
Version 3 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


1.9.1 | 1.9.2

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.2

The OpenModelica 1.9.2 Beta release is available now, January 31, 2015. Please try it and give feedback! The final release is planned within 1-2 weeks after some more testing. The most important enhancements in the OpenModelica 1.9.2 release:

  • The OpenModelica compiler has moved to a new development and release platform: the bootstrapped OpenModelica compiler. This gives advantages in terms of better programmability, maintenance, debugging, modularity and current/future performance increases.
  • The OpenModelica graphic connection editor OMEdit has become 3-5 times faster due to faster communication with the OpenModelica compiler linked as a DLL. This was made possible by moving to the bootstrapped compiler.
  • Further improved simulation coverage for a number of libraries.
  • OMEdit graphic connection editor improvements

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release mainly includes improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), including, but not restricted to the following:

  • The OpenModelica compiler has moved to a new development and release platform: the bootstrapped OpenModelica compiler. This gives advantages in terms of better programmability, maintenance, debugging, modularity and current/future performance increases.
  • Further improved simulation coverage for a number of libraries compared to 1.9.1. For example:
    • MSL 3.2.1 100% compilation, 97% simulation (3% increase)
    • MSL Trunk 99% compilation (1% increase), 93% simulation (3% increase)
    • ModelicaTest 3.2.1 99% compilation (2% increase), 95% simulation (6% increase)
    • ThermoSysPro 100% compilation, 80% simulation (17% increase)
    • ThermoPower 97% compilation (5% increase), 85% simulation (5% increase)
    • Buildings 80% compilation (1% increase), 73% simulation (1% increase)
  • Further enhanced OMC compiler front-end coverage, scalability, speed and memory.
  • Better initialization.
  • Improved tearing.
  • Improved non-linear, linear and mixed system solving.
  • Common subexpression elimination support - drastically increases performance of some models.

Graphic Editor OMEdit

  • The OpenModelica graphic connection editor OMEdit has become 3-5 times faster due to faster communication with the OpenModelica compiler linked as a DLL. This was made possible by moving to the bootstrapped compiler.
  • Enhanced simulation setup window in OMEdit, which among other things include better support for integration methods and dassl options.
  • Support for running multiple simultaneous simulation.
  • Improved handling of modifiers.
  • Re-simulate with changed options, including history support and re-simulating with previous options possibly edited.
  • More user friendly user interface by improved connection line drawing, added snap to grid for icons and conversion of icons from PNG to SVG, and some additional fixes.


Some smaller improvements of the Dynamic Optimization module with collocation, using Ipopt.

FMI Support

Further improved for FMI 2.0 model exchange import and export, now compliant according to the FMI compliance tests. FMI 1.0 support has been further improved.

Detailed Changes

Component: *unknown* (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2726 Failed to build simulator - working with arrays of records (not in function/algorithm) fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#3019 A simple model works in r23550 and fails in r23681 fixed defect high trunk
#3075 omc +help=debug doesn't work fixed perost defect blocker trunk

Component: Backend (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1962 Mixed multibody/fluid model initialization error fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2022 calculate constant values before first pivoting of dynamic states fixed jfrenkel enhancement normal trunk
#2164 RoomCO2WithControls goes into infinite loop during simulation fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2352 New Bug in model calling random function with two outputs fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2468 Initialization fails of MSL model fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2537 Differentiation of homotopy fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2629 Simple model fails to translate under Windows fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2754 Models that fail with doLinearTearing fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2867 Generation of symbolic jacobians fail fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2978 Modelica3d fails fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3023 Missing check for dependency for lhs (tuple) and (rhs) function call with multiple output fixed vitalij defect high trunk
#3065 Variable outside interval wrongly reported for integer variables fixed defect high trunk
#3104 Incorrect handling of parameters with expression-determined fixed attribute fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#3161 Error: Internal error pre-optimization module clockPartitioning failed. fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3180 Simulation crashes with +d=infoXmlOperations fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3187 boolean_array index assertion failed fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3209 3d visualization is broken because of initialization fixed somebody defect high trunk

Component: Build Environment (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1344 Separate Front-end/Back-end fixed adrpo task low
#2976 No recompilation happens for changes in includes fixed defect critical trunk

Component: Code Generation (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2669 Unnecessary function call for returning arrays fixed wbraun enhancement high trunk
#3147 gcc 4.9 generates bad code for longjmp in local scope fixed defect high trunk
#3166 Treatment of multiline strings with DOS line endings fixed defect normal trunk

Component: FMI (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2036 FMU: fmiCompletedIntegratorStep does not set callEventUpdate fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2130 Parameters in FMU's fixed adeas31 defect high 1.9.0Beta
#2776 Process crashed: Simulation process exited with code 0 on FMU import fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3036 Event at the end of the simulation fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3048 FMI2 fails with max of more than 2 elements fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3049 FMI export of attributes of variables fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3053 Unimplemented derivatives for built-in Modelica operators fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3057 Erronous FMI ModelStructure fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#3151 PowerSystems: BackendDAEOptimize.createJacobian failed fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3169 Under Mac OS X, FMU binaries directory should be darwin64, not x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0 fixed defect normal trunk
#3205 Wrong causality in FMI 2 export fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3210 Wrong FMI binaries directory under Linux again fixed defect high trunk

Component: Frontend (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2277 saveTotalSCode changes operator records dumping and the result cannot be parsed back fixed mahge930 defect normal trunk
#2699 wrong instantiation for algorithms with loops and array indexing fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2899 Wrong number of equations in expandable connectors model fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2982 sorting of protected variable in a function fixed defect high trunk
#3095 Losing class modifiers during flattening fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#3096 Prototype for dot operator fixed defect high trunk
#3155 Wrong illegal subscript fixed perost defect high trunk
#3157 OMEdit ignores annotation(Dialog) fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3168 Wrong type or wrong number of arguments fixed rfranke defect high trunk
#3181 Compiler debug trace does not work (see first example of Users Guide) fixed adrpo defect high trunk

Component: Installation program (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2989 Bootstrapped compiler - build shared libOpenModelicaCompiler.dll also on Windows fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3038 omnotebook.desktop leads to corrupted start menu under Lubuntu fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: Interactive Environment (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2050 list() within OMNotebook fixed enhancement high trunk
#2882 Query of parameters of fluid components from OMEdit is really slow fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2943 r23100 OMEdit deletes components from model files! fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#3012 Cannot query the builtin environment using interactive API fixed defect high trunk
#3107 alarm should kill the children processes too (such as running simulation) fixed defect high trunk
#3130 Split the current Model.log file into compilation / simulation log files fixed somebody defect high trunk

Component: MetaModelica (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2932 Bootstrapped compiler - do not make protected functions static to get better stack traces fixed defect high trunk
#2968 Function pointers are not checked for being assigned before use fixed defect high trunk
#3063 MetaModelica string match issues fixed defect high trunk

Component: OMEdit (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1533 OMEdit loses communication with OMC when opening Modelica in text view fixed perost defect normal
#1762 Inconsistent interface for instantiation and checking in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2390 Fully support showStartAttribute in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2391 Improve handling of modifiers in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2392 "OMEdit – Component Parameters" view should indicate default values fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2477 Icon snap to grid function fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2481 Better control of integration algorithms and output features in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement critical trunk
#2506 Keep connecting lines manhattanized fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2540 OMEdit: simulation output window fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2550 component parameters window fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2560 A suggestion for three small connecting lines improvements fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2595 new button for buildModel fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2596 Re-simulate with changed options fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2611 Zooming issue in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2778 OMEdit often can't parse xml output fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2844 OMEdit simulation log window should not be modal fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2906 Enumeration parameter input by drop-down menu fixed adeas31 enhancement critical trunk
#2956 Moving a complete model disassembles everything fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2988 Zoom In/Out with MouseWheel in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2991 OMEdit: Ellipse annotation dose not match bounding rect fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2992 OMEdit: Connection coordinates faulty on x- and y-axis fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2993 OMEdit: Tile windows horizontally (top-to-bottom) and not vertically fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3003 OMEdit crashes when trying to open a Modelica file fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3016 OMEdit: Two re-simulate enhancements for single model simulation fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#3033 OMEdit does not seem to treat UTF-8 in its Text View fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3042 OMEdit re-simulation issues: Cancel simulation leads to a crash fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3085 All windows in the Transformational Debugger should have a horizontal scroll slider fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#3098 plot colours fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3099 warning number not reset in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#3144 Creation of model in package impossible fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk

Component: Run-time (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1343 Full support for assert() fixed enhancement low
#2535 Array Initialziation in Function Fails fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2868 Slightly different simulation results fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#2878 compiled model crashes for some integration times fixed wbraun defect critical 1.9.0Beta
#2994 OMEdit: Default value overwrite has no effect / is allowed fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3009 Display the flags information in the selected log format fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3043 OMEdit re-simulation issues: Step size is not correctly updated fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3119 Remove numeric initialization fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3137 Visual Studio (MSVC) +target=msvc is broken fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3204 Override error checking fixed adrpo enhancement high trunk

Component: Third-Party Libraries (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3093 WasteWater simulation not possible fixed defect high trunk