Custom Query (98 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#1177 Redesign and set up restrictions for simplication of expressions new petar discussion Future critical
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables assigned somebody defect Future critical
#1814 Typechecker incorrectly unifies distinct types through polymorphic type variables new somebody defect Future critical
#2173 simulate API function does not complain on wrong parameters accepted adrpo defect 2.0.0 critical
#2221 Documentation of Scripting and Communication Protocol new somebody defect Future critical
#2222 OMPython interface loses sequence info and OMPython exit bug new alash325 defect Future critical
#2548 libs paramerter of SimCode.makefileParams for msvc is not correct assigned adrpo defect Future critical
#2634 underdetermined initialization problems lead to division by zero new lochel defect Future critical
#2648 wrong simulation results for pulsed voltage source accepted wbraun defect Future critical
#2685 Connector with record fails with code generation issues assigned mahge930 defect Future critical
#2734 numeric evaluation of expressions in the symbolic pre-processing new somebody defect Future critical
#2870 Non-linear solver is unable to handle HeatingSystem (msl32) properly new wbraun defect Future critical
#2946 events are treated badly new somebody defect Future critical
#3105 Parameters and variables available in FMI accepted lochel enhancement critical
#3186 Partial binding of record sub-components in functions are lost assigned perost defect 2.0.0 critical
#3389 make [dist]clean broken new defect Future critical
#3399 Add more granularity to function evaluation new somebody defect Future critical
#3510 inline function assigned wbraun defect Future critical
#3565 OMC does not tell the user what it is doing new defect critical
#3792 Variable override not working with restart accepted lochel defect Future critical
#3857 Error in Generated XML from Modelica accepted adrpo defect Future critical
#3905 findZeroCrossings scales as O(N^2) new defect critical
#3937 ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver new somebody defect Future critical
#4024 Bugs in generating xml files new lochel defect critical
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. new lochel defect 2.0.0 critical
#4131 Superfluous variables and parameters are part of the simulation new lochel defect Future critical
#4215 Cannot access connectors within icon graphics or nested models reopened adeas31 defect critical
#4221 OmOptim crashes after model selection new hubert.thieriot defect Future critical
#4330 Split OMEdit from systems librarys and introduce a library download manager new enhancement Future critical
#4362 Always check how new methods scale with the problem size new lochel discussion critical
#4370 Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Components.Fixed rises an error when parameter is changed assigned adrpo defect critical
#4410 moving a replaceable object in the block diagram duplicates the graphical annotation in text view accepted adrpo defect critical
#4477 C++ Runtime Regression for pre(array) crefs new somebody defect critical
#4502 Comparison fails for enumerations wrapped in uniontypes new defect Future critical
#4510 Importance of residual scaling for the proper operation of the default nonlinear solver new somebody defect critical
#4596 Document the symbolic transformation carried out by the various back-end modules new enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#4656 Small delays give badly wrong results new wbraun defect critical
#4658 OMEdit does not show pop-up list of enumeration type in parameter's pop-up window new adeas31 defect critical
#4674 Wrong return values for getParameterValue for inherited classes new somebody defect Future critical
#4693 Changing input values in interactive simulation fails for model sizes above a certain threshold new somebody defect critical
#4886 OMCompiler fails to build with lapack 3.8.0 new defect critical
#4903 Memory leak? new lochel defect critical
#4957 Inefficient code generated for record derivatives new lochel defect Future critical
#4994 Is startTime a built-in variable in OMC? assigned adeas31 defect critical
#5041 assert on parameters are not called in the right order new lochel defect critical
#5059 Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode with default nonlinear solver new lochel defect critical
#5099 Merging min/max attributes for alias elimination new Karim.Abdelhak enhancement critical
#5109 Nightly build 9/7/2018 installer issue new adeas31 defect Future critical
#5147 Log scale new adeas31 enhancement critical
#5148 Changes of integer input of FMU are ignored new lochel defect Future critical
#5175 OMEdit cannot create models as separate .mo files new adeas31 defect critical
#5263 [FMI] FMUs are linked with libModelicaExternalC compiled as a dynamic library new defect Future critical
#5291 Issue with Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.RollingWheel in OMEdit new adeas31 defect critical
#5345 omc-based FMI import in OMEdit new adeas31 enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#5531 Implicit cast from Real to Integer assigned AnHeuermann defect 2.0.0 critical
#5612 OMPython fails to load model in enhanced mode due to ValueError new alash325 defect Future critical
#5616 Handling of indexing in arrays of records new lochel defect 2.0.0 critical
#5664 Reload feature in OMEdit new adeas31 enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#5682 Provide information about wrong graphical annotations when checking models in OMEdit assigned adrpo defect critical
#5714 Build linux stable release only when tagging new versions on maintenance branch assigned adrpo defect critical
#5725 Issues with start values in ThermoSysPro new Karim.Abdelhak defect critical
#5746 Translation Error from Timer block assigned AnHeuermann discussion critical
#5748 FMU crashing matlab new lochel defect Future critical
#5813 Improve selection of start attributes for alias variables new casella defect critical
#5814 for loop in algorithm section gets wrong values accepted mahge930 defect critical
#5823 Verification of FMI models has interpolation issues new lochel defect critical
#5869 NULL-Pointer Exception caused by pool_malloc new lochel discussion critical
#5888 Record's inheritance new lochel defect Future critical
#5902 Icon view "Bring to front" not working new adeas31 defect critical
#5917 New Backend proposal assigned Karim.Abdelhak enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#5918 Size of Cpp FMU increased by more than 300% with OMSI assigned niklwors defect critical
#5919 Error of Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library new adeas31 defect critical
#5925 Reduced installation new adeas31 enhancement critical
#5943 Get rid of OPENMODELICAHOME (and OPENMODELICALIBRARY) new somebody defect 2.0.0 critical
#5964 Link relevant OpenModelica workshop presentations and project deliverables to OMC User's Guide new adeas31 enhancement critical
#5971 TLM pendulum example error new lochel defect critical
#5975 Numerical problems with initialization of thermofluid model in BuildingSystems new lochel defect critical
#5996 Graphical support to propagate parameters new adeas31 enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#5997 Improve CVODE in C-runtime to production-grade new AnHeuermann enhancement 2.0.0 critical
#6000 Expected "XXX" to be a class, but found component instead. assigned adeas31 defect critical
#6006 Migrate this Trac to Github new somebody task Future critical
#6019 previous(y) is chattering in a discrete-time model new lochel defect critical
#6034 Briefly explain the compilation pipeline and the role of compilation vs. simulation flags assigned adeas31 enhancement critical
#6038 Mac OMEdit fails to build new defect critical
#6057 impeuler poor performance and Restart Kinsol: change linear solver to KINDense. new AnHeuermann defect critical
#6155 Z-axis not working in OMEdit new adeas31 defect critical
#6166 Fluid/Examples/PumpingSystem can't be simulated assigned AnHeuermann defect critical
#6249 Inconsistent behaviour when opening a new class from a tab with syntactically wrong code new adeas31 defect critical
#6254 Backend fails with discrete-time first order model assigned AnHeuermann defect critical
#6269 Creating new Composite model freezes OMEdit (WSL) new adeas31 defect critical
#6272 installPackage does not work on Windows new adrpo defect critical
#6285 Minimal tearing failing for example from MSL reopened AnHeuermann defect critical
#6315 Issue with initial equation generation in Physiolibrary new Karim.Abdelhak defect critical
#6350 OMEdit cannot handle simulations with more than 10000 variable comfortably new adeas31 defect 2.0.0 critical
#6351 Severe memory management issue in Ubuntu reopened defect critical
#6367 Avoid C compilation bottleneck in OMC assigned defect NeedsInput critical
#6373 Electrical Quasistationary MutualInductor in standard library not working in OM assigned perost defect critical
#6441 User Guide: Chapter "7.1.2 FMI Import" defective new defect critical
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