query (74 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#5509 Make Simulation Setup dependent of target language Simulation setup, simulation options, Flags, settings new adeas31 defect blocker
#5574 Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic state selection linear system of equations solver new lochel defect blocker
#5720 Do not allow to install on directories where the user does not have admin rights windows installer new adeas31 defect blocker
#5737 Need to manually insert "each" before fixed = false or true statement when initializing a vector missing each initialization vector assigned adrpo defect blocker
#6004 Cpp runtime on Windows can't handle spaces in install path Windows Spaces assigned adrpo defect blocker
#6085 Problem with licensed models Modelica licensing new adeas31 defect blocker
#6228 Updated SUNDIALS KINSOL failing on Cpp runtime sundials, kinsol reopened AnHeuermann defect blocker
#6416 Error in Implementation of the delay function DIVISION_SIM, macro, 'equationIndexes' undeclared, Compilation process failed, Code 2 assigned AnHeuermann task blocker
#3510 inline function inline function assigned wbraun defect critical
#6166 Fluid/Examples/PumpingSystem can't be simulated fluid, pumpingsystem assigned AnHeuermann defect critical
#6272 installPackage does not work on Windows OMEdit, CLI, packages, installer new adrpo defect critical
#6285 Minimal tearing failing for example from MSL tearing, minimalTearing, linear system reopened AnHeuermann defect critical
#6373 Electrical Quasistationary MutualInductor in standard library not working in OM complex numbers, sum, MutualInductor assigned perost defect critical
#1822 Replaceable type cannot unify with itself typechecking new somebody defect high
#1884 incompatible types when assigning to type 'modelica_real' from type 'modelica_string' input assigned somebody defect high
#2421 OMEdit gdb debugging - desired features debugging new adeas31 enhancement high
#2847 OM recognizes an algebraic loop where there is none. initialization new somebody defect high
#2849 Wrong flattening of "inner outer output" inner outer accepted adrpo defect high
#3586 FMI import crashes fmi import, initialization assigned lochel defect high
#3851 optimized zero crossings for cpp runtime zerocrossings, cpp runtime assigned wbraun defect high
#3899 Make FMU Compile without configure script intocps new adeas31 defect high
#3957 Simulation errors with hierarchical state machines in Modelica 3.3 state machines assigned bthiele defect high
#4298 OMOptim build on linux amd64 failed due to gcc 6.0 bug 70129 gcc linux OMOptim new adrpo defect high
#4307 OMEdit: Icon and Diagram: Silent give up on expression: "visible = useHeatPort" visible = useHeatPort Warning new adeas31 defect high
#4328 OMEdit: bug when partial cutting folded annotations and UNDO partial cutting folded annotations undo new adeas31 defect high
#4374 Wrong analysis of linearity due to missing jacobian linear nonlinear analytic jacobian pre() new wbraun defect high
#4406 OMEdit: Option to automatically close Simulation Completed Window close SimulationCompleted window assigned wbraun enhancement high
#4429 Builtin function cardinality is not implemented in Ceval.cevalBuiltinHandler cardinality. ThermoSysPro new adrpo defect high
#4442 Incorrect evaluation of inner/outer and record dependencies inner/outer, records assigned perost defect high
#4451 Unspecific error message: The given system is mixed-determined. mixed-determined assigned lochel enhancement high
#4500 Reinit of variables reinit , when new Jal Panchal defect high
#4555 Redundantly inherited parameters (diamond inheritance) appear multiple times in parameters dialog of instantiated model diamond, inheritance, parameters, dialog new adeas31 defect high
#5195 Division by zero during the initialization via file (.mat), of the system of equations. Initialization via File assigned lochel discussion high
#5256 Non-linear system iterations non-linear solver, external function assigned casella defect high
#5349 Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed! Pantelides, PFPlusExt, Reduction Method, Singular, Structurally, time-dependant new lochel defect high
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? ThermoPower, Rankine assigned adrpo discussion high
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? Error, Structurally, Singular, Structurally Singular, Translation Error, Variable Not Found, new somebody discussion high
#5396 how to select a large number of output variables in a mos script variable filter, output, scripting new somebody defect high
#5480 Automatic formatting does not respect indentation indentation formatting new adeas31 defect high
#5717 OMPython linearize function not working correctly linearize new alash325 defect high
#5744 Problems to simulate MSL models with OM nightly Linux assigned defect high
#5833 No responds using Interact widget in IJulia with OMJulia interact, plot, IJulia new adrpo defect high
#5947 Backend cannot solve for variable indexed array elements variable index, residual new Karim.Abdelhak discussion high
#5957 Failed to sole linear system of equations at time 0, system is singular Solving linear system assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#6016 Unable to access Open Modelica from Scilab Open Modelica in Scilab new alash325 defect high
#6120 can not resume simulation after pausing interactive simulation (OPC-UA fails on making run=false) in all new versions OPC-UA interactive simulation new defect high
#6186 Assert triggered during initialization despite "not initial()" if-statement assert, initial, algorithm assigned AnHeuermann defect high
#6223 Python.h not found python.h, python, interoperability assigned arun3688 task high
#6349 Failed to insert class Test_VSC within HVDCcomponents.Examples Failed, Class, Within, Scope new arun3688 defect high
#6385 Overdetermined system Overdetermined, openmodelicabeginner, nanofiltration assigned Shravya Hebbur Murali <shravya2535@…> defect high
#6436 Segmentation fault with non-linear Newton solver non-linear loop, newton new AnHeuermann defect high
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork merging start values assigned wbraun enhancement normal
#2547 No math parsing for experiment annotation math parsing experiment annotation new probably noone enhancement normal
#3045 Erroneous Nominal min and max for swArc component indexReduction assigned somebody defect normal
#4322 OMEdit: Improve commenting of folded lines - but how? commenting folded lines accepted adeas31 enhancement normal
#4344 OMEdit: keep UNDO stack after text view changes undo in TextView and DiagramView accepted adeas31 defect normal
#4347 OMEdit: improve drawing of connections by correctly initiated x/y mode connection x/y mode initialization new adeas31 enhancement normal
#5178 Incorrect Warning - not balanced connector instantiation balanced connector reopened perost defect normal
#5230 getErrorString raises pyparsing.ParseException after calling buildModel in the python interface buildModel getErrorString new alash325 defect normal
#5292 Can't run OpenModelica install-executable on Windows via explorer Installation Windows executable new adeas31 defect normal
#5330 csvInput does not handle Integer inputs and needs an extra comma at line end csv csvInput new lochel defect normal
#5451 OpenModelica.Scripting.system behaving different on Windows and Linux Scripting mos new somebody defect normal
#5540 plot window start plot window new adeas31 defect normal
#5585 Parameter record editor user interface new adeas31 enhancement normal
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF replaceable, redeclare, input, output assigned perost discussion normal
#5852 getCommandLineOptions fails with newInst getCommandLineOptions newInst new perost defect normal
#5986 Can't open wsl path from OMEdit under Windows Windows WSL new adeas31 defect normal
#6152 Linker warning mktemp is dangerous linker, mktemp, tmpnam new defect normal
#4309 OMEdit: Status bar: Improve display of component coordinates component coordinate display accepted adeas31 enhancement low
#4324 OMEdit: Additional space added after editing parameters two spaces parameter editing assigned defect low
#4422 Installation of OpenModelica fails if not explicitly executed as Administrator Installation new adeas31 defect low
#6273 linearization enhancement linearization new rfranke enhancement low
#6402 Enable/disable Line Wrapping from editor context menu (right-click) Line wrapping new adeas31 enhancement low
#6424 : two syntax errors Linearized_model python assigned arun3688 defect low
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