Custom Query (792 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 792)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4746 Trace back where a given component is defined (or modified) in a class adrpo enhancement high Future Frontend
#4755 Reduce memory usage when building models in OpenModelica enhancement high 2.1.0 *unknown*
#4765 Problem with stacking of icons adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#4774 Make Interactive Simulation (OPC UA server) work with Cpp runtime enhancement high Cpp Run-time
#4777 Support modification of description string lochel enhancement high Future Backend
#4785 Memory is never given back somebody defect high *unknown*
#4792 wrapFunctionCall does not work for array outputs lochel enhancement high Backend
#4797 Is there a way to define a LaTex formatted text to dfine a symob for a variable in OM? adeas31 enhancement high Future OMEdit
#4801 Possible display unit are handled differently for variables and outputs (and inputs) adeas31 defect high Future OMEdit
#4804 IDEAS.Buildings.Examples.Structure crashes OMEdit 32 bit on Windows 10 somebody defect high NeedsInput *unknown*
#4851 Split the 16dae.c source file into multiple files wbraun enhancement high Code Generation
#4870 Do not evaluate parameter-dependent assertions at each time step. lochel enhancement high 2.0.0 Code Generation
#4871 Avoid using DIVISION macros in the dynamic equations if the denominator is a parameter-dependent expression lochel enhancement high 2.0.0 Code Generation
#4877 Optionally prune all the equations in a model that are not needed to compute the outputs wbraun enhancement high Future Backend
#4881 removeEqualFunctionCalls and wrapFunctionCalls lochel defect high Future Backend
#4888 ModelicaExternalC libraries for Visual Studio are missing lochel defect high Future Run-time
#4890 strange power somebody defect high Future Backend
#4893 ligc segfault at fmiInstantiateModel lochel defect high Future Code Generation
#4895 listArrayLiteral in uniontype constant gives compilation errors defect high Future MetaModelica
#4898 The variableFilter option of the simulate() API does not filter parameters and constants somebody defect high Command Prompt Environment
#4901 The NF does not check if redeclared functions are legal perost defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#4908 [NF] Issues with inner/outer with redeclare perost defect high Future New Instantiation
#4954 Add a default style.css which OMEdits info/revisions view uses adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#4960 Evaluate all parameters except some perost enhancement high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4972 Annotations in extended clause have no effect adeas31 defect high Future OMEdit
#4998 table.getNextTimeEvent lochel defect high Future Backend
#5000 Use Model_init.xml in the resources folder of FMU instead of compiling Model_init_fmu.c lochel defect high Future FMI
#5022 Disabled HPCOM test mwalther defect high Future Run-time
#5026 C++ Runtime Static Linking is not working somebody defect high Cpp Run-time
#5028 Add readDerivatives to readSimulationResultVars() API function enhancement high Interactive Environment
#5061 [NF] Are public parameters allowed in functions by the Modelica spec? perost defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5064 Inline doesn't work properly lochel defect high Future Backend
#5067 Mac openmodelica-devel fails to build defect high Future Build Environment
#5070 Build a new class out of selected components adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#5082 internal compiler error: Segmentation fault lochel defect high Future Code Generation
#5107 SymbolicJacobian.generateSparsePattern scales as O(N^2) wbraun defect high Backend
#5108 Models with large arrays of parameters cause the runtime to segfault lochel defect high Run-time
#5113 [FMI] Fix issues with input/output String/Boolean in FMUs lochel defect high Future FMI
#5121 Use template files for Makefiles for C and FMU build that users can change defect high Future Build Environment
#5123 Support installations of multiple releases in Windows adeas31 enhancement high Future Installation program
#5124 Very simple model is detected as over-determined lochel defect high Future Backend
#5141 Issues with the solution of fluid system models with low delta-p components lochel defect high Run-time
#5142 Plot shows different value than the calculated value through simulation somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5149 Discrete integer input causes internal error when generating code (but validated without any errors) lochel defect high Future Backend
#5150 The utility sample() freezes the output after a amount of simulation time. jordeam@… defect high Future OMSimulator
#5154 Strange license of FMI run-time lochel discussion high Future FMI
#5164 OMEdit should help remove wrong modifiers adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#5165 Weird behaviour of OMEdit when saving adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#5166 Feature request: same increment of horizontal and vertical axis adeas31 enhancement high Future OMEdit
#5184 Larger models of ScalableTestSuite fail on Hudson because of code generation timeout adrpo defect high Testing Framework
#5196 Memory leak with inline arrays in when clauses lochel defect high Future FMI
#5197 Derivatives in IDA cpp target somebody defect high Future Cpp Run-time
#5214 URI expansion misinterprets control characters lochel defect high Future Code Generation
#5217 Issue with daeMode result interpolation wbraun defect high Run-time
#5220 Issue with sundials macports adrpo defect high Testing Framework
#5248 Implement saveTotalModel using the new frontend somebody defect high 2.1.0 Interactive Environment
#5257 OMEdit works only if started as superuser trlo defect high Future *unknown*
#5258 Top-level parameter tolerance is replaced by OMEdit with the simulation tolerance adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#5267 Additional variables added in FMUs exported from OM lochel discussion high Future FMI
#5269 Make number of decimals in OMEdit plots and variable browser customizable adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#5295 Support Modelica 3.4 lang spec defect high Parser
#5300 Support the inverse annotation lochel defect high 2.0.0 Backend
#5327 zoom factor in OMEdit animation vwaurich defect high OMEdit
#5331 illogical "incompatible components" error in library model replica somebody defect high Future Frontend
#5334 Check for wrong annotations perost enhancement high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5341 OMEdit claiming flowrate variable is not constant lochel defect high Future Initialization
#5349 Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed! lochel defect high Future OMSimulator
#5353 Enhance the LOG_STATS output to tell apart time spent by the solver and by the generated code lochel defect high Run-time
#5354 Allow to differentiate expressions w.r.t. state derivatives to compute analytic Jacobian for daeMode wbraun enhancement high Backend
#5360 Issues with diffModelicaFileListings defect high Interactive Environment
#5361 Inconsistent Variable Filter between .mat and .csv format lochel defect high Run-time
#5365 find declared but unused variables and parameters somebody enhancement high Future *unknown*
#5368 Nightly Build 1.14.0 giving odd Syntax Warnings and Effecting Old Simulation Results somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5370 Modelica compiler should issue warnings when clocked equations appear outside of the when equations lochel discussion high 2.0.0 Backend
#5371 Heat Exchanger Model works & simulates but doesn't actually transfer energy to raise outlet temperature lochel defect high Future OMSimulator
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? somebody discussion high Future *unknown*
#5376 How can I simulate my models better and more specifically? lochel defect high Future OMSimulator
#5379 Cannot execute in path containing @ lochel defect high Future FMI
#5386 Wrong copyright notice installed defect high Future Documentation
#5391 How do I fix the error, “Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations” somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5396 how to select a large number of output variables in a mos script somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5398 getClassInformation returns wrong source info somebody defect high Interactive Environment
#5402 sample(...) operator does not work in Cpp FMU runtime lochel defect high Future Code Generation
#5414 Unsolvable Error pertaining to variable not found within model lochel defect high Future OMSimulator
#5419 Interactive simulation crashing due to missed deadlines for all but the simplest models somebody defect high *unknown*
#5421 New FMU (OMEdit 1.13.2) failed load from cffi in lisp lochel defect high FMI
#5424 How do I access/locate the code fragment transformations while my model is being flattened? somebody defect high Future Frontend
#5433 FMU GetString returns \x3 lochel defect high Future FMI
#5438 Process crashed Simulation Process Failed. Exited with code -1073741511. adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#5440 visualization crash vwaurich defect high Future OMEdit
#5474 [NF] Lookup of inner class fails perost defect high New Instantiation
#5480 Automatic formatting does not respect indentation adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#5491 Interactive simulation ignores RealInput changes when using kinsol as nonlinear solver somebody defect high *unknown*
#5494 RemoveSimpleEquations module should remove simple equations with parametric coefficients lochel discussion high Future Backend
#5496 Model structure and Jacobian for vectorized models lochel defect high Backend
#5498 High Memory Usage When Opening a Model somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5499 setParameters of ModelicaSystem has no effect on simulation alash325 defect high Future OMPython
#5532 Support use of interactive variables in the OMC API somebody defect high Future Interactive Environment
#5545 Improve diagnostics for wrong connectors perost enhancement high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5549 Cross compilation of FMUs for Win64 on Ubuntu is broken for some models working with files lochel defect high 2.0.0 FMI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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