Custom Query (295 matches)


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Results (201 - 295 of 295)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#5652 NF fails to evaluate Integer in if expression perost defect high 1.14.0 New Instantiation
#5657 when not allowed inside for in algorithm although specification does not prohibit this perost defect high Future New Instantiation
#5692 segfault after "Invalid root". lochel defect high 1.16.0 Run-time
#5693 Cannot run OM any more somebody discussion high Future *unknown*
#5729 LibRAS is broken with the NF perost defect high 1.16.0 New Instantiation
#5734 OMPython ZMQ session does not connect in "OpenModelica v1.14.0-dev.beta3 (64-bit)" GijsS defect high NeedsInput OMPython
#5736 Expandable connector bus somebody discussion high Future *unknown*
#5785 OMEdit crashes when editing OMSimulator model adeas31 defect high 1.16.0 OMEdit
#5791 Wrong valueReference in modelDescription.xml lochel defect high 1.16.0 FMI
#5792 Activate Device somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5840 Don't return origin if not defined adrpo defect high 1.16.0 Interactive Environment
#5861 False while deleting library adeas31 defect high 1.16.0 OMEdit
#5863 How to get the vector of values of a continuous variable adeas31 task high OMEdit
#5873 Partial model using undeclared variable in equation works with OF but not with NF perost discussion high Future New Instantiation
#5901 Duplicate class fails somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#5929 Icons Connectors fail to show; Linux Ubuntu Bionic adeas31 defect high NeedsInput OMEdit
#6046 Support of N-dimensional arrays in readRealMatrix somebody defect high Future *unknown*
#6059 Compiler flag -d=aliasConflicts takes no affect adeas31 defect high 1.16.0 OMEdit
#6061 Compiler flag -d=evalOutputOnly takes no affect adeas31 defect high Future OMEdit
#6119 Error while compiling arduino model somebody defect high Future Third-Party Libraries
#6140 OMEdit should not allow dropping unacceptable files adeas31 defect high 1.16.0 OMEdit
#6141 Strange complaint about missing each in an Electrical.Multiphase system somebody defect high 1.17.0 *unknown*
#6160 FMU behaviour depending on library style AnHeuermann defect high 1.17.0 FMI
#6238 Extend overconstrained connector semantics to handle dynamic branches Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high 1.17.0 Backend
#6247 Uninitialized code in _functions.c AnHeuermann defect high 1.17.0 Code Generation
#6308 Omedit loses the specification of the # of output points adeas31 defect high 1.17.0 OMEdit
#6323 Adding sensors changes results somebody defect high 1.17.0 *unknown*
#6329 Array of Component perost discussion high 1.17.0 New Instantiation
#6421 translateModelFMU to target directory arun3688 task high NeedsInput OMPython
#6437 Lookup issue adeas31 defect high 1.17.1 OMEdit
#6442 Support array indexing by enumerations in the NF perost defect high 1.18.0 New Instantiation
#1059 Illegal Modelica code is allowed (vectorized expression output from functions) (from MathCore) krsta defect normal
#1449 Modification and binding equations together causes the compiler to fail with no error message perost defect normal Instantiation
#1863 simulate with storeInTemp=true fails (again) defect normal 1.9.0 Interactive Environment
#1938 Stack overflow in frontend somebody defect normal Frontend
#1986 Wrong Warning about usage of variable before defined defect normal 1.9.0 Frontend
#2096 Lexer message could be clearer enhancement normal 1.9.0 Parser
#2646 How to find where OMEdit searches files adeas31 discussion normal 1.9.1 OMEdit
#2697 Is this invalid or should display? adeas31 discussion normal 1.9.1 OMEdit
#2746 FMI glitch in a tiny example adeas31 defect normal 1.9.2 FMI
#2747 dots are allowed in component names, resulting in errors adeas31 enhancement normal 1.9.1 *unknown*
#2759 Override value not correctly displayed in OMEdit Variables Browser wbraun, lochel defect normal 1.9.2 OMEdit
#3002 Impossible to graphically connect array connectors in OM. adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#3031 Dymola->OM FMU compatibility issue adeas31 defect normal 1.9.2 FMI
#3090 OMEdit Spanish User Interface adeas31 defect normal never OMEdit
#3141 Compiler-specific flags without checking for compiler adeas31 defect normal never Build Environment
#3248 OMEdit enlarges vertically when switching into Modeling mode adeas31 defect normal 1.9.4 OMEdit
#3400 Multiple parameters with annotations in one line resulting in attributes not being created adeas31 defect normal never OMEdit
#3514 (Wrong) order of writing text into a file somebody discussion normal never *unknown*
#3623 Binary from Github is not complete. adeas31 discussion normal never Installation program
#3664 Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir cp,isentropicexpnent etc. @ below 273.16K somebody enhancement normal never *unknown*
#3762 OpenModelica simulation hangs for ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestRandomNumbers somebody defect normal NeedsInput Frontend
#3804 Is there something wrong with UTF-8? adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#3815 Drag & Drop in OMEdit broken adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#3956 no member named 'method' in 'struct NONLINEAR_SYSTEM_DATA' somebody defect normal Future Run-time
#4155 Keyboard short cuts in OMNotebook do not work properly on OS X adeas31 defect normal 1.11.0 OMNotebook
#4312 Discrete event example does not work somebody defect normal Future *unknown*
#4383 Array constructor { } fails defect normal MetaModelica
#4385 Operator ^ fails, depending on the used data types defect normal Frontend
#4417 Class not displayed in OMEdit package browser adeas31 defect normal 1.12.0 OMEdit
#4556 Save disabled after duplicate adeas31 defect normal 1.13.0 OMEdit
#4638 Power systems library; voltage source does not respect parameter frequency defect normal Third-Party Libraries
#4713 literal double value output by omc exceeds DBL_MAX lochel defect normal Third-Party Libraries
#4805 Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.AD_Converter error somebody defect normal *unknown*
#4944 Simulation wrongly reported as successful. wbraun defect normal Future Run-time
#5034 Here old FE had a better error message. perost defect normal 1.13.0 New Instantiation
#5188 When not triggering in initialization lochel discussion normal Future Initialization
#5375 Command extend/redeclare for constants does not work properly OM 1.13.0 Linux somebody defect normal Future *unknown*
#5460 Enhance possibilities to re-simulate somebody enhancement normal 1.14.0 *unknown*
#5495 NF does not overcome check of an MSL model perost defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5665 Add an arrow to SweptVolume? somebody discussion normal Future *unknown*
#5718 Got type mismatch error, but matching types. somebody defect normal Future *unknown*
#5747 Translaton Error tableID not found lochel defect normal Future Code Generation
#5756 OMEdit - IDEAS library - redeclare package problem adeas31 defect normal Future OMEdit
#5834 Automatic sum using inner outer keywords behaves diferently in new frontend casella discussion normal 1.14.1 Frontend
#5882 OMEdit crashes when a .ssp file is replaced (save under same name) lochel defect normal 1.16.0 OMSimulator
#5915 OMSens can't find the model adeas31 defect normal 1.16.0 OMSens
#5978 Unable to pass argument to nested function defined as argument perost defect normal 1.16.0 New Instantiation
#6103 CombiTime Table usage adeas31 discussion normal Future OMEdit
#6105 Got type mismatch error, but matching types - ***COMPILER BUG*** somebody defect normal *unknown*
#6376 OpenModelica Error casella defect normal *unknown*
#79 Bug in mixed system of a single if-equation. Robert.Wotzlaw discussion low Backend
#1280 Redesign of the DAE structure as a tree instead of a list adrpo task low 1.9.3 Frontend
#1297 Flattening of functions without output does not work brugard task low Red October Frontend
#1966 Add all the ModelicaTest example models to the OpenModelica testsuite bruno defect low 1.13.0 Build Environment
#2148 Upgrade trac version adrpo enhancement low Build Environment
#3124 GUI changing of icon and diagram coordinate system properties adeas31 enhancement low 1.9.3 OMEdit
#3617 FMU files include sources/include/suitesparse/Include/.svn/ directory adeas31 defect low FMI
#4176 Allow multi-line text in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement low 1.12.0 OMEdit
#4612 A minor OMEdit improvement adeas31 enhancement low 1.13.0 OMEdit
#4614 elipse should have linePattern adeas31 defect low 1.13.0 OMEdit
#5630 Double-click in Libraries tree expand/collapse button opens selected node adeas31 enhancement low 1.14.0 OMEdit
#5832 Simulation log file shows euler as solver independend of chosen solver somebody enhancement low Future *unknown*
#5959 Allow selecting component name while dragging adeas31 defect low 1.16.0 OMEdit
#6229 Package unloaded for unknown reasons adeas31 defect low 1.17.0 OMEdit
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