Custom Query (98 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1703 Comments are not merged new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Martin Sjölund defect low
#1974 Types in the OMC compiler new Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop enhancement low
#4217 OM Resolution issue new Martin Sjölund, fragom@… Adeel Asghar defect low
#1211 Nested der-expressions generates invalid simulation code assigned Lennart Ochel, Willi Braun, Martin Sjölund somebody defect normal
#1677 Missing check of 7.1.3 Restrictions on the Kind of Base Class new Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund Martin Sjölund defect normal
#2443 Bootstrapped compiler wish list new Per Östlund, Martin Sjölund, Peter Fritzson Martin Sjölund defect normal
#3112 Interactive execution of functions fail in for loops sometimes new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop somebody defect normal
#3954 Potential bugs from static code analysis new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Lennart Ochel defect normal
#4166 SimCodeFunctionUtil.lookForExtFunctionLibrary for msvc new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund somebody discussion normal
#4554 Internal error CevalScript.calculateSimulationSettings - can't run simulation when stopTime/interval is above 1e6 assigned Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect normal
#4584 ZeroCrossings.equals costs memory new Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel defect normal
#4633 [MetaModelica] skip cases for partial matches new Martin Sjölund Martin Sjölund enhancement normal
#6114 Unit checking scales with O(2^N) in case of large expressions involving +-*/ operators assigned Lennart Ochel, arunkumar palanisamy, Martin Sjölund Per Östlund defect normal
#6220 Small array optimizations: stack allocation new Francesco Casella, Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Andreas Heuermann Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect normal
#1410 Algebraic loop is generated instead of a known variable new Martin Sjölund, Frenkel, TUD, Willi Braun Martin Sjölund defect high
#1427 Assignment of continuous signals to discrete variables should be rejected assigned Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel defect high
#1441 Removing STMT_TUPLE_ASSIGN new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Peter Aronsson Martin Sjölund defect high
#1451 Backend scaling for simple array-equation assigned Martin Sjölund, Henning Kiel Patrick Täuber defect high
#1458 Cyclic default-bindings in functions are still accepted reopened Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund Martin Sjölund defect high
#1514 Backend: Integer linear systems are not handled properly new Martin Sjölund, Frenkel, TUD, Willi Braun Martin Sjölund defect high
#1551 Index reduction fails for "simple" model new Martin Sjölund, Frenkel, TUD, Lennart Ochel, Willi Braun Martin Sjölund defect high
#1552 Optimize algorithm sections whenever possible assigned Martin Sjölund, Lennart Ochel Willi Braun defect high
#1628 Subscripting jagged arrays give errors new Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund Martin Sjölund defect high
#1633 Provide error message for unknown sizes in slices new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Martin Sjölund defect high
#1644 Type-check when-equations new Martin Sjölund Martin Sjölund defect high
#1646 Performance of synthetic testcase new Martin Sjölund Martin Sjölund defect high
#1667 OMEdit does not have an interface to add custom directories for libraries accepted Martin Sjölund, Adeel Asghar Martin Sjölund defect high
#1688 Reinit of non-state variables assigned Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Jens Frenkel Lennart Ochel defect high
#1709 BigInt package new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Per Östlund, Peter Aronsson Martin Sjölund enhancement high
#1816 Fix getNthInheritedClass API assigned Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Adrian Pop defect high
#1899 Discusssion on how to make the generated code smaller new Willi Braun, Jens Frenkel, Lennart Ochel, Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund somebody discussion high
#2122 Save API doesn't handle multiple classes assigned Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect high
#2213 How can binded blocks produce top-level inputs? new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Lennart Ochel somebody defect high
#2421 OMEdit gdb debugging - desired features new Adrian Pop, per, Peter Fritzson, Martin Sjölund, Alachew Mengist Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#2576 Partial Function Evaluation in Backend for Spice3 new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Willi Braun, Lennart Ochel, Volker Waurich, Jens Frenkel probably noone defect high
#2582 do more check in checkModel new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund probably noone defect high
#2618 Reinitial in algorithm section also continuos relations assigned Lennart Ochel, Martin Sjölund Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#2689 mapping of zero crossings to equations does not work properly assigned Martin Sjölund, Willi Braun Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#2804 codegen error if one is using Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine new Martin Sjölund, Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin, Lennart Ochel Lennart Ochel defect high
#2825 Override of Q-Idents new cbrinkrolf@…, Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Adeel Asghar, Willi Braun somebody defect high
#2884 Performance tracing for compiler and simulation stages new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Adeel Asghar, Volker Waurich, Marcus Walther somebody discussion high
#2941 Replace all Package.RECORD with Package.UnionType.RECORD? new Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund somebody discussion high
#3015 OMEdit Plots are not correct assigned Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect high
#3044 warn if one tries to override secondary parameters new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund somebody discussion high
#3070 Noise package does not work (replaceable package + function objects) accepted Andreas.Kloeckner@…, Martin Sjölund, Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin, Peter Fritzson, Per Östlund Adrian Pop defect high
#3182 dimension size of function calls new Per Östlund, Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Niklas Worschech somebody defect high
#3218 The read_write.* interface seems a bit off new Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin, Martin Sjölund somebody defect high
#3397 Sorting of algebraic loops can affect solvability new Lennart Ochel, Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund somebody defect high
#3418 Bad performance of Spice3BenchmarkFourBitBinaryAdder dominating MSL 3.2.1 tests new Martin Sjölund, Rüdiger Franke, Niklas Worschech, Marcus Walther, Willi Braun somebody defect high
#3626 Parameter records are not displayed correctly in OMEdit accepted Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect high
#3823 Store less information in ElementSource accepted Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#3953 simulate(..) returns record instead of string new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund somebody defect high
#4003 OMEdit uses wrong modelica:// path reopened Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#4108 Better inspection of results in OMEdit new Volker Waurich, Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#4149 Cannot instantiate equation in Joystick model new Adrian Pop, Per Östlund, Martin Sjölund, Bernhard Thiele somebody defect high
#4150 Virtual Machine problems new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#4164 OMEdit / OMNotebook do not open files at start on OS X new Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect high
#4229 Augmented bouncing ball model falls through if exported and imported as FMU new Peter Fritzson, alejandro.danos@…, rd.castro@…, Martin Sjölund, Lennart Ochel, Willi Braun Adeel Asghar defect high
#4236 Icon not rendered if visible annotation is used assigned Martin Sjölund Martin Sjölund defect high
#4238 OMEdit shows strange behavior when loading system libraries automatically assigned Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#4630 Rethink mathematical simplifications new Martin Sjölund, Francesco Casella, Patrick Täuber, Lennart Ochel, Willi Braun, Volker Waurich somebody defect high
#4678 Allow passing external objects as parameters to a class new Martin Sjölund, Volker Waurich somebody enhancement high
#4699 BaseAvlSet/Tree use O(n*log n) memory new Martin Sjölund somebody enhancement high
#4700 statealias elimination breaks models new Martin Sjölund Volker Waurich defect high
#4774 Make Interactive Simulation (OPC UA server) work with Cpp runtime new Adeel Asghar, Martin Sjölund enhancement high
#4851 Split the 16dae.c source file into multiple files new Martin Sjölund Willi Braun enhancement high
#4870 Do not evaluate parameter-dependent assertions at each time step. new Martin Sjölund, Willi Braun Lennart Ochel enhancement high
#4990 Should we make IDA the default ODE mode solver? assigned Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Andreas Heuermann enhancement high
#5184 Larger models of ScalableTestSuite fail on Hudson because of code generation timeout new Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#5361 Inconsistent Variable Filter between .mat and .csv format new Martin Sjölund, Willi Braun, Lennart Ochel Lennart Ochel defect high
#5379 Cannot execute in path containing @ new Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel defect high
#5398 getClassInformation returns wrong source info new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund somebody defect high
#5865 Missing transformational debugger information for $cse implicit equations new Martin Sjölund Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#5962 We should check that major Linux distros work in the testsuite new Rüdiger Franke, Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#6010 Get OpenModelica back into FMI Cross-checker assigned Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Lennart Ochel Andreas Heuermann enhancement high
#6161 [FMI] FMU with string parameters will crash if a memory pool collection happens accepted Andreas Heuermann, Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#6224 OM cannot run some electrical load flow calculations from open-source library PowerSysPro new Martin Sjölund Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#6263 Fix spurious remaining issues in the master testsuite new Martin Sjölund Adrian Pop defect high
#6306 OpenModelica fails to build on MacOS accepted Olena Rogovchenko, Henning Kiel, Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop, Adam Dershowitz Adrian Pop defect high
#6326 OMEdit changes to dark mode if Fedora changes to dark mode new Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect high
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund, Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin Lennart Ochel defect critical
#5291 Issue with Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.RollingWheel in OMEdit new Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect critical
#5869 NULL-Pointer Exception caused by pool_malloc new Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel discussion critical
#5943 Get rid of OPENMODELICAHOME (and OPENMODELICALIBRARY) new Niklas Worschech, Adeel Asghar, Martin Sjölund somebody defect critical
#6006 Migrate this Trac to Github new Lennart Ochel, Francesco Casella, Martin Sjölund somebody task critical
#6269 Creating new Composite model freezes OMEdit (WSL) new Per Östlund, Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect critical
#2132 getComponentAnnotations should evaluate the parameters assigned Francesco Casella, Martin Sjölund, Per Östlund Adrian Pop defect blocker
#4835 Get Complex numbers to work without compromises assigned Martin Sjölund, massimo ceraolo, dr.christian.kral@…, belen.goncer-maraver@… Francesco Casella defect blocker
#4848 Linear equations are not detailed in the debugger new Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#5036 Better code generation for constant arrays new Martin Sjölund, Adrian Pop Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#5276 Issue with OMEdit formatting due to bug in diffModelicaListings assigned Martin Sjölund, Andrea Bartolini Martin Sjölund defect blocker
#5297 Support of conversion scripts assigned Niklas Worschech, Martin Sjölund Per Östlund enhancement blocker
#5427 Proper handling of library versions in OMEdit new massimo ceraolo, Rüdiger Franke, Adrian Pop, leo.gall@…, Martin Sjölund Adeel Asghar enhancement blocker
#5547 Including c-files from external_solvers for nonlinearSolverHomotopy new Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel enhancement blocker
#5926 Save a proper result file when interrupting a simulation new Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann, Niklas Worschech, Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin, Andrea Bartolini, Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#6017 FMUs don't export assigned Martin Sjölund Andreas Heuermann defect blocker
#6294 The complexity of matching and sorting deteriorated badly between 1.13 and 1.14 new Martin Sjölund Karim Adbdelhak defect blocker
#6377 Avoid generating dense Jacobian above a certain size and set default solvers accordingly assigned Andreas Heuermann, Philip Hannebohm, Martin Sjölund Karim Adbdelhak defect blocker
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