Custom Query (76 matches)


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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables perost, Frenkel, TUD, wbraun, ptaeuber, kaja.balzereit@… assigned somebody defect critical
#2648 wrong simulation results for pulsed voltage source cschubert, wbraun, lochel accepted wbraun defect critical
#2685 Connector with record fails with code generation issues wbraun, lochel, vwaurich, mahge930 assigned mahge930 defect critical
#2734 numeric evaluation of expressions in the symbolic pre-processing wbraun, vitalij new somebody defect critical
#3937 ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver casella, wbraun new somebody defect critical
#4131 Superfluous variables and parameters are part of the simulation wbraun, lochel new lochel defect critical
#4957 Inefficient code generated for record derivatives wbraun new lochel defect critical
#5099 Merging min/max attributes for alias elimination wbraun, vitalij, bachmann, Andrea.Bartolini new Karim.Abdelhak enhancement critical
#1410 Algebraic loop is generated instead of a known variable, Frenkel, TUD, wbraun new defect high
#1514 Backend: Integer linear systems are not handled properly, Frenkel, TUD, wbraun new defect high
#1551 Index reduction fails for "simple" model, Frenkel, TUD, lochel, wbraun new defect high
#1625 OMEdit: change the View with incorrect code wbraun, adeas31 new wbraun discussion high
#1643 FMU is not re-initialized after set continuous state Frenkel, TUD, azazi, wbraun assigned jfrenkel defect high
#1741 Runtime parameter evaluation and external objects mburisch, lochel, wbraun new mburisch defect high
#1899 Discusssion on how to make the generated code smaller wbraun, jfrenkel, lochel,, perost new somebody discussion high
#2080 Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.PrismaticJoint wbraun, jfrenkel assigned lochel defect high
#2576 Partial Function Evaluation in Backend for Spice3 adrpo,, wbraun, lochel, vwaurich, jfrenkel new probably noone defect high
#2577 derivatives start-value wbraun, lochel, fcasella new probably noone defect high
#2689 mapping of zero crossings to equations does not work properly, wbraun assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#2756 OM reports an error in the C code it creates lochel, wbraun accepted mahge930 defect high
#2788 Enumerated types causing errors lochel, wbraun assigned wbraun defect high
#2825 Override of Q-Idents cbrinkrolf@…, adrpo,, adeas31, wbraun new somebody defect high
#2883 Restructuring SimCode phase adrpo, mahge930, vwaurich, mwalther, wbraun, niklwors new lochel task high
#2967 Pantelides fails for arrays wbraun, lochel new somebody defect high
#2973 relations vs. zero crossings niklwors, wbraun new somebody discussion high
#3024 Support for if equations inside when equations Lars.Mikelsons@…, wbraun, lochel new somebody defect high
#3068 Model fails because linear system solver fails wbraun, lochel, bachmann new somebody defect high
#3069 Model needs very long simulation time with Cellier Tearing wbraun, lochel accepted ptaeuber defect high
#3216 cseCall and DIVISION wbraun, lochel new somebody defect high
#3272 VehicleInterfaces.Examples.FrontWheelDriveManualVehicle generates bad results wbraun, lochel new somebody defect high
#3293 Array of records containing array get wrong equation count. mahge930, adrpo, wbraun new somebody defect high
#3314 Under RHEL6.5, the VanDerPol FMU created by omc r25909 segfaults when run using fmusdk2 adeas31, wbraun new defect high
#3411 Compiler does not detect unassigned variable in some cases with if equations wbraun new defect high
#3418 Bad performance of Spice3BenchmarkFourBitBinaryAdder dominating MSL 3.2.1 tests, rfranke, niklwors, mwalther, wbraun new somebody defect high
#3478 Performance issue for Chemical.Examples.AcidBase.AlbuminTitration lochel, wbraun, casella, vwaurich accepted lochel defect high
#3494 Start values not taken from modelDescription.xml adrpo, wbraun assigned wbraun defect high
#3511 BackendDAEUtil.tryToSolveOrDerive don't use functionTree wbraun, ptaeuber assigned lochel defect high
#3586 FMI import crashes adrpo, wbraun, lochel assigned lochel defect high
#3943 Implement support for daeMode in the C++ runtime wbraun, rfranke assigned niklwors defect high
#3966 zero detection or array index error lochel, wbraun new somebody defect high
#3997 Missing replacement of identifiers when inlining functions wbraun, vitalij assigned adrpo defect high
#4069 Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime wbraun, niklwors accepted wbraun defect high
#4118 removeSimpleEquation failed vwaurich, wbraun new lochel defect high
#4122 Simulation fails in OpenModelica, Works in JModelica lochel, wbraun assigned wbraun defect high
#4127 Losing Loop with ArrayEquations?? wbraun new somebody defect high
#4129 Inefficient array code generation vwaurich, vitalij, wbraun new lochel defect high
#4229 Augmented bouncing ball model falls through if exported and imported as FMU petfr, alejandro.danos@…, rd.castro@…,, lochel, wbraun new adeas31 defect high
#4313 Read and write issues with KeyWordIO wbraun, lochel assigned adrpo defect high
#4317 Allow $ in component references and type names in mos scripts wbraun new defect high
#4384 Memory management of pre values vitalij, wbraun new lochel discussion high
#4420 OpenModelica hangs for minutes on examples that are otherwise solvable in milliseconds wbraun assigned ptaeuber defect high
#4480 Initial conditions are not considered properly when applying Re-simulate wbraun, lochel new adeas31 defect high
#4589 Investigate using AvlSetInt for Adjacency Matrix lochel, wbraun new lochel enhancement high
#4630 Rethink mathematical simplifications, casella, ptaeuber, lochel, wbraun, vwaurich new somebody defect high
#4711 DrumBoiler model unnecessarily slow due to lack of analytic jacobiann wbraun new ptaeuber defect high
#4740 "if noEvent()" won't protect sqrt from being called wbraun, lochel new lochel defect high
#4870 Do not evaluate parameter-dependent assertions at each time step., wbraun new lochel enhancement high
#4890 strange power casella, wbraun new somebody defect high
#4902 Tiny simulation steps after recent nightly build wbraun assigned casella defect high
#5361 Inconsistent Variable Filter between .mat and .csv format, wbraun, lochel new lochel defect high
#1211 Nested der-expressions generates invalid simulation code lochel, wbraun, assigned somebody defect normal
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork adrpo, fcasella, wbraun, jfrenkel assigned wbraun enhancement normal
#2498 simulation fails with measureTime=true wbraun, lochel new defect normal
#3074 Insufficient information about assertion violations lochel, wbraun, adeas31 accepted wbraun defect normal
#3538 function outputs array slice lochel, mahge930, perost, wbraun new somebody discussion normal
#3556 pseudo loops with function wbraun new somebody defect normal
#4006 SimCode scales as O(N^2) in models with many when clauses and events wbraun assigned wbraun defect normal
#4117 partial differential create complex ArrayEquation? wbraun new somebody defect normal
#4146 Summary of omc scaling issues wbraun assigned casella defect normal
#4389 Improve warnings and diagnostics for missing start attributes in nonlinear systems wbraun new somebody enhancement normal
#4484 Model becomes singular if equations are written inside if-else wbraun, lochel new lochel defect normal
#4979 An optimization with annotations trouble wbraun new vitalij defect normal
#5275 Backend issues with ThermalSeparation library wbraun, Karim.Abdelhak, thomas.marx@…, AnHeuermann, perost, schmitz@… new defect normal
#5520 OMSI build fails with newer sundials wbraun, niklwors, AnHeuermann new defect normal
#1429 Some kinds of array equations are not supported perost, Jens.Frenkel@…, wbraun assigned somebody defect low
#3568 Performance issues in DIVISION_SIM casella, adrpo, wbraun new somebody discussion low
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