
Version 4 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


1.9.0 | Future?

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.1

The most important enhancements in the OpenModelica 1.9.1 release:

  • Improved library support.
  • Further enhanced OMC compiler front-end coverage and scalability
  • Significant improved simulation support for libraries using Fluid and Media.
  • Dynamic model debugger for equation-based models integrated with OMEdit.
  • Dynamic algorithm model debugger with OMEdit; including support for MetaModelica when using the bootstrapped compiler.

New features: Dynamic debugger for equation-based models; Dynamic Optimization with collocation built into OpenModelica, performance analyzer integrated with the equation model debugger.

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release mainly includes improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), including, but not restricted to the following:

  • Further improved OMC model compiler support for a number of libraries including MSL 3.2.1, ModelicaTest 3.2.1, PetriNet, Buildings, PowerSystems, OpenHydraulics, ThermoPower, and ThermoSysPro.
  • Further enhanced OMC compiler front-end coverage, scalability, speed and memory.
  • Better coverage of Modelica libraries using Fluid and Media.
  • Automatic differentiation of algorithms and functions.
  • Improved testing facilities and library coverage reporting.
  • Improved model compilation speed by compiling model parts in parallel (bootstrapped compiler).
  • Support for running model simulations in a web browser.
  • New faster initialization that handles over-determined systems, under-determined systems, or both.
  • Compiler back-end partly redesigned for improved scalability and better modularity.
  • * Better tearing support.
  • The first run-time Modelica equation-based model debugger, not available in any other Modelica tool, integrated with OMEdit.
  • Enhanced performance profiler integrated with the debugger.
  • Improved parallelization prototype with several parallelization strategies, task merging and duplication, shorter critical paths, several scheduling strategies.
  • Some support for general solving of mixed systems of equations.
  • Better error messages.
  • Improved bootstrapped OpenModelica compiler.
  • Better handling of array subscripts and dimensions.
  • Improved support for reduction functions and operators.
  • Better support for partial functions.
  • Better support for function tail recursion, which reduces memory usage.
  • Partial function evaluation in the back-end to improve solving singular systems.
  • Better handling of events/zero crossings.
  • Support for colored Jacobians.
  • New differentiation package that can handle a much larger number of expressions.
  • Support for sparse solvers.
  • Better handling of asserts.
  • Improved array and matrix support.
  • Improved overloaded operators support.
  • Improved handling of overconstrained connection graphs.
  • Better support for the cardinality operator.
  • Parallel compilation of generated code for speeding up compilation.
  • Split of model files into several for better compilation scalability.
  • Default linear tearing.
  • Support for impure functions.
  • Better compilation flag documentation.
  • Better automatic generation of documentation.
  • Better support for calling functions via instance.
  • New text template based unparsing for DAE, Absyn, SCode, TaskGraphs, etc.
  • Better support for external objects.
    • #2724, reject non-constructor functions returning external objects
  • Improved C++ runtime.
  • Improved testing facilities.
  • New unit checking implementation.
  • Support for model rewriting expressions via rewriting rules in an external file.
  • Reject more bad code
    • r19986, consider records with different components type-incompatible

OpenModelica Connection Editor (OMEdit)

  • Convenient editing of model parameter values and re-simulation without recompilation after parameter changes.
  • Improved plotting.
  • Better handling of flags/units/resources/crashes.
  • Run-time Modelica equation-based model debugger that provides both dynamic run-time debugging and debugging of symbolic transformations.
  • Run-time Modelica algorithmic code debugger; also MetaModelica debugger with the bootstrapped OpenModelica compiler.


The interface was changed to version 2.0, which uses one object for each OpenModelica instance you want active. It also features a new and improved parser that returns easier to use datatypes like maps and lists.


A builtin integrated Dynamic Optimization module with collocation, using Ipopt, is now available.

FMI Support

Support for FMI 2.0 model exchange import and export has been added. FMI 1.0 support has been further improved.

Detailed Changes

Component: *unknown* (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2733 test suite w/o cpp runtime test fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2760 Comments in -overrideFile fixed somebody enhancement normal trunk

Component: Backend (42 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1459 Algorithm sections do not handle assertions in all cases fixed defect high
#1804 nonlinear solver failed for torn system fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1867 Don't throw with "Division by zero" if it's treatable fixed wbraun enhancement high trunk
#1941 outerProduct not implemented fixed defect normal trunk
#2014 Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Examples.CascodeCircuit fixed vwaurich task normal trunk
#2040 Simcode scales badly for large linear systems fixed wbraun enhancement normal trunk
#2104 Algebraic expressions in when conditions not parsed correctly fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2140 Enable Tearing by default fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2243 reinit() statements do not appear in the xml produced by dumpXMLDAE fixed adrpo defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#2336 Enumeration array with bindings flagged as structurally singular fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2341 for objective forget remove alias fixed vitalij defect high trunk
#2360 Re-write findZeroCrossings2 on tail-recursive form fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2366 Record with real vectors and equations fixed probably noone defect high 1.9.0Beta
#2399 array assignment does not work properly fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2405 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.RevoluteConstraint fails in Linux works in Windows fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2410 XML Dump doesnot generate all equations fixed alash325 defect high trunk
#2429 Erroneous sign of a flow variable fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2432 no support for mixed systems containing algorithms fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#2452 wrong calculation of the number of variables and equations fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#2454 No MathML Output for Conditions of When Equations fixed adrpo defect normal trunk
#2455 "mixed system involving complex equation" fixed defect blocker trunk
#2458 De-duplication of icons from the python icon generator script fixed enhancement high trunk
#2476 18121 won't build on Mac fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2491 18292 and newer won't build on Mac fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2493 unexpected process crash (OM r17838) fixed defect high trunk
#2504 Initialization: start value which is an unfixed parameter fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2510 OpenModelica computes incorrect results if equations are slightly reformulated fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2557 Report parameters with fixed = true and no binding equations fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2561 Misleading Errormessage for singular inital system fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#2574 mark parameters without a default binding changeable for OMEdit fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2575 missing edges in dumping graphml files fixed wbraun defect normal trunk
#2583 wrongly initialized algebraic variable having fixed=true fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2601 attributes get lost for optimization models fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2682 ExpressionSolve.solve fails fixed probably noone defect critical trunk
#2688 Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2701 20713 won't build on Mac fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2704 impure functions are not constant fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2718 Relation with DAE.LUNARY not handled correctly fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#2769 Partially evaluated function is not included in c-code fixed defect critical trunk
#2833 ExpressionSolve fails fixed vitalij defect high trunk
#2837 Wrong code generation for model fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2855 Unnecessary mixed-integer equations could be solved by better BLT fixed lochel defect blocker trunk

Component: Build Environment (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1788 Testsuite restructuring fixed openmodelicadevelopers@… task high trunk
#2109 Use separate packages for libraries and OpenModelica fixed defect high trunk
#2513 -lintl -liconv missing from omc link fixed defect high trunk
#2526 Libraries are downloaded twice fixed defect low trunk
#2554 build of omc creates non-existent link which errors out "make install" fixed defect high trunk
#2654 Mac openmodelica-devel with modelica3d fails to build fixed defect high trunk

Component: Code Generation (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1949 Support partial function evaluation fixed enhancement high trunk
#2285 bad code generation for arrays fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#2414 Split the generated C file for simulation further? fixed adeas31 discussion normal trunk
#2496 adding proper support of arrays to Susan language fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2528 block activationCon does not work properly fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2569 Problem with code generation - external functions with records fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#2603 generated C code contains newlines in string literals fixed defect critical trunk
#2683 Do not generate self-assignments fixed defect high trunk
#2691 code generation error when profiling fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2708 wrong generated code for Q-IDENTs fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#2720 Ordering of ExternalObject constructors is reversed fixed perost defect high trunk
#2749 code generation fails for PN model fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2752 code generation errors for zero crossings fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2762 Process crashed -- Simulation process exited with code 0 fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2817 Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots crashes fixed defect high trunk
#2823 Quadratic complexity for lists in SimCodeUtil.replaceLiteralExp fixed defect normal trunk

Component: Documentation (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2722 OpenModelica scripting documentation fixed defect critical trunk

Component: FMI (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2440 FMI export, add pthreadGC2.dll to the FMU fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2441 FMI export: remove garbage we add to the integer if is an enumeration fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2442 Support all the causality values in PySimulator fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2623 FMI resource location fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2625 FMI Mac binary location fixed defect high trunk
#2706 FMI export - dll dependency fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2767 fmi2GetDerivatives shifts value references by -1 when calling getReal of FMU fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#2772 FMI export Linux fmiFreeModelInstance fixed defect high trunk
#2818 Stoptime not retained in FMU fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2840 Segmentation fault if assertion fails in FMU fixed wbraun defect high trunk

Component: Frontend (70 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1824 model not knowing inherited global Variables fixed perost defect high trunk
#2376 Error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'modelica_real' from type 'real_array' fixed defect high trunk
#2383 Change "class restriction" in error messages to "specialized class" fixed perost defect normal trunk
#2386 Erroneous constant evaluation of condition in assert relating to connectors fixed perost defect high trunk
#2412 Include and Library annotations for external function do not work when dynamic loading the function fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2418 component modification references wrong scope fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2419 Make getMessagesStringInternal called only by OMEdit return unique errors fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2422 loadFile("path/to/library/") loads the wrong library fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2448 Dependency analysis caught in stack overflow fixed perost defect high trunk
#2495 Looking for a function ... but found a RECORD fixed defect high trunk
#2503 protected extends is not propagated correctly fixed perost defect high trunk
#2505 Code generation fails for a simple model fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#2519 constant evaluation of spice3 functions fails, needed for Inverter example fixed somebody defect critical trunk
#2521 Type mismatch on hierarchical matrix fixed defect high trunk
#2525 Issue with for loops fixed defect high trunk
#2529 Vectorization of unknown dimensions fails fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2532 Incorrect multilevel matrix slicing/indexing fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2542 Add flag to replace homotopy(actual, simplified) with actual or simplified fixed adrpo enhancement high trunk
#2555 Missing cast for integer array fixed defect high trunk
#2556 Support qualified component references in external function definitions fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2566 Parameters with fixed = false and binding equation should be reported fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2585 connects for array components do not work anymore fixed perost defect high trunk
#2587 Matrix concatenation isn't simplified properly in some cases fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2602 Handle function default arguments better fixed perost defect high trunk
#2604 setState__pTX error using different Media (Modelica.Fluid and Modelica.Media) fixed adrpo defect high 1.9.0Beta
#2607 Unparser omitts required parentheses fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#2616 Error: Error occurred while flattening model fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2640 Handle functions with default bindings to inputs fixed perost defect high trunk
#2642 Multiple modifier fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2643 Generation of Equations from Record Default values not avoided if modification exist fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#2650 same instance name in several hierachical levels generate wrong crefs fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2657 Include annotation still ignored when using functions defined outside package fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2658 Wrong C code generated in ThermoPower example case fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2662 Handle self-referencing function calls fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2668 Sign error in matrix operations fixed perost defect high trunk
#2681 concatenation in function fails fixed perost defect critical trunk
#2687 Overloading '-' fixed defect high trunk
#2695 can't translate models with interdependence fixed defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#2702 Keep the Real formatting in list(...) exactly as the user wrote it fixed defect high trunk
#2705 gravityAcceleration function has no inline annotation fixed perost defect high trunk
#2707 Unparsing of expression n*(n*v) produces wrong result for vectors fixed perost defect blocker trunk
#2714 Concat in function in non algorithm section fixed defect high trunk
#2723 OM accepts invalid code fixed perost defect low trunk
#2724 Return error for non-constructor functions returning external objects fixed defect high trunk
#2727 Inherited modifications are lost when redeclaring a component. fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2729 Short class definition for functions without parameter fixed perost defect high trunk
#2731 classDirectory() does not conform to uses in commercial libraries fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2737 Handle inherited replaceable functions called in functions fixed defect high trunk
#2739 Redeclared functions do not get a new name fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2741 Wrong warning for connector fixed perost defect high trunk
#2743 Transpose gives wrong results with more than 2 dimensions fixed perost defect high trunk
#2757 double sum fail fixed defect high trunk
#2761 Buildings.Examples.Tutorial.Boiler failing fixed defect high trunk
#2768 checkModel error with function handles fixed defect high trunk
#2770 Vectorize calls with more than 1 unknown dimension or more than 1 unknown call argument fixed defect high trunk
#2779 Indexing with zero gives no error message fixed perost defect normal trunk
#2784 Lost parameter value with replaceable/redeclare fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2786 Fix simplification of multiple iterators fixed defect critical trunk
#2791 Array constructor with several iterators fixed defect high trunk
#2832 Annotation in external objects is lost when instantiating fixed defect high trunk
#2835 Overconstrained connector support for types extending basic types fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2836 NFSCodeDependency removes used class fixed perost defect high trunk
#2851 Flag +replaceHomotopy does not work if the code uses named arguments fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2853 Annex60 model fails after new lookup fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2854 Generate unique names for functions called via components fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2862 Size expression from wrong scope ends up in generate function code fixed defect high trunk
#2877 saveTotalSCode with +showAnnotations generates bad file fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2890 Compiler front-end fails if a records instantiates a record from another package fixed defect high trunk
#2898 Error in one model makes all other models fail fixed perost defect high trunk
#2916 Handle overconstrained Connections.* with array of zero size fixed somebody defect high trunk

Component: Installation program (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2427 Compilation problems in GUI, /usr/include/qt4/QtGui ? fixed defect high trunk
#2487 Mac dyld error on run fixed defect high trunk
#2652 OMPython missing on MacPorts installer fixed adeas31 enhancement high 1.9.0Beta

Component: Interactive Environment (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1795 Move getExperimentAnnotation to typed scripting fixed defect high
#2517 wrong computation in OMShell fixed perost defect high trunk
#2570 list API makes the model invalid fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2571 getSimulationOptions returns empty string fixed defect high trunk
#2580 Make simulate not clear error-buffer fixed defect high trunk
#2644 Scripted for loop string concatenation not working fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2871 Models that work on command line and OMShell do not work in OMEdit fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2917 Unable to add/modify/delete protected classes fixed adrpo defect high trunk

Component: MetaModelica (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2794 intMod and intDiv should fail, not generate C arithmetic exceptions fixed defect high trunk
#2813 Nested for-loops over lists segfaults fixed defect high trunk
#2816 Support threaded reductions language extension fixed defect high trunk
#2822 Code generation for function aliases fixed defect normal trunk
#2824 Issues with multi-iterator list comprehension fixed defect high trunk
#2827 Function partial application doesn't work with polymorphic types fixed defect high trunk
#2885 Bind partially evaluated function to local component fixed enhancement normal trunk
#2886 Implement support for algorithm section in match/matchcontinue fixed enhancement normal trunk
#2887 Implement construct similar to try/catch fixed enhancement normal trunk
#2889 Function pointers loose their default values fixed defect normal trunk
#2896 Looping over list array element doesn't work correctly fixed defect high trunk

Component: OMEdit (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2142 It is not clear when simulation code files are generated fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2255 Units in plot windows are missing fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2281 Tolerance spinbox should be logatihmic fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2344 Erroneous display of two MSL 3.2.1. components fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2411 Changes in parameters in extended model don't change fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2424 Support links to resources fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2430 Number of intervals should be integer fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2431 "global precision value" issues fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2450 Omedit should allow graphic connections in WIP models fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2453 OMEdit crashes while typing into "Modelica Text View" fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2459 Have to simulate twice to plot results fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2460 OMEdit – Find/Replace fixed alash325 defect high trunk
#2465 Allow graphical connection to array of connectors in omedit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2470 Display values and descriptions for all variables fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2489 easer variable selection in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#2490 Support for modelica:// URIs for scripts in HTML fixed enhancement normal trunk
#2497 Connection misbehavior fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2509 Changing IP address crashes OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2518 Mac OMEdit simulation fails fixed defect high trunk
#2522 Plot Window icon and name glitches fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#2524 Erroneous parameter group identification in OMEDIT fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2531 Omedit should not let the user change final parameters (r18573) fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2568 NumberOfIntervals Issue in OMEdit (R18954) fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2589 Name not shown in a MSL component fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2590 OMEdit is still not working for multiple users on Linux fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2598 Difference in results obtained from MAT and CSV output formats fixed adeas31 defect high 1.9.0Beta
#2622 OMEdit OpenModelica 1.9.1 Nightly build does not work (missing dependency or path set up) fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2627 OMEdit crashes under Windows fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2635 ubuntu/debian packages should include libgc1c2 as a dependency fixed defect high trunk
#2645 Make re-simulation easier to find in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2666 Display issues in OMEDIT (r19853) fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2674 Sorting of Array-Variables in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2679 Problems with OpenModelica plot fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2680 Mac OMEdit won't open fixed defect high trunk
#2710 Add references to Mike Tiller's online resources in OMC fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2716 OpenModelicaText getting commented when adding Bitmaps in Icon/Diagram View fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2792 Connection lines are floating in diagram view of OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2798 OMEdit crashes when saving a model fixed defect high trunk
#2903 Output protected variables in OMEdit simulations fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk

Component: OMNotebook (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2101 DrModelica notebook needs to be updated fixed alash325 defect critical trunk
#2593 Examples not defined properly fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2665 DrModelica chapter on time is wrong fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2780 plot({x,y}) in OMNotebook plots single line (not two) fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: OMOptim (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2445 [PATCH] Compile under Fedora 19 fixed hubert.thieriot defect normal trunk
#2748 OMOptim cannot open fixed hubert.thieriot defect high trunk

Component: OMPython (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2223 PySimulator in OpenModelica 1.9.0 release fixed alash325 enhancement critical trunk

Component: Parser (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2401 Parser accepts wrong model fixed defect high trunk

Component: Run-time (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1048 delay gives wrong result for discrete signals (from MathCore) fixed wbraun defect critical
#1967 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.EngineV6 fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2042 model that simulated in 1.8.1 doesn't with 1.9beta3 fixed wbraun defect normal trunk
#2070 Make simulation helptext available from OMNotebook fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2098 MAT v. CSV output providing different simulation results fixed defect normal trunk
#2125 Update codegen for delay fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2207 nominal values get not evaluated if they depend on parameters fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2332 Thread-safe runtime system fixed defect high trunk
#2436 Mac OMEdit won't start fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2437 SystemDynamics.WorldDynamics.World2.Scenario_6 issues with dassl fixed wbraun defect normal trunk
#2462 filterOutput isn't working fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2508 Problems with variableFilter fixed defect high trunk
#2534 simulation results. How to handle the first data point? fixed lochel discussion high trunk
#2539 output intervals fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2597 *_init.xml and bounded nominal values fixed lochel discussion high trunk
#2614 import mat-files for initialization fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2633 0/0 is handled as 0 fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2641 OMEdit doesn't plot csv result fixed defect high trunk
#2655 SImulation executable goes into an infinite loop when externalInput.csv is empty. fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2667 Conditional connectors not handled by OMEdit fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#2841 Nominal values of iteration variables in non-linear system solvers fixed lochel defect high trunk

Component: Third-Party Libraries (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2766 Support Modelica3D on Mac fixed defect high trunk