Custom Query (49 matches)


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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#2132 getComponentAnnotations should evaluate the parameters casella,, perost assigned adrpo defect blocker
#4611 Processing arrays of records fails lochel, AnHeuermann, perost reopened Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#5288 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 3.2.3 models with NF lochel, AnHeuermann, Karim.Abdelhak, perost assigned casella enhancement blocker
#5346 Duplicate model function in OMEdit should work without compromises dr.christian.kral@…, dietmarw, ceraolo, perost, adrpo new adeas31 defect blocker
#5543 OMEdit does not check if added connections are valid adrpo, perost new adrpo defect blocker
#5621 Issue with FMI import casella, perost reopened lochel defect blocker
#5724 Make sure OMEdit doesn't break if inappropriate flags are selected olivleno, perost new adeas31 defect blocker
#5855 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 4.0.0 models adrpo, perost new casella defect blocker
#6123 Preserve order of modifiers in OMEdit adrpo, perost, Andrea.Bartolini new adeas31 defect blocker
#6129 choicesAllMatching doesn't return the appropriate class references Andrea.Bartolini, perost accepted adrpo defect blocker
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables perost, Frenkel, TUD, wbraun, ptaeuber, kaja.balzereit@… assigned somebody defect critical
#3186 Partial binding of record sub-components in functions are lost perost assigned perost defect critical
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. adrpo,, perost, mahge930 new lochel defect critical
#5682 Provide information about wrong graphical annotations when checking models in OMEdit lochel, perost assigned adrpo defect critical
#5813 Improve selection of start attributes for alias variables Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann, adrpo, perost, phannebohm, adrien.guironnet@…, rfranke new casella defect critical
#5964 Link relevant OpenModelica workshop presentations and project deliverables to OMC User's Guide niklwors, Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann, perost new adeas31 enhancement critical
#6269 Creating new Composite model freezes OMEdit (WSL) perost, new adeas31 defect critical
#6351 Severe memory management issue in Ubuntu adrpo, perost, Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann reopened defect critical
#1458 Cyclic default-bindings in functions are still accepted, perost reopened defect high
#1562 F77 functions sometimes overwrite input arguments perost accepted perost defect high
#1616 Unbound parameter warning should be output during instantiation and not elaboration perost new perost defect high
#1628 Subscripting jagged arrays give errors, perost new defect high
#1709 BigInt package, adrpo, perost, petar new enhancement high
#1770 Polymorphism breaks in RML and OMC adrpo, perost new somebody defect high
#1899 Discusssion on how to make the generated code smaller wbraun, jfrenkel, lochel,, perost new somebody discussion high
#2941 Replace all Package.RECORD with Package.UnionType.RECORD?, perost new somebody discussion high
#3070 Noise package does not work (replaceable package + function objects) Andreas.Kloeckner@…,, mahge930, petfr, perost accepted adrpo defect high
#3182 dimension size of function calls perost,, adrpo, niklwors new somebody defect high
#3706 OMEdit does not render some icons perost assigned adrpo defect high
#3853 Clean up OpenModelica base libraries hkiel, perost, petfr new task high
#4149 Cannot instantiate equation in Joystick model adrpo, perost,, bthiele new somebody defect high
#4603 Provide support for start-value selection according to the Modelica Specification lochel, AnHeuermann, perost assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#4755 Reduce memory usage when building models in OpenModelica perost new enhancement high
#4756 Clock partitioning should be skipped in systems without clock partitions bthiele, perost accepted defect high
#5947 Backend cannot solve for variable indexed array elements casella, perost, phannebohm, bbachmann, lochel, ceraolo, adrien.guironnet@… new Karim.Abdelhak discussion high
#6240 Extend overconstrained connector semantics to handle dynamic branches AnHeuermann, phannebohm, perost, adrpo, dietmarw, ceraolo, Andrea.Bartolini, adrien.guironnet@…, rfranke, dr.christian.kral@…, anton.haumer@… new Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high
#6352 Function returning record with array fails Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann, perost accepted mahge930 defect high
#6410 Issues with simulation of Fluid-based models with NF perost assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#6429 [MM] Add listFlatten and listFlattenReverse in C for more performance perost new defect high
#1677 Missing check of 7.1.3 Restrictions on the Kind of Base Class, perost new defect normal
#2276 detecting size mismatch for output arguments in functions perost reopened somebody defect normal
#2443 Bootstrapped compiler wish list perost,, petfr new defect normal
#2957 MetaModelica reflection API adrpo, perost, peter.fritzson@… new enhancement normal
#3538 function outputs array slice lochel, mahge930, perost, wbraun new somebody discussion normal
#4513 expandable connector connects array-Variables adrpo, perost new somebody defect normal
#5275 Backend issues with ThermalSeparation library wbraun, Karim.Abdelhak, thomas.marx@…, AnHeuermann, perost, schmitz@… new defect normal
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit adrpo, perost new somebody defect normal
#1429 Some kinds of array equations are not supported perost, Jens.Frenkel@…, wbraun assigned somebody defect low
#1747 Implement checks for all connection rules in chapter 9 perost new perost task low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.