Custom Query (99 matches)


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Status: closed (99 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#4038 Dassl modifiers no longer in sync adeas31 defect blocker fixed
#4218 Omedit changes modifiers in string when the parameters pop-up window is used adeas31 defect blocker v1.12.0 fixed
#4472 OMEdit corrupts files adeas31 defect blocker fixed
#4572 OMEdit allows illegal instance names through GUI adeas31 defect blocker fixed
#4275 Git feature issue alash325 defect critical v1.12.0 fixed
#4281 Parametric Plot Does Not Work adeas31 defect critical v1.12.0 fixed
#4303 Support the Dialog(loadSelector|saveSelector) annotations adeas31 enhancement critical fixed
#4335 Plots can be lost below toolbars adeas31 defect critical invalid
#4434 infoXMLOperations not found by declarative debugging adeas31 defect critical fixed
#4461 OMEdit does not save additional simulation flags adeas31 defect critical v1.12.0 fixed
#4486 Report end of initialization and start of simulation in the log adeas31 defect critical fixed
#2232 OMEdit: is it possible to set the axis regions manually? adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2249 Support new annotation DocumentationClass adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#3414 Make OMEdit usable on Tablets / high resolution screens adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#3906 Visualization of equation transformations in OMEdit broken adeas31 defect high fixed
#4067 Add a Documentation Editor to OMEdit. adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4151 OMEdit options fields extend outside the window frame adeas31 defect high v1.11.0 fixed
#4169 Inappropriate use of red colour in OMEdit Compilation window adeas31 defect high wontfix
#4186 Duplicate of Modelica class with illegal class name adeas31 defect high fixed
#4188 OMedit issue with array connections adeas31 defect high fixed
#4197 Show backtraces from all threads adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4198 OMEdit expands all in a way that is difficult to reverse adeas31 enhancement high invalid
#4204 Parameter string not displayed correctly in diagram view adeas31 defect high fixed
#4208 OMEdit: animation pane not shown adeas31 defect high fixed
#4252 OMEdit Forces Discrete GPU on Mac adeas31 defect high fixed
#4256 Text size on input connectors and other MSL components adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4257 Simulation with ida solver doesn't start in OMEdit adeas31 defect high v1.11.0 fixed
#4265 Crash report adeas31 defect high wontfix
#4266 Crash report adeas31 defect high invalid
#4282 Re-simulate disappeared from OMEdit Modeling pane adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4287 Add support for checkbox annotation adeas31 enhancement high v1.12.0 fixed
#4295 new "checkbox" annotation is ignored if combined with any other choices annotation adeas31 defect high fixed
#4296 Connections are not displayed correctly adeas31 defect high fixed
#4310 OMEdit: Code folding option unavailable if line ends with whitspace adeas31 defect high fixed
#4314 Feature request: close windows by ESC key adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4325 OMEdit: Check model window is too small adeas31 defect high fixed
#4333 OMEdit: basic feature copy&paste not available for graphical elements adeas31 enhancement high duplicate
#4338 new checkBox annotation causes display error in diagram adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4357 OMEdit allows class names with spaces adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4376 OMEdit: Undo stack is cleared when the model is saved in TextView adeas31 defect high fixed
#4377 Long simulation time causes OMEdit to freeze adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4400 OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace adeas31 enhancement high v1.12.0 fixed
#4404 OMEdit: Auto-Complete - Some key features are missing adeas31 enhancement high v1.12.0 fixed
#4409 Object moving in block diagram unfolds all annotations in text view adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4421 Units of measure field loads a "save as.." dialog adeas31 defect high fixed
#4428 Plot legend size often too large adeas31 enhancement high duplicate
#4433 Improve the layout of the declarative debugger adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4435 Pop-ups in the declarative debugger window should not disappear adeas31 defect high wontfix
#4436 Improve how equations are shown in the declarative debugger when tearing is applied adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4440 OMEdit does not simulate adeas31 defect high fixed
#4444 Equations inside the Equations Operation window of the declarative debugger are difficult to interpret adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4452 Changed debug flags in show not effect in current OMEdit session adeas31 defect high v1.11.0 worksforme
#4463 Feature request: show library version number, build, date and library dependencies in tool tip adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4476 FillPattern.HorizontalCylinder SVG export is not working properly adeas31 defect high fixed
#4478 Show time units in Simulation Setup adeas31 defect high fixed
#4490 Display issues with Modelica Trunk adeas31 defect high fixed
#4492 Documentation view is not working in OMEdit adeas31 defect high fixed
#4505 Icon text of plugs shall not be visible in Diagram View adeas31 defect high fixed
#4514 OMEdit crashes when loading model with state machine adeas31 defect high fixed
#4547 Duplicate models should belong to the original model's package by default adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#4567 Simulation Toolbar appears twice adeas31 defect high fixed
#4576 OMEdit crashes when try to create a transition between two states of a status machine adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly fixed
#4196 OMEdit does not honour line thickness in connecting lines adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4199 Long delay before feedback in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4214 Add texture to spheres and cylinders in 3D visualization vwaurich enhancement normal fixed
#4263 Hide toolbars when in the wrong perspective adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4267 OMEdit crash reports seem to freeze adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4285 Drop files on OMEdit do not work on Mac OS adeas31 defect normal duplicate
#4305 OMEdit: Message "Revert to last correct version" - default behavior adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4308 OMEdit: Snap to grid coarse modifier (shift key) and pan view (control key) adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4318 OMEdit: Enhancement Rename class dialog adeas31 enhancement normal duplicate
#4319 OMEdit: Incomplete display of Icons with connector annotations adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4320 OMEdit: Follow connector transformation from Diagram View to Icon View adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4327 OMEdit: Option to automatically clear all messages in Messages Browser adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4331 OMEdit: polygon annotation: discontinuous angle when Bezier enabled adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4332 OMEdit: polygon annotation: odd coordinates if more then two points are drawn adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4340 OMEdit: extend vertical space in Diagram View to e.g. investigate connectors thoroughly adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4341 OMEdit: display outline of models for system libraries in Diagram View adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4342 OMEdit: bug: positions of elements in protected section are not saved properly adrpo defect normal fixed
#4343 OMEdit: open a model with [enter] key in Libraries Browser adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4348 OMEdit: preserve User's GUI customization - some elements are missing adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4361 Util/StringHandler.cpp:1125:40: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator!=’ adeas31 defect normal v1.12.0 fixed
#4379 OMEdit: Select multiple objects in DiagramView with [Shift] key (not with [Control] key) adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#4381 OMEdit: A for loop in equations leads to vanishing of connection annotations (wires) adeas31 defect normal fixed
#4401 OMEdit: Open component class in Diagram View with [Shift] + [Enter] adeas31 enhancement normal v1.12.0 fixed
#4402 OMEdit: Correctly switch between Simulate with and w/o Animation adeas31 enhancement normal v1.12.0 fixed
#4417 Class not displayed in OMEdit package browser adeas31 defect normal invalid
#4462 OMEdit: New file - Set "Insert into class" field automatically adeas31 enhancement normal wontfix
#4468 OMEdit cuts names when copying to clipboard adeas31 defect normal fixed
#1857 Simplify adding new models adeas31 enhancement low trunk fixed
#4123 Minor visual glitch in OMEdit adeas31 defect low worksforme
#4176 Allow multi-line text in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement low invalid
#4264 Multi-line text adeas31 enhancement low fixed
#4283 names of new models adeas31 enhancement low fixed
#4311 OMEdit segfault after start adeas31 defect low fixed
#4334 OMEdit: "save experiment annotation inside model" file changed and undo adeas31 defect low fixed
#4345 OMEdit: correct size for pages in options dialog adeas31 defect low wontfix
#4349 OMEdit: very coarse zoom steps in Documentation Browser adeas31 enhancement low fixed
#4431 OMEdit includes too large white spaces when exporting to clibpoard. adeas31 defect low fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.