Custom Query (180 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 180)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#3977 Better diagnostics for non-balanced models new enhancement blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4032 Using Extern C function compiler generates duplicate variables. new defect blocker Future Code Generation
#4222 Previously simulating models do not work any more accepted defect blocker Future Initialization
#5036 Better code generation for constant arrays new defect blocker 2.0.0 Code Generation
#5252 Misleading and incomplete output regarding conflicting start and nominal attributes new defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5302 PowerSystems models with redundant intial conditions cannot be handled by backend new defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5547 Including c-files from external_solvers for nonlinearSolverHomotopy new enhancement blocker 2.0.0 FMI
#5574 Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic state selection new defect blocker 1.19.0 Backend
#5581 FMU - ME accuracy new defect blocker 2.0.0 FMI
#5600 removeEqualFunctionCalls should be better documented and merged with comSubExp new defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5621 Issue with FMI import reopened defect blocker 1.19.0 FMI
#5775 memory leak in FMUs using CombiTimeTable new defect blocker 1.19.0 FMI
#5857 MSL OpAmp simulation results in OM new defect blocker 2.0.0 Backend
#5926 Save a proper result file when interrupting a simulation new defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#6071 Don't show parameter edits in FMU created with "Evaluate all parameters" assigned defect blocker 1.19.0 FMI
#2634 underdetermined initialization problems lead to division by zero new defect critical Future Backend
#3105 Parameters and variables available in FMI accepted enhancement critical FMI
#3792 Variable override not working with restart accepted defect critical Future Run-time
#4024 Bugs in generating xml files new defect critical Code Generation
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. new defect critical 2.0.0 Backend
#4131 Superfluous variables and parameters are part of the simulation new defect critical Future Backend
#4362 Always check how new methods scale with the problem size new discussion critical Backend
#4903 Memory leak? new defect critical Backend
#4957 Inefficient code generated for record derivatives new defect critical Future Code Generation
#5041 assert on parameters are not called in the right order new defect critical Backend
#5059 Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode with default nonlinear solver new defect critical Run-time
#5148 Changes of integer input of FMU are ignored new defect critical Future Backend
#5616 Handling of indexing in arrays of records new defect critical 2.0.0 Code Generation
#5748 FMU crashing matlab new defect critical Future FMI
#5823 Verification of FMI models has interpolation issues new defect critical FMI
#5869 NULL-Pointer Exception caused by pool_malloc new discussion critical FMI
#5888 Record's inheritance new defect critical Future OMSimulator
#5971 TLM pendulum example error new defect critical OMSimulator
#5975 Numerical problems with initialization of thermofluid model in BuildingSystems new defect critical Run-time
#6019 previous(y) is chattering in a discrete-time model new defect critical Run-time
#1427 Assignment of continuous signals to discrete variables should be rejected assigned defect high Future Backend
#1688 Reinit of non-state variables assigned defect high Future Backend
#2045 Initialisation of external object fails assigned defect high Future Run-time
#2080 Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.PrismaticJoint assigned defect high Future Backend
#2292 wrong generated C code assigned defect high Backend
#2717 Exporting a model as XML code file not completed new defect high Future Code Generation
#2804 codegen error if one is using Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine new defect high Future Code Generation
#2820 initialization of discrete states accepted defect high Future Backend
#2883 Restructuring SimCode phase new task high Future Backend
#3079 Start values are not calculated properly if they depend on secondary parameters new defect high Future Backend
#3230 Initialization handles when-clauses within algorithms wrong accepted defect high Future Backend
#3390 Issues with unparsing the type of variable in model_init.xml new defect high Future Code Generation
#3419 Function signatures for type safe function partial application new defect high Future Code Generation
#3454 Wrong results after the latest back end changes new defect high Future FMI
#3478 Performance issue for Chemical.Examples.AcidBase.AlbuminTitration accepted defect high Future Backend
#3498 Wrong generation of base partitions reopened defect high Future Backend
#3511 BackendDAEUtil.tryToSolveOrDerive don't use functionTree assigned defect high Future Backend
#3526 Code generation fails for array in records new defect high Future Code Generation
#3570 homotopy solution is ignored after initialization accepted defect high Future Run-time
#3572 Clarifications in the Compiler Flag Documentation accepted defect high *unknown*
#3586 FMI import crashes assigned defect high Future FMI
#3810 New runtime flag -overrideSettings accepted defect high Future Run-time
#3832 Wrong min/max attributes for derivatives in equation systems new defect high Future Backend
#3886 Identically unit information for states and state derivatives accepted defect high Future Backend
#3931 Do not generate stupid equations new enhancement high Future Initialization
#3963 Split C source code in more files for more efficient parallel compilation new enhancement high Code Generation
#3996 Massive slowdown when using new defect high Future Backend
#4025 Incorrect XML File Export for Shipping Model new defect high Future Backend
#4037 Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes accepted enhancement high Run-time
#4113 $ is invalid in C identifiers new defect high Future Code Generation
#4118 removeSimpleEquation failed new defect high Backend
#4129 Inefficient array code generation new defect high Backend
#4168 DAE index reduction in clocked partitions new defect high Backend
#4272 Simulation Process Failed accepted discussion high Future Run-time
#4301 Feature to break the simulation when the steady state has been reached accepted enhancement high Future Backend
#4384 Memory management of pre values new discussion high Future Run-time
#4411 Odd error-message for over-determined system new defect high Future Backend
#4412 Error with Protected Elements accepted defect high Backend
#4430 MDD clocked SerialPackager models fail to translate new defect high Future Backend
#4451 Unspecific error message: The given system is mixed-determined. assigned enhancement high 2.0.0 Backend
#4533 FMIL cannot delete Cpp FMUs binaries assigned defect high Future FMI
#4535 Structural singularity related to electric ground placement new defect high Future Backend
#4560 BackendDAE.adjacencyRowEnhanced fails with array function new defect high Future Backend
#4589 Investigate using AvlSetInt for Adjacency Matrix new enhancement high Future Backend
#4591 partitionIndependentBlocksEq stack overflow new defect high Future Backend
#4631 FMU clash with IPython and PyFMI (JSON involved) new defect high Future FMI
#4641 FMU exported from OpenModelica 1.13.0 does not integrate correctly until end of integration interval (time event missing) new defect high FMI
#4707 Wrong symbols naming in FMU import library new defect high Future FMI
#4740 "if noEvent()" won't protect sqrt from being called new defect high Future Backend
#4777 Support modification of description string new enhancement high Future Backend
#4792 wrapFunctionCall does not work for array outputs new enhancement high Backend
#4870 Do not evaluate parameter-dependent assertions at each time step. new enhancement high 2.0.0 Code Generation
#4871 Avoid using DIVISION macros in the dynamic equations if the denominator is a parameter-dependent expression new enhancement high 2.0.0 Code Generation
#4881 removeEqualFunctionCalls and wrapFunctionCalls new defect high Future Backend
#4888 ModelicaExternalC libraries for Visual Studio are missing new defect high Future Run-time
#4893 ligc segfault at fmiInstantiateModel new defect high Future Code Generation
#4952 Remove obsolete removeEqualFunctionCalls backend module assigned defect high Backend
#4998 table.getNextTimeEvent new defect high Future Backend
#5000 Use Model_init.xml in the resources folder of FMU instead of compiling Model_init_fmu.c new defect high Future FMI
#5064 Inline doesn't work properly new defect high Future Backend
#5082 internal compiler error: Segmentation fault new defect high Future Code Generation
#5108 Models with large arrays of parameters cause the runtime to segfault new defect high Run-time
#5113 [FMI] Fix issues with input/output String/Boolean in FMUs new defect high Future FMI
#5124 Very simple model is detected as over-determined new defect high Future Backend
#5141 Issues with the solution of fluid system models with low delta-p components new defect high Run-time
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