
Version 27 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


1.8.1 | 1.9.0

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.0

This is the summary description of changes to OpenModelica from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0, released 2013-10-09. This release mainly includes improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), including, but not restricted to the following:

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release mainly includes bug fixes and improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), including, but not restricted to the following:

  • A more stable and complete OMC model compiler. The 1.9.0 final version simulates many more models than the previous 1.8.1 version and OpenModelica 1.9.0 beta versions.
  • Much better simulation support for MSL 3.2.1, now 270 out of 274 example models compile (98%) and 245 (89%) simulate, compared to 30% simulating in the 1.9.0 beta1 release.
  • Much better simulation for the ModelicaTest 3.2.1 library, now 401 out of 428 models build (93%) and 364 simulate (85%), compared to 32% in November 2012.
  • Better simulation support for several other libraries, e.g. more than twenty examples simulate from ThermoSysPro, and all but one model from PlanarMechanics simulate.
  • Improved tearing algorithm for the compiler backend. Tearing is by default used.
  • Much faster matching and dynamic state selection algorithms for the compiler backend.
  • New index reduction algorithm implementation.
  • New default initialization method that symbolically solves the initialization problem much faster and more accurately. This is the first version that in general initialize hybrid models correctly.
  • Better class loading from files. The package.order file is now respected and the file structure is more thoroughly examined (#1764).
  • It is now possible to translate the error messages in the omc kernel (#1767).
  • FMI Support. FMI co-simulation with OpenModelica as master. Improved FMI Import and export for model exchange. Most of FMI 2.0 is now also supported.
  • Checking (when possible) that variables have been assigned to before they are used in algorithmic code (#1776).
  • Full version of Python scripting.
  • 3D graphics visualization using the Modelica3D library.
  • The PySimulator package from DLR for additional analysis is integrated with OpenModelica (see Modelica2012 paper), and included in the OpenModelica distribution (Windows only).
  • Prototype support for uncertainty computations, special feature enabled by special flag.
  • Parallel algorithmic Modelica support (ParModelica) for efficient portable parallel algorithmic programming based on the OpenCL standard, for CPUs and GPUs.
  • Support for optimization of semiLinear according to MSL 3.3 chapter semiLinear (r12657,r12658).
  • The compiler is now fully bootstrapped and can compile itself using a modest amount of heap and stack space (less than the RML-based compiler, which is still the default).
  • Some old debug-flags were removed. Others were renamed. Debug flags can now be enabled by default.
  • Removed old unused simulation flags noClean and storeInTemp (r15927).
  • Many stack overflow issues were resolved.
  • Dynamic Optimization with OpenModelica. Dynamic optimization with XML export to the CaSAdi package is now integrated with OpenModelica. Moreover, a native integrated Dynamic Optimization prototype using Ipopt is now in the OpenModelica release, but currently needs a special flag to be turned on since it needs more testing and refinement before being generally made available.

Other OpenModelica Subsystems

  • OpenModelica Notebook (OMNotebook). A shortOutput option has been introduced in the simulate command for less verbose output. The DrModelica interactive document has been updated and the models tested. Almost all models now simulate with OpenModelica.
  • OpenModelica Eclipse Plug-in (MDT). Enhanced debugger for algorithmic Modelica code, supporting both standard Modelica algorithmic code called from simulation models, and MetaModelica code.
  • OpenModelica Development Environment (OMDev.) Migration of version handling and configuration management from CodeBeamer to Trac.
  • Graphic Editor OMEdit:
    • General GUI: backward and forward navigation support in Documentation view, enhanced parameters window with support for Dialog annotation. Most of the images are converted from raster to vector graphics i.e PNG to SVG.
    • Libraries Browser: better loading of libraries, library tree can now show protected classes, show library items class names as middle ellipses if the class name text is larger, more options via the right click menu for quick usage.
    • ModelWidget: add the partial class as a replaceable component, look for the default component prefixes and name when adding the component.
    • GraphicsView: coordinate system manipulation for icon and diagram layers. Show red box for models that do not exist. Show default graphical annotation for the components that doesn't have any graphical annotations. Better resizing of the components. Properties dialog for primitive shapes i.e Line, Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text and Bitmap.
    • File Opening: open one or more Modelica files, allow users to select the encoding while opening the file, convert files to UTF-8 encoding, allow users to open the OpenModelica result files.
    • Variables Browser: find variables in the variables browser, sorting in the variables browser.
    • Plot Window: clear all curves of the plot window, preserve the old selected variable and update its value with the new simulation result.
    • Simulation: support for all the simulation flags, read the simulation output as soon as is is obtained, output window for simulations, options to set matching algorithm and index reduction method for simulation. Display all the files generated during the simulation is now supported. Options to set OMC command line flags.
    • Options: options for loading libraries via loadModel and loadFile each time GUI starts, save the last open file directory location, options for setting line wrap mode and syntax highlighting.
    • Modelica Text Editor: preserving user customizations, new search & replace functionality, support for comment/uncomment.
    • Notifications: show custom dialogs to users allowing them to choose whether they want to see this dialog again or not.
    • Model Creation: Better support for creating new classes. Easy creation of extends classes or nested classes.
    • Messages Widget: Multi line error messages are now supported.
    • Crash Detection: The GUI now automatically detects the crash and writes a stack trace file. The user is given an option to send a crash report along with the stack trace file and few other useful files via email.
    • Autosave: OMEdit saves the currently edited model regularly, in order to avoid losing edits after GUI or compiler crash. The save interval can be set in the Options menu.
  • ModelicaML:
    • Enhanced ModelicaML version with support for value bindings in requirements-driven modeling available for the latest Eclipse and Papyrus versions. GUI specific adaptations. Automated model composition workflows (used for model-based design verification against requirements) are modularized and have improved in terms of performance.

Detailed Changes

Component: Backend (81 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1415 array bindings need to be handled better in the compiler fixed defect high
#1664 Initialization seems to get stuck on model: Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Systems.RobotR3.fullRobot fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1670 Update help() fixed defect high
#1676 Simulation Executable Crashes fixed adeas31 defect high
#1690 initial algorithm aren't considered while the initialization fixed lochel defect high trunk
#1691 M.E.Digital.Examples fail to run backend fixed defect high
#1692 Non-linear system causes stack protection issues fixed defect high
#1708 Strip unused functions from generated code fixed defect normal
#1721 error division by zero fixed mohamed defect blocker
#1735 Driveline model takes a long time to generate code fixed perost defect critical trunk
#1740 typo in fixed janssen defect high
#1743 XMLDump incorrectly wraps matrix, vector, and array elements in an apply block fixed janssen defect high
#1773 Array<Integer> arr := {1,2,3} causes a segfault when arr is passed to a function fixed somebody defect normal
#1775 Concatenating a string with an unbound string variable segfaults fixed defect high
#1780 Linearization returns zero for systems with independent variables fixed wbraun defect high
#1781 Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.LossyGearDemo2 fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1785 Integration has trouble with Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Examples.PreLoad.mos fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1787 Backend adds = 0.0 bindings for no good reason fixed defect high trunk
#1794 Internal error BackendEquation.equationToExp failed with 1.9 beta, 1.8.1 works. fixed jfrenkel defect high
#1802 Nonliniear Solver converge to wrong solution fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1826 Passing built in functions as funargs generates invalid C code fixed defect high trunk
#1827 BackendDAE cannot represent NORETCALL equations fixed somebody defect high
#1828 Generated code for RobotR3.oneAxis contains division by zero. fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1830 when in algorithm only triggered once fixed wbraun defect high
#1846 Ceval doesn't compile: unbound variable info fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1866 zero-crossings need to check for logical operator instead just for relation fixed wbraun defect blocker trunk
#1868 A couple of syntax errors in Compiler/Template/CodegenXML.tpl fixed janssen defect normal
#1872 Array-expression and when-statements do not work fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1873 Stack overflow introduced in backend fixed jfrenkel defect high
#1876 Expandable connectors: wrong equations generation in Multibody fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1891 Fail to match discrete equation fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1895 Error building simulator fixed jfrenkel enhancement high trunk
#1898 make tests working again from r13489 fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1903 Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1913 Initial equation not working correctly fixed lochel defect high
#1926 hybrid initialization fixed lochel defect high
#1943 Wrong equation count for enum in when equations fixed jfrenkel defect critical trunk
#1948 MultiBody model goes infinite in the back-end fixed jfrenkel defect normal trunk
#1955 Parameter values lost fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1957 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.Surfaces fixed defect high trunk
#1959 Modelica.Blocks.Routing.Extractor doesn't work fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1960 Modelica.blocks.sources.pulse wrong simulation results fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1964 Bound Parameter Expression unfixed fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1965 TriggeredSampler model doesn't switch properly fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1970 Multibody Visualizers type error fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#1971 Errors in return values in functions with two outputs fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#1973 Problem with initial equations affecting valve models in Modelica.Fluid fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#1975 Error in solving nonlinear system for Mechanics.rotational clutch model fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1982 issues with circuits containing diodes fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#1992 Problem with plt fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1994 wrong over determined initial system fixed lochel defect high trunk
#1996 wrong over determined initial system II fixed lochel defect high trunk
#1997 code generation fails with symbolic initialization fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#1999 under-determined initial systems fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2008 delay in initial equation fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2011 sample breaks c-code fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2016 event-bug fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2017 Division by Zero during Initialization fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#2021 gaspropreties.mos fails fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2060 index reduction method causes segmentation fault fixed jfrenkel defect high trunk
#2076 simulation command-line arguments have changed fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2095 Problems simulating simple nonlinear model fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2114 strange behavior of event iteration fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2139 Error in counting equations? fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2149 Matching should *always* be deterministic even if it has some random components fixed defect high trunk
#2150 Copy back data from external integer arrays fixed defect high trunk
#2163 A new case of erroneous equation counting fixed ardpo defect high trunk
#2177 parameter arrays [with enumeration subscript] are not #defined in generated code fixed perost defect high trunk
#2189 Index reduction broken? fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2240 invalid XML being produced by dumpXMLDAE fixed probably noone defect low 1.9.0Beta
#2253 pre(v) is chosen instead of v fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2261 Problem with initialization of mixed system fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2265 simplify after replace variable fixed vitalij enhancement normal trunk
#2271 check model/simulation fails without helpful error message fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2279 Initialisation problem in equation section when using random generation function fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2280 Possibly bad number of equations and variables computation fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2299 Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Examples.RAM does not work fixed probably noone defect blocker trunk
#2328 backenddaeinfo statistics counts wrong no. of single equations fixed ptaeuber enhancement normal trunk
#2374 Backend cannot handle asub of casted records fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2403 Counting size of equations is wrong if tuples are involved fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2404 Iteration variables with default zero fixed lochel enhancement high trunk

Component: Build Environment (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1742 11890 won't compile to the end fixed amadeus defect high
#1771 libintl.h missing when compiling on OS X fixed somebody defect high
#1793 Update omc 3.2 library to MSL 3.2.1 (dev version) fixed task high
#1800 Integrate Modelica3D into OpenModelica fixed task high
#1984 Improperly tests simulations fixed cschubert defect high trunk
#2003 OpenCL headers should be moved to OMDEV fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2066 Nightly builds generated in wrong directory fixed defect low trunk
#2317 Compiling model does not work with "Error building simulator" fixed defect high 1.9.0Beta

Component: Code Generation (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1720 error FMU fixed mohamed defect blocker
#1746 Inconsistent array access using indices fixed mburisch defect high
#1769 .so file of FMI for model exchange problem fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#1799 Fix codegen for tuple equations fixed defect high
#1812 Code generation error with simple Fluid model fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1848 Tuple assignments containing records in which a component has been aliased are not generated correctly in CodegenC.tpl fixed adrpo defect high
#1854 Returning array as an output from function fixed adrpo defect blocker
#1855 assert failure in combination with encapsulated packages fixed defect high trunk
#1870 Using fail() outside a match/matchcontinue causes a crash fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1877 Support size(cr) fixed defect high
#1878 function copy_double_data_mem is missing in cpp runtine fixed Niklas Worschech defect high trunk
#1885 generated FMI can not be simulated with FMUSDK fixed wbraun defect high 1.9.0Beta
#1922 Codegeneration does not handle extended records fixed defect high trunk
#1979 wrong results in integer matrix equation fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2009 Code generation fails when array of a record is passed to a function fixed defect normal trunk
#2020 XML expressions not properly closed in template fixed defect normal trunk
#2034 ASUB_EASY_CASE Error fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2039 Nonlinear solver prints random strings instead of system names fixed defect high trunk
#2073 reading of info XML invalid fixed defect high trunk
#2074 Massive jump in timeTemplates fixed anonymous defect blocker trunk
#2103 code generation bug involving tuples and integers fixed defect high trunk
#2106 Code generation for arrays of records fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2119 Bad codegen for simple when-equation fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2197 memory pool is to small for many function calls with array arguments fixed defect high trunk
#2217 wrong code generation for array-elements fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2230 model does not build - a discrete initialization generation bug ? fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#2286 bad code generation for arrays (2) fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#2310 referenced a variable that was not declared as a <variable> fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2313 C++ Code generator does not work fixed niklwors defect high trunk
#2339 Code generation issues for: Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2368 Record with 0-length array fixed defect blocker 1.9.0Beta

Component: Command Prompt Environment (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1695 SCodeFlatten causes scripting API to stop working fixed defect high
#1744 Add OMDEV info to checkSettings() fixed defect high
#1753 typo in OMShell "does not exits" --> "does not exist" fixed Pittiplatsch defect low
#2244 Rename output.log fixed defect critical trunk
#2308 Unexpected behaviour of +debug fixed somebody defect normal trunk

Component: FMI (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1933 FMUChecker crashes with exported FMUs fixed adeas31 defect high
#1985 FMI import fail to use input varibles fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2131 Multiple FMU's not supported fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2136 FMI Export: _info.xml not found fixed defect high trunk

Component: Frontend (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#130 Modifiers are not propagated correctly inside redeclared model fixed casella defect critical
#139 Input-input and output-output connection does not return any error and equation are not reported. fixed donida defect critical
#1085 Speedup check of Digital examples (from MathCore) fixed krsta defect normal
#1336 Implement a preprocessing phase from SCode to SCode that simplifies instantiation fixed adrpo task low
#1400 Support for package.order files (from MathCore) fixed discussion high
#1707 type mismatch fixed defect blocker
#1723 Check uses-annotations before inst fixed defect high
#1731 Connecting ranges generates wrong equations fixed defect high
#1733 range in connect equation fails fixed Frenkel TUD defect critical trunk
#1734 Compiler generates bad flattened version of function from MSL fixed janssen defect high
#1738 reinit on parameter gives no error and check Model returns nothing fixed petar defect critical
#1749 Improve tuple assignment error messages fixed petar defect critical
#1750 inheritance in protected section not propagated to components fixed petar defect critical
#1766 Locale changes cause real to string conversion to fail fixed defect critical trunk
#1767 Translations of the omc kernel fixed somebody task normal trunk
#1772 Functions that return MetaModelica arrays produce errors fixed somebody defect high
#1774 Instantiation fails for Modelica.StateGraph.Examples.ControlledTanks fixed perost defect high trunk
#1776 Add detection of usage of unbound variables fixed defect high
#1777 function handlin failed for Modelica.Media.Examples.Tests.MediaTestModels.LinearFluid.LinearWater_pT fixed defect high trunk
#1786 Empty list pattern incorrectly used causes an endless loop fixed defect normal
#1796 Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed fixed perost defect blocker trunk
#1801 Fixed simplification of matrix-vector multiplication fixed defect high trunk
#1811 Wrong equation count in Fluid source model with zero ports fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1819 RealInput Failure fixed perost defect high trunk
#1821 Complex constructor does not work fixed mahge930 defect high
#1823 Error when using constant in connector fixed defect high
#1825 Error filling array with A:B:C notation fixed perost defect high
#1829 Cannot find aliased package functions fixed discussion high trunk
#1833 Local name shadowing and assignment to inputs fixed openmodelicadevelopers@… defect high trunk
#1844 Incorrect Type Unboxing (?) when calling funargs in if expressions fixed defect high trunk
#1847 Duplicates in the package.order file are reported in the wrong place fixed defect high
#1851 Warn on unassigned output variables (Using unbound output variables causes segfault) fixed enhancement high trunk
#1875 Error printed although record instantiation succeeds fixed defect high
#1882 Inside flow appear twice in the connection set in some weird cases fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1892 Error extending model fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1896 Error occurred while flattening model Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.PointGravityWithPointMasses2 fixed somebody defect high
#1907 Handle empty arrays on the lhs of algorithm fixed defect high
#1917 Instantiaten lost Parameter Binding fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#1920 Add casts inside matrix constructor fixed defect high
#1923 Connection Graph is not broken correctly fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#1944 unbalanced models: empty array of unused connector yields equations fixed perost defect critical trunk
#1945 unbalanced models by duplicate inheritance fixed perost defect critical trunk
#1946 Finding the dimension of the component with unknown dimension from the parameter binding fails fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1947 unbalanced model - Wrong root in connection graph fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#1950 symmetric: failed to elaborate expression fixed defect high trunk
#1951 Array reduction with function returning a tuple does not work fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1952 SCodeDependency removes necessary classes in some cases fixed somebody defect high trunk
#1953 Function calls returning tuples are not handled in binary/unary expressions fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1954 Vectorization of inStream and actualStream does not work fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1961 Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Table fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#1969 function with multiple return value used only first one does not work fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#1972 Reinit in when equations with condition initial() should report an error fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1983 Parameter has neither value nor start value, and is fixed fixed adrpo defect normal trunk
#1987 Unbalanced model fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#1988 Inner class definition is removed by dependency analysis fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1993 CevalScript.getConst: Not handled exp: -4 fixed adrpo enhancement normal trunk
#2002 Parameterbinding is lost fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#2012 FrontEnd generate wrong record constructor function for records with constants fixed mahge930 enhancement normal trunk
#2024 Problem with connects and array components fixed perost defect high trunk
#2027 linspace() does not work with input defined via parameters fixed defect high 1.9.0Beta
#2028 Problem in initial residuals fixed defect high trunk
#2032 Implement loadResource fixed defect high trunk
#2033 matrix() operator gives error in frontend fixed perost defect high trunk
#2035 Error with replaceable models fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2043 NFSCodeDependency fails on Modelica_DeviceDrivers fixed perost defect high trunk
#2056 Problems with Modelica.Math.Matrices.inv() fixed perost defect high trunk
#2057 Problems with ones() and size() in start attributes fixed perost defect high trunk
#2072 intialization of output formal parameters in modelica functions fixed defect high trunk
#2089 OMEdit loses connection to OMC if opening Modelica.Media.Examples fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2092 Got type mismatch error, but matching types Integer fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2099 constant evaluation of array is transposed fixed perost defect blocker trunk
#2102 Surfaces fails in new MSL fixed perost defect critical trunk
#2111 array element as first argument to change fixed defect high trunk
#2113 fill dimension arguments fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#2121 OMC can't load invalid packages fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2129 Incompatible argument types to operation matrix multiplication fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2143 Wrong flattening of element-wise operators fixed perost defect high trunk
#2146 Add support for default off debug-flags fixed defect high trunk
#2154 Connecting arrays of constants or parameters does not generate asserts fixed perost defect high trunk
#2155 Cannot declare constant record fixed defect high trunk
#2158 Stack overflow with cyclic dimensions fixed defect high trunk
#2159 Non-stream component becomes stream and fails to connect fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2192 error during expanding of a slice subscript expression fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2262 empty vector as first argument to change fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#2283 Usage of imported qualified package constant is not working fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2289 instantiation of a very simple model failed fixed defect blocker trunk
#2294 Simplify sign fixed defect high trunk
#2297 Multiple declarations of FoldType in Compiler/Util/ fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2300 empty array fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#2314 No source info for duplicate enumeration literal error fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2338 Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* are failing to compile fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2345 Flattening error for Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.Machines.Examples.TransformerTestbench fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2346 replaceable component with modifiers cause instantiation to fail fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#2355 Class not found in scope if a model extends from another model with the same name fixed perost defect blocker trunk
#2356 ExternalObject: constructor arguments must not be variables fixed AndreasHofmann defect critical 1.9.0Beta
#2359 Dependency analysis is a bit wrong in some cases fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2362 Wrong handling of scalar() fixed defect high trunk
#2363 smooth operator is removed for order 0 fixed perost defect high trunk
#2369 Unwanted modification of the Modelica code when the text is regenerated fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#2400 Values.RECORD cannot represent records fixed defect blocker trunk

Component: Instantiation (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1509 Modelica.Electrical.Digital needs better performance fixed perost defect high trunk

Component: Interactive Environment (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1421 AddClassAnnotation adds the duplicate annotations to the model. fixed defect high
#1864 Load libraries in the user's home directory by default fixed task high
#2067 OMNotebook is not able to plot $cpu_time fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2215 Unparsing of unary minus fixed perost defect high trunk

Component: MetaModelica (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2068 Segfault (Stackoverflow?) when bootstrapping omc fixed defect high trunk
#2375 Improve performance of bootstrapped compiler fixed defect high trunk

Component: New Instantiation (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1956 Merge modifiers from the original component when redeclaring components. fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#1977 Better error messages for missing imports fixed perost defect high trunk
#1978 Improve lookup in instances in the new lookup fixed perost defect high trunk

Component: OMEdit (65 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1379 OMEdit does not show 'edited' attribute any more fixed adeas31 defect high
#1475 OMEdit: Fails to parse quoted variables fixed adeas31 defect high
#1480 OMEdit: Double click on model instance in diagram view should open it for edit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#1483 OMEdit: filling and colours fixed adeas31 defect normal
#1544 OMEdit: Issues when adding class fixed perost defect high trunk
#1655 Omedit display of PID MSL component fixed adeas31 defect high
#1719 OMEdit does not display quoted classes fixed defect high
#1756 OMEdit should be able to convert files to UTF-8 fixed adeas31 enhancement critical trunk
#1809 Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer fixed task blocker
#1820 Add GUI boxes for dynamic state selection and index reduction fixed adeas31 task high
#1836 OMEdit: navigation buttons in documentation viewer fixed hkiel enhancement high
#1837 OMEdit: default action for double click fixed hkiel enhancement normal
#1838 OMEdit: connections editing fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#1841 OMEdit: quick cloning fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#1845 Simulation messages not shown in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high
#1862 Better search/replace in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#1880 OMEdit: uses all CPU during simulation fixed hkiel defect high trunk
#1897 OMEdit crashes (segfault) when opening Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Examples.SignConvention fixed hkiel defect high trunk
#1906 Add GUI option to select compiler fixed enhancement high
#2005 OMEdit cannot start on Mac OS X 10.6.8 fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2082 Annotation relative to models not in their proper place fixed defect high trunk
#2086 OMEdit 1.9.0 crashes frequently fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2097 OMEdit 1.9.0 Bitmap import does not work fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2108 OMedit alters code fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2110 OMEdit escaped double quote parsing issue fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2116 OMEdit crashes when renaming a model fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2134 Cannot resize documentation widget fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2135 Impossible to save changes of a package fixed adeas31 defect blocker 1.9.0Beta
#2138 Problem saving models in subpackages fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2141 Mix of some upper and lower menu entries in german translation fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2144 Parameters of extended class(es) not shown in properties dialogue fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2151 Simulation dialog does not like long class names fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2160 HTML description strings fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2162 A case of repeatable OMEdit crash fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2165 Within crashes OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2168 OMEdit remember the viewing mode ... fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2169 OMEdit library browser shows blank icons fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2175 Save problems fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2184 OMEdit does not draw all lines in the polygon fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2194 New OMEdit almost not working on Linux fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2202 OMEdit does not update results fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#2203 OMEdit should display newest results first fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2218 Can't modify examples fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2219 Make it easy to modify examples fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2227 new menu item: "Open Modelica Library" fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2228 OMEdit: local changes get lost fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2234 Add UTF-8 conversion command to OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2235 runtime arguments missing fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2236 hierarchical connectors cause segfault fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2245 OMEdit: scroll whell "selects" items in list views fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2252 OMEdit: compiler (omc) flags fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2256 Disable interactive button fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2257 Loading system libraries gives unexpected result fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2259 an OMEdit plotting glitch fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2268 icons in library browser get displayed wrong fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2269 multiline warnings in the message browser fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#2270 negative startTime/stopTime fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2272 Real expression icon fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2273 [shift] + [enter] in "Modelica Text View" fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2291 Dialog box missing when connecting to array component fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2315 Cannot find dgesv on OSX 10.6 fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2320 Syntax Highlithing in Omedit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2333 File name in the Variable Broweser of OMEDIT fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#2371 Omedit Welcome page rather rigid fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2406 Mac OMEdit and OMShell don't build fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: OMNotebook (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2046 help() prints not the expected help-text fixed defect normal trunk
#2047 plot using xRange/yRange within OMNotebook fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: OMPlot (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2048 OMPlot -? fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: Parser (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1757 loadFile of with encoding="Windows-1252" only applies to file. fixed somebody defect normal
#1764 getClassNames and list should care of package.order fixed adeas31 defect high
#1808 Reject multiple elements in class fixed somebody defect critical trunk
#2115 Change annotation abstract syntax format to MSL 3.1 fixed defect high trunk
#2382 When files are not encoded UTF-8 give a warning and try some other encoding fixed defect high trunk
#2402 Parser does not parse output list correctly! fixed defect blocker trunk

Component: Run-time (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1701 error with Modelica.Utilities.Streams.error fixed wbraun defect critical
#1751 Wrong code generation for getEnvironmentVariable fixed mburisch defect high
#1778 Make TwoMass.mos work again fixed somebody defect high
#1789 CombiTable2D does not work with simple double(8,6) table fixed defect high trunk
#1798 Support for ModelicaError in ModelicaUtilities.h fixed task high
#1807 Let assert() trigger during initialization fixed lochel defect high
#1843 MSL 3.2 Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.LossyGearDemo* issues fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#1860 Multibody MSL models that use quaternions as states fail simulation fixed somebody defect high 1.9.0Beta
#1871 The FMI implementation contains int<->pointer casts fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#1881 Glycol47 segfaults in LAPACK routine fixed somebody defect normal
#1902 problems with event handling on 32-bit with gcc-4.6 fixed somebody defect high 1.9.0Beta
#1921 Oscillator executable fails without message fixed wbraun defect high
#1981 wrong handling of events for the first evaluation fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2026 generated mat-file is invalid fixed defect high trunk
#2064 c-runtime: linear/non-linear solver warnings/errors fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2065 c-runtime: side-effects using -lv fixed lochel discussion high trunk
#2077 override flag broken fixed defect high trunk
#2088 Mat results get corrupted with variable filters fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2112 runtime handling of array assignments fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#2172 Simulation results are not saved in file fixed wbraun defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#2178 non-linear sytem solver failed fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2210 variable-names involved in equation-systems fixed defect high trunk
#2231 radau1 solver fails on a simple model fixed vitalij defect high trunk
#2237 Assertions checked at the wrong place fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2288 inconsistent solver flag fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2324 Linear Tearing produces wrong simulation results fixed lochel defect high trunk