{2} Active Tickets by Version (1203 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (501 - 600 of 1203)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

v1.13.2 (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5612 OMPython fails to load model in enhanced mode due to ValueError OMPython v1.13.2 defect alash325 new 2019-08-02
#5391 How do I fix the error, “Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations” *unknown* v1.13.2 defect somebody new 2019-03-14
#5414 Unsolvable Error pertaining to variable not found within model OMSimulator v1.13.2 defect lochel new 2019-03-29
#5419 Interactive simulation crashing due to missed deadlines for all but the simplest models *unknown* v1.13.2 defect somebody new 2019-04-03
#5421 New FMU (OMEdit 1.13.2) failed load from cffi in lisp FMI v1.13.2 defect lochel new 2019-04-04
#5424 How do I access/locate the code fragment transformations while my model is being flattened? Frontend v1.13.2 defect somebody new 2019-04-05
#5438 Process crashed Simulation Process Failed. Exited with code -1073741511. OMEdit v1.13.2 defect adeas31 new 2019-04-17
#5501 Occuring of error while saving a modified model Interactive Environment v1.13.2 defect adrpo assigned 2019-05-23
#5570 DrumBoiler Backend v1.13.2 defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2019-07-08
#5614 error in FMU instantiate in case of large models FMI v1.13.2 defect lochel new 2019-08-07
#5638 The function readSimulationResultVars does not return the correct results. Interactive Environment v1.13.2 defect somebody new 2019-09-20
#5624 if else ODE and Algebraic Equation Backend v1.13.2 discussion lochel new 2019-09-02
#5713 Compile openmodelica with icc and icpc *unknown* v1.13.2 discussion adrpo assigned 2019-11-25
#5540 plot window start OMEdit v1.13.2 defect adeas31 new 2019-06-21
#5585 Parameter record editor OMEdit v1.13.2 enhancement adeas31 new 2019-07-13

v1.14.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5748 FMU crashing matlab FMI v1.14.0 defect lochel new 2019-12-16
#5746 Translation Error from Timer block *unknown* v1.14.0 discussion AnHeuermann assigned 2019-12-12
#5869 NULL-Pointer Exception caused by pool_malloc FMI v1.14.0 discussion lochel new 2020-02-27
#5787 Flag -d=bltdump does not produce any output anymore Interactive Environment v1.14.0 defect somebody new 2020-01-14
#5932 DLL needs to be in working directory Run-time v1.14.0 defect adrpo accepted 2020-05-01

v1.14.0-dev-nightly (55 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5276 Issue with OMEdit formatting due to bug in diffModelicaListings Interactive Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se assigned 2019-01-15
#5328 ODE solver behaves erratically in two MultiBody examples with dynamic state selection Run-time v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect Karim.Abdelhak new 2019-02-11
#5426 Compiler fails when model name is too long in OMEdit Frontend v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adrpo assigned 2019-04-08
#5509 Make Simulation Setup dependent of target language OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-05-29
#5535 Inheritence of classes with same elements results in doubling OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-06-18
#5577 Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst NF API v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adrpo reopened 2019-07-10
#5581 FMU - ME accuracy FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-07-12
#5594 Some Model C-files are not included in modelDescription.xml FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se assigned 2019-07-17
#5597 Two examples of the new Modelica.Electrical.Batteries package do not work with the new frontend New Instantiation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect perost new 2019-07-18
#5629 OMEdit does allow to set connectorSizing parameters in some cases OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 reopened 2019-09-07
#5645 Bad quality of SVG export of diagram view OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-09-29
#5650 OMEdit does not update the cache OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-10-02
#5547 Including c-files from external_solvers for nonlinearSolverHomotopy FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly enhancement lochel new 2019-06-24
#4886 OMCompiler fails to build with lapack 3.8.0 Build Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se new 2018-04-16
#5531 Implicit cast from Real to Integer Backend v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect AnHeuermann assigned 2019-06-13
#5664 Reload feature in OMEdit OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly enhancement adeas31 new 2019-10-17
#3592 Eigen values fails with error Code Generation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2015-12-11
#5248 Implement saveTotalModel using the new frontend Interactive Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2018-12-13
#5312 OMEdit does not handle final parameter bindings properly NF API v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adrpo assigned 2019-02-03
#5344 Duplicate of model causes incomplete code Interactive Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect perost assigned 2019-02-18
#5368 Nightly Build 1.14.0 giving odd Syntax Warnings and Effecting Old Simulation Results *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-03-01
#5386 Wrong copyright notice installed Documentation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se new 2019-03-12
#5389 Creation of Complex array fails Code Generation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2019-03-14
#5402 sample(...) operator does not work in Cpp FMU runtime Code Generation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-03-25
#5433 FMU GetString returns \x3 FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-04-12
#5461 OMEdit crashes(Windows)/does nothing(Linux) when instance has same name as package OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect perost reopened 2019-05-07
#5465 Issue with locked-rotor Asynchronous Machine model Run-time v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2019-05-09
#5480 Automatic formatting does not respect indentation OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-05-14
#5491 Interactive simulation ignores RealInput changes when using kinsol as nonlinear solver *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-05-17
#5498 High Memory Usage When Opening a Model *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-05-20
#5549 Cross compilation of FMUs for Win64 on Ubuntu is broken for some models working with files FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-06-26
#5552 OpenModelica FMUs seem to not report exact continuous states FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-06-28
#5556 Undefined behavior in OpenModelicaScriptingAPIQt.cpp Susan (Templates) v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adrpo new 2019-06-29
#5634 Compilation on macOS fails *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-09-12
#5647 FMU export: Error in modelDescription.xml FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-09-30
#5667 Arrays of records insufficiently type checked New Instantiation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect perost new 2019-10-21
#5472 Allow to re-simulate a failed simulation OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly enhancement johti17 accepted 2019-05-10
#5272 Inlining handles tuple inputs incorrectly MetaModelica v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se new 2019-01-14
#5275 Backend issues with ThermalSeparation library Backend v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect new 2019-01-14
#5292 Can't run OpenModelica install-executable on Windows via explorer Installation program v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-01-23
#5315 Compiler fails when model has a long fileNamePrefix FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-02-04
#5330 csvInput does not handle Integer inputs and needs an extra comma at line end Run-time v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-02-11
#5382 Simcode scales badly for models with large-sized arrays and events Backend v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2019-03-12
#5428 Undo makes the cursor move to the end of the editor and unwraps all annotations OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 new 2019-04-09
#5448 OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved Documentation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect adeas31 reopened 2019-04-30
#5451 OpenModelica.Scripting.system behaving different on Windows and Linux Interactive Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-05-02
#5505 Avoid file lists to be shown along with error messages *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-05-25
#5520 OMSI build fails with newer sundials Build Environment v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect sjoelund.se new 2019-06-10
#5521 Connector with array of records - problem when assigned in algorithm section *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-06-10
#5526 MetaModelica: loop over list<Integer> Code Generation v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-06-12
#5604 Set the options FMU Name and Move FMU at the same time Backend v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect lochel new 2019-07-26
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit *unknown* v1.14.0-dev-nightly defect somebody new 2019-11-01
#5429 SimulationInfos are not correctly saved in FMU init file FMI v1.14.0-dev-nightly discussion lochel new 2019-04-10
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF New Instantiation v1.14.0-dev-nightly discussion perost assigned 2019-07-19
#5442 Sorting classes OMEdit v1.14.0-dev-nightly enhancement adeas31 new 2019-04-18

v1.14.0-dev.beta2 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5737 Need to manually insert "each" before fixed = false or true statement when initializing a vector OMEdit v1.14.0-dev.beta2 defect adrpo assigned 2019-12-06

v1.14.1 (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5814 for loop in algorithm section gets wrong values Code Generation v1.14.1 defect mahge930 accepted 2020-01-31
#5888 Record's inheritance OMSimulator v1.14.1 defect lochel new 2020-03-11
#5902 Icon view "Bring to front" not working OMEdit v1.14.1 defect adeas31 new 2020-04-01
#5919 Error of Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library OMEdit v1.14.1 defect adeas31 new 2020-04-20
#5975 Numerical problems with initialization of thermofluid model in BuildingSystems Run-time v1.14.1 defect lochel new 2020-05-23
#5899 MacOS 15.3 install problem using macports Installation program v1.14.1 defect sjoelund.se assigned 2020-03-26
#5906 compilation error for curved bend Code Generation v1.14.1 defect mahge930 accepted 2020-04-06
#5960 Large scale electrical models Initialization v1.14.1 defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2020-05-16
#6003 Code generation bug Backend v1.14.1 defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2020-06-11
#6014 OMPython: Set structural parameter at initialization Interactive Environment v1.14.1 defect adrpo assigned 2020-06-16

v1.16.0-dev (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5720 Do not allow to install on directories where the user does not have admin rights Installation program v1.16.0-dev defect adeas31 new 2019-12-01
#5767 Issues with BranchingDynamicPipes and homotopy-based initialization Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect AnHeuermann new 2020-01-05
#5768 Model HeatExchangerSimulation fails when using homotopy Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect AnHeuermann new 2020-01-05
#5847 Constant is used without having been given a value New Instantiation v1.16.0-dev defect perost new 2020-02-17
#5857 MSL OpAmp simulation results in OM Backend v1.16.0-dev defect lochel new 2020-02-19
#5940 MSL example model AIMC_InverterDrive fails to simulate Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect AnHeuermann assigned 2020-05-06
#5999 icon generator does not work with classnames ending on numeral Scripts v1.16.0-dev defect sjoelund.se assigned 2020-06-06
#6004 Cpp runtime on Windows can't handle spaces in install path Cpp Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect adrpo assigned 2020-06-12
#6017 FMUs don't export libopenblas.so FMI v1.16.0-dev defect AnHeuermann assigned 2020-06-17
#6071 Don't show parameter edits in FMU created with "Evaluate all parameters" FMI v1.16.0-dev defect lochel assigned 2020-07-28
#6118 MSVC does not work with Cpp runtime under Windows Build Environment v1.16.0-dev defect assigned 2020-09-14
#6147 OpenModelica 1.16.0-dev.beta1-64bit OMPython Install Problem OMPython v1.16.0-dev defect adeas31 assigned 2020-10-01
#5918 Size of Cpp FMU increased by more than 300% with OMSI Cpp Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect niklwors assigned 2020-04-15
#6019 previous(y) is chattering in a discrete-time model Run-time v1.16.0-dev defect lochel new 2020-06-18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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