{2} Active Tickets by Version (1203 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 200 of 1203)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1.16.2 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#6392 Possibility to pin recent files OMEdit 1.16.2 enhancement adeas31 new 2021-02-21
#6390 Cannot extend from RealOutput New Instantiation 1.16.2 defect perost new 2021-02-19
#6424 linear_model.py : two syntax errors *unknown* 1.16.2 defect arun3688 assigned 2021-03-13

1.16.5 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#6416 Error in Implementation of the delay function Code Generation 1.16.5 task AnHeuermann assigned 2021-03-10
#6425 E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. *unknown* 1.16.5 defect somebody new 2021-03-14
#6422 Performance problems with Power Electronics Run-time 1.16.5 enhancement AnHeuermann new 2021-03-12

1.18.0-dev (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5610 Implement IconMap and DiagramMap annotations OMEdit 1.18.0-dev defect adeas31 reopened 2019-07-31
#6377 Avoid generating dense Jacobian above a certain size and set default solvers accordingly *unknown* 1.18.0-dev defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2021-02-15
#6383 Omc doesn't check correctly the constraining-clause New Instantiation 1.18.0-dev defect perost new 2021-02-17
#6372 Asserts in conditional equations are not handled correctly Run-time 1.18.0-dev defect AnHeuermann new 2021-02-09
#6397 Simulations with -lv vendor annotation fail in the testsuite Testing Framework 1.18.0-dev defect sjoelund.se new 2021-02-27
#6408 Wrong start values for NLS with homotopy *unknown* 1.18.0-dev defect AnHeuermann assigned 2021-03-08
#6409 Simulation is not stopped when an error happens Run-time 1.18.0-dev defect AnHeuermann assigned 2021-03-08
#6429 [MM] Add listFlatten and listFlattenReverse in C for more performance MetaModelica 1.18.0-dev defect sjoelund.se new 2021-03-17
#6430 Error -1073741819 at solving initiation (after complete compilation) *unknown* 1.18.0-dev defect somebody new 2021-03-18
#6433 Start values with fixed=false not appearing in NLS Backend 1.18.0-dev defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2021-03-22
#6436 Segmentation fault with non-linear Newton solver Run-time 1.18.0-dev defect AnHeuermann new 2021-03-26
#6443 Issues with profiling in OMEdit OMEdit 1.18.0-dev defect adeas31 new 2021-04-21
#6426 Solver export to fmu FMI 1.18.0-dev task lochel new 2021-03-15

1.8.0 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#3020 Custom annotation cannot be read and proposed code changes to interactive.mo Interactive Environment 1.8.0 defect adrpo assigned 2014-12-08

trunk (80 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2132 getComponentAnnotations should evaluate the parameters Interactive Environment trunk defect adrpo assigned 2013-03-28
#2282 Dynamic State Selection doesn't work on simple planar pendulum model Run-time trunk defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2013-07-15
#2484 Expandable connector resolution misses components New Instantiation trunk defect perost assigned 2013-11-17
#2850 Redeclared models use wrong icon OMEdit trunk defect adeas31 new 2014-09-29
#2926 Check uses-annotation on loadFile Frontend trunk defect perost assigned 2014-10-22
#3424 Incorrect result with diffModelicaFileListings Interactive Environment trunk defect sjoelund.se reopened 2015-08-26
#2152 Handle time events efficiently Run-time trunk enhancement Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2013-04-12
#2891 Hierarchical editing of models OMEdit trunk enhancement adeas31 new 2014-10-15
#2894 Summary of improvements for OMEdit GUI usability OMEdit trunk enhancement adeas31 accepted 2014-10-15
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables Backend trunk defect somebody assigned 2011-04-12
#1814 Typechecker incorrectly unifies distinct types through polymorphic type variables Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2012-09-16
#2173 simulate API function does not complain on wrong parameters Interactive Environment trunk defect adrpo accepted 2013-05-03
#2221 Documentation of Scripting and Communication Protocol Interactive Environment trunk defect somebody new 2013-06-05
#2222 OMPython interface loses sequence info and OMPython exit bug OMPython trunk defect alash325 new 2013-06-05
#2548 libs paramerter of SimCode.makefileParams for msvc is not correct Backend trunk defect adrpo assigned 2014-01-27
#2634 underdetermined initialization problems lead to division by zero Backend trunk defect lochel new 2014-03-21
#2648 wrong simulation results for pulsed voltage source Run-time trunk defect wbraun accepted 2014-04-02
#2685 Connector with record fails with code generation issues Code Generation trunk defect mahge930 assigned 2014-05-07
#2734 numeric evaluation of expressions in the symbolic pre-processing Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2014-06-23
#2870 Non-linear solver is unable to handle HeatingSystem (msl32) properly Run-time trunk defect wbraun new 2014-10-07
#2946 events are treated badly Run-time trunk defect somebody new 2014-10-31
#3186 Partial binding of record sub-components in functions are lost New Instantiation trunk defect perost assigned 2015-03-03
#3389 make [dist]clean broken Build Environment trunk defect sjoelund.se new 2015-07-24
#3399 Add more granularity to function evaluation Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2015-08-07
#3105 Parameters and variables available in FMI FMI trunk enhancement lochel accepted 2015-01-27
#1551 Index reduction fails for "simple" model Backend trunk defect sjoelund.se new 2011-05-26
#1643 FMU is not re-initialized after set continuous state Backend trunk defect jfrenkel assigned 2011-11-01
#1770 Polymorphism breaks in RML and OMC Build Environment trunk defect somebody new 2012-08-13
#1815 Type variables cannot be (explicitly) unified even though the compiler can unify them Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2012-09-16
#1822 Replaceable type cannot unify with itself Backend trunk defect somebody new 2012-09-18
#1884 incompatible types when assigning to type 'modelica_real' from type 'modelica_string' Backend trunk defect somebody assigned 2012-10-15
#1929 Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong initialization values Backend trunk defect wbraun assigned 2012-11-05
#1940 Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong simulation values Backend trunk defect wbraun reopened 2012-11-16
#2010 Prefix rules needs more work in new instantiation New Instantiation trunk defect perost new 2013-01-07
#2045 Initialisation of external object fails Run-time trunk defect lochel assigned 2013-02-05
#2080 Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.PrismaticJoint Backend trunk defect lochel assigned 2013-02-22
#2094 Function testcase not covered by BuildModelRecursive.mos Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2013-02-28
#2120 Make sure solving for a variable always solves the equation Backend trunk defect ptaeuber assigned 2013-03-12
#2122 Save API doesn't handle multiple classes Interactive Environment trunk defect adeas31 assigned 2013-03-14
#2153 Better analysis for function completion New Instantiation trunk defect perost new 2013-04-14
#2199 wrong figures when plotting 2 different variables. OMPlot trunk defect adeas31 assigned 2013-05-21
#2213 How can binded blocks produce top-level inputs? Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2013-05-30
#2260 Replace DAEDump with template-based dumper Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2013-06-24
#2287 algorithm assigning an array fails during transformation Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2013-07-18
#2292 wrong generated C code Backend trunk defect lochel assigned 2013-07-29
#2306 Assignments using functions with multiple outputs Command Prompt Environment trunk defect somebody new 2013-08-10
#2316 Remove need to use OPENMODELICAHOME Installation program trunk defect adrpo assigned 2013-08-20
#2319 no support for discrete equation systems Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2013-08-22
#2367 Record with vectors, zeros(), size() New Instantiation trunk defect adrpo accepted 2013-09-26
#2370 Record input connectors wrongly interpreted by the OpenModelica compiler Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2013-09-27
#2378 addComponent does not handle the double declaration check Interactive Environment trunk defect somebody new 2013-09-30
#2385 Missing variable declarations in instantiated model when using expandable connectors New Instantiation trunk defect adrpo reopened 2013-10-02
#2387 Operator overloading fails for matrices New Instantiation trunk defect perost assigned 2013-10-02
#2420 Do not return error messages when calling checkModel (maybe there are other API that do this) Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2013-10-11
#2428 numerical instability Run-time trunk defect somebody new 2013-10-18
#2463 Error when removing simple equations for a simple model Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2013-11-05
#2466 Over-determined system Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2013-11-07
#2471 Add check if variable can be changed via -override* Run-time trunk defect adrpo accepted 2013-11-11
#2494 Derivative annotation handling broken Code Generation trunk defect wbraun accepted 2013-11-29
#2500 premature optimization when generating simulation code Backend trunk defect adrpo assigned 2013-12-05
#2502 array equations may matched inconsistent Backend trunk defect wbraun new 2013-12-06
#2520 model including two SpringDamper blocks leads to compiler error Backend trunk defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2013-12-17
#2576 Partial Function Evaluation in Backend for Spice3 Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2014-02-09
#2577 derivatives start-value Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2014-02-10
#2582 do more check in checkModel Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2014-02-13
#2599 Handling of (tuple) = f(...) when solving non-linear Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2014-02-21
#2605 Can MathML blocks be nested in the XML dump? Backend trunk defect probably noone new 2014-03-01
#2618 Reinitial in algorithm section also continuos relations Backend trunk defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2014-03-13
#2664 Probelm with handling "when statement" in an FMU FMI trunk defect wbraun reopened 2014-04-13
#2670 Possible support for Modelica_LinearSystems2 Frontend trunk defect somebody new 2014-04-19
#2689 mapping of zero crossings to equations does not work properly Backend trunk defect Karim.Abdelhak assigned 2014-05-09
#2730 Unproper behaviour of function "dumpXMLDAE" for "stateSpace" translationLevel Code Generation trunk defect somebody assigned 2014-06-16
#2750 Units of derivatives in the variables browser Code Generation trunk defect mahge930 assigned 2014-07-11
#2756 OM reports an error in the C code it creates Code Generation trunk defect mahge930 accepted 2014-07-18
#2774 Vectors are not detected as discrete variables Backend trunk defect wbraun new 2014-08-08
#2785 Check of protected variables is not made when using replaceable/redeclare (again) Frontend trunk defect perost accepted 2014-08-22
#2788 Enumerated types causing errors Code Generation trunk defect wbraun assigned 2014-08-24
#2799 Missing enumeration type declaration in DAEXMLdump *unknown* trunk defect somebody new 2014-09-02
#2804 codegen error if one is using Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine Code Generation trunk defect lochel new 2014-09-05
#2807 Disallow illegal prefixes in records Frontend trunk defect perost accepted 2014-09-08
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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