Custom Query (250 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 250)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4041 Wrong structural singular equation system somebody defect high Backend
#4080 Simulation success is depending on number of intervals wbraun defect high Run-time
#4122 Simulation fails in OpenModelica, Works in JModelica wbraun defect high Future Backend
#4236 Icon not rendered if visible annotation is used defect high Interactive Environment
#4238 OMEdit shows strange behavior when loading system libraries automatically adrpo defect high Interactive Environment
#4277 Add the documentation of the Git feature in OMEdit alash325 defect high OMEdit
#4313 Read and write issues with KeyWordIO adrpo defect high Run-time
#4406 OMEdit: Option to automatically close Simulation Completed Window wbraun enhancement high Future Run-time
#4420 OpenModelica hangs for minutes on examples that are otherwise solvable in milliseconds ptaeuber defect high Future Backend
#4442 Incorrect evaluation of inner/outer and record dependencies perost defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4451 Unspecific error message: The given system is mixed-determined. lochel enhancement high 2.0.0 Backend
#4464 Import FMU Model Description fails for any model not named modelDescription.xml alash325 defect high Future FMI
#4471 Support IdealizedContact Library adrpo defect high Third-Party Libraries
#4501 Rotational display unit not converted correctly adrpo defect high Future Interactive Environment
#4519 Solving equations with a division by zero defect high Future Backend
#4533 FMIL cannot delete Cpp FMUs binaries lochel defect high Future FMI
#4539 Vendor specific annotation in MSL enhancement high Third-Party Libraries
#4549 Zero size string array wbraun defect high Future Run-time
#4603 Provide support for start-value selection according to the Modelica Specification Karim.Abdelhak defect high New Instantiation
#4749 Error: variable not found in scope (...) while flattening model defect high *unknown*
#4767 Number of intervals is influencing whether simulation run is successful wbraun defect high Future Run-time
#4782 Cannot pass a parameter value coming from a class to another class nested in another class!! defect high OMEdit
#4845 Tearing of linear systems produces singular system out of moderately-sized, well-posed models AnHeuermann defect high Backend
#4892 Execution statistics show wrong solver wbraun defect high Future Backend
#4902 Tiny simulation steps after recent nightly build casella defect high Backend
#4905 Restriction on input connection is not enforced by OMC perost defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#4952 Remove obsolete removeEqualFunctionCalls backend module lochel defect high Backend
#4989 Build error using homebrew's Qt 5.11 on macOS adeas31 defect high Future *unknown*
#4990 Should we make IDA the default ODE mode solver? AnHeuermann enhancement high Run-time
#4992 Should we skip some versions of the Buildings library in Hudson testing and in the OMC installer? task high Testing Framework
#5195 Division by zero during the initialization via file (.mat), of the system of equations. lochel discussion high Future Initialization
#5237 FreeBSD fails to build defect high Future Build Environment
#5256 Non-linear system iterations casella defect high Run-time
#5309 Descriptions of the meaning of Complex variable are lost in the simulation result file Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high Future Run-time
#5312 OMEdit does not handle final parameter bindings properly adrpo defect high NF API
#5344 Duplicate of model causes incomplete code perost defect high 2.0.0 Interactive Environment
#5351 HRSG Cloned Library Component / re-occuring pump error casella defect high 2.0.0 Third-Party Libraries
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? adrpo discussion high Future Build Environment
#5384 An output is not correct with OM while the same model perfectly operates under Dymola Karim.Abdelhak defect high Run-time
#5389 Creation of Complex array fails Karim.Abdelhak defect high Code Generation
#5390 The NF should not evaluate final record parameters unless they only depend on structural or final parameters Karim.Abdelhak defect high 2.1.0 Backend
#5404 Module RemoveSimpleEquations doesn't support synchronous systems Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#5410 Properly indent dragged-and-dropped components defect high Interactive Environment
#5465 Issue with locked-rotor Asynchronous Machine model Karim.Abdelhak defect high Run-time
#5501 Occuring of error while saving a modified model adrpo defect high Interactive Environment
#5570 DrumBoiler Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#5672 segfaul after 'Invalid root' error in *_functions.c Karim.Abdelhak defect high Code Generation
#5686 Invalid FMU Export: Enumeration without start value and/or invalid combination of "input" and "fixed" arun3688 defect high FMI
#5713 Compile openmodelica with icc and icpc adrpo discussion high Future *unknown*
#5744 Problems to simulate MSL models with OM nightly defect high Future Installation program
#5757 parentJacobian member missing from linearSystemData Karim.Abdelhak defect high Code Generation
#5764 OPC UA seems to miss DataType at the nodes attributes defect high *unknown*
#5766 Number of homotopy steps out of control AnHeuermann defect high Run-time
#5770 The backend incorrectly generates a large set of nonlinear equations Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#5772 GenerateDoc does not handle HTML description strings adeas31 defect high Scripts
#5800 OMEdit fails to simulate example model from OpenHPL perost defect high Backend
#5853 -d=-disableDirectionalDerivatives Fails AnHeuermann defect high FMI
#5868 Avoid alias elimination of individual elements of an array Karim.Abdelhak defect high 1.19.0 Backend
#5874 Function body dependencies FE or BE? perost task high Future Frontend
#5897 OMSimulator header files missing in Ubuntu packages defect high OMSimulator
#5898 loadCompletePackageFromMp fails when directory-structured library has models that differs only in letter case adrpo defect high Future Interactive Environment
#5899 MacOS 15.3 install problem using macports defect high Future Installation program
#5911 NF API don't return qualified path adrpo defect high Interactive Environment
#5953 Broken visualization code generation for models with components having same name vwaurich defect high Code Generation
#5957 Failed to sole linear system of equations at time 0, system is singular Karim.Abdelhak defect high Future Initialization
#5960 Large scale electrical models Karim.Abdelhak defect high Initialization
#5995 FMU Export with Modelica.Utilities.Streams functions lochel defect high FMI
#6003 Code generation bug Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#6010 Get OpenModelica back into FMI Cross-checker AnHeuermann enhancement high FMI
#6014 OMPython: Set structural parameter at initialization adrpo defect high Interactive Environment
#6026 OM Plotting doesn't manage the option to split two variables adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#6070 Incorrect warning during compilation of model with external component adrpo defect high Code Generation
#6076 The enclosed code translates, Test2 can be instantiated, but compilation fails. Test runs perost defect high Future Code Generation
#6078 OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored? defect high *unknown*
#6159 timeline not visible anymore adrpo defect high *unknown*
#6186 Assert triggered during initialization despite "not initial()" if-statement AnHeuermann defect high Backend
#6212 First tick of shiftsample is missing AnHeuermann defect high OMSimulator
#6223 Python.h not found arun3688 task high OMPython
#6264 An assert() is not correctly handled by OM: wrong violated equation AnHeuermann defect high Backend
#6278 FMUs exported from OM are very heavy adrpo discussion high FMI
#6325 Support for ExternData perost defect high New Instantiation
#6346 Enable analytic jacobians for daeMode Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#6361 Compilation in path with special character failing (Windows + OMEdit) adrpo defect high Run-time
#6371 Modelica_Synchronus FMUs not working AnHeuermann defect high FMI
#6378 ThermalSeparation not working casella defect high Third-Party Libraries
#6385 Overdetermined system Shravya Hebbur Murali <shravya2535@…> defect high OMEdit
#6387 Some OMEdit window controls missing with release 1.17 adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#6388 External Media library for thermodynamic properties casella defect high Third-Party Libraries
#6408 Wrong start values for NLS with homotopy AnHeuermann defect high NeedsInput *unknown*
#6409 Simulation is not stopped when an error happens AnHeuermann defect high Run-time
#6410 Issues with simulation of Fluid-based models with NF Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#6433 Start values with fixed=false not appearing in NLS Karim.Abdelhak defect high Backend
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables somebody defect critical Future Backend
#2548 libs paramerter of SimCode.makefileParams for msvc is not correct adrpo defect critical Future Backend
#2685 Connector with record fails with code generation issues mahge930 defect critical Future Code Generation
#3186 Partial binding of record sub-components in functions are lost perost defect critical 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#3510 inline function wbraun defect critical Future *unknown*
#4370 Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Components.Fixed rises an error when parameter is changed adrpo defect critical Run-time
#4994 Is startTime a built-in variable in OMC? adeas31 defect critical OMEdit
#5531 Implicit cast from Real to Integer AnHeuermann defect critical 2.0.0 Backend
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