
Version 5 (modified by adrpo, 6 years ago) (diff)


1.12.0 | 1.14.0

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.13.0

  • OMSimulator 2.0 – the second release of our efficient FMI Simulation tool including a GUI for FMI Composition, co-simulation and model-exchange simulation, and SSP standard support.
  • Model and library encryption/decryption support. (Only for usage by OSMC member organizations)
  • Improved OpenModelica DAEMode for efficient solution of large Modelica models.
  • Julia scripting API to OpenModelica.
  • Basic Matlab scripting API to OpenModelica.
  • OMSysIdent - parameter estimation module for linear and non-linear parametric dynamic models.
  • Interactive simulation and control of simulations with OPC-UA.
  • PDEModelica1 - experimental support for one-dimensional PDEs in Modelica.
  • Analytic directional derivatives for FMI export and efficient calculation of multiple Jacobian columns – giving much faster simulation for some models
  • Enhanced OMEdit – including fast multi-file search.
  • Improved error messages and stability.
  • A version of the new fast compiler frontend available for testing, can be enabled by a flag Currently (December 10), simulates about 84% of MSL 3.2.2

Note: the replaceable GUI support has been moved to OpenModelica 1.14.0 and will be available in nightly builds.

Component: *unknown* (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4841 inline function with bindings for outputs fixed vitalij defect high

Component: Backend (35 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3266 Differentiation of recursive function fails fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3628 Model simulation breaks since commit 7dfbb01 fixed lochel defect high
#3885 inStream and Evaluate Parameter fixed vitalij defect blocker
#4036 fmu translation fails with debug flag execstat fixed wbraun defect high v1.11.0
#4159 Clean up flags dealing with Jacobian generation fixed wbraun defect high
#4237 Bad treatment of algebraic loops in synchronous models fixed wbraun defect high v1.12.0
#4253 inverse in OM fixed ptaeuber defect high v1.12.0
#4254 Wrong numerical handling of conditional equations fixed wbraun defect blocker v1.12.0
#4329 Add warning about conflicting start values fixed ptaeuber defect high
#4373 differentiation module cannot handle non-constant subscripts fixed wbraun defect high v1.11.0
#4388 collectInitialBindings scales as O(N^2) fixed defect high
#4393 Steam pipe model from the ScalableTestSuite library broken with -daeMode fixed wbraun defect high
#4423 Improve LateInline of if-statements and records fixed ptaeuber defect high
#4441 Incorrect calculation of stream variables fixed vitalij defect high v1.11.0
#4512 Warn about iteration variables without nominal attribute fixed ptaeuber enhancement high
#4525 Wrong handling and unclear reporting of redundant initial equations fixed ptaeuber defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4552 EvaluateParameters scales as O(N^2) with large parameter arrays fixed ptaeuber defect high
#4553 Wrong structural reporting in systems with complex array equations fixed ptaeuber defect high
#4568 compilation fails: why? fixed defect high
#4574 Reduce storage space for variables that are not time-varying fixed lochel defect high
#4590 SimCode execution times scale as O(N^4) with large parameter arrays fixed somebody defect high
#4634 Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Sensors.ElectricalPowerSensor not working properly fixed ptaeuber defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4696 createFMIModelStructure fails for a simple model with function fixed wbraun defect critical v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4715 Problem with inline in MSL trunk fixed lochel defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4751 Change of MAX_SIZE_LINEAR_TEARING fixed rfranke defect critical
#4769 [BE] postOpt Modules detectJacobianSparsePattern and generateSymbolicJacobian should be merged fixed wbraun enhancement normal
#4783 Synchronous solverMethod ExplicitEuler and ImplicitTrapezoid generate too many states fixed lochel defect high
#4808 Simple equation involving Complex numbers is solved incorrectly fixed vitalij defect high
#4855 Inverse algorithms with discrete variables are failing fixed wbraun defect high
#4974 ComplexMath.'abs' is not inlined fixed somebody defect critical
#5052 Incorrect indication of absence on analytic jacobian when using daeMode? fixed wbraun defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5104 Further inStream optimizations fixed vitalij enhancement normal
#5182 Issue in preOpt evalFunc involving functions with record outputs containing Real and Integer variables fixed defect critical
#5186 Documentation of daeMode is out-of-date fixed wbraun defect blocker
#5206 Generate residual equation for nonlinear systems with conditional equations fixed wbraun defect high

Component: Build Environment (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4375 remove 3rdParty from static analysis fixed enhancement low
#4735 Bad treatment of patches in OMCompiler repository fixed defect high
#4747 Treatment of singular equation systems in source code FMUs fixed enhancement high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4772 Problems with Cpp runtime under Win32 fixed defect normal
#4773 Simulation from OMEdit fails for Cpp runtime under Windows fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4942 Need some hint for building with lp_solve fixed enhancement high
#4978 FMI build fail in current nightly build fixed defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5120 Compilation fails due to OMSimulator fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#5189 Instructions for Compiling OMC using OMDev package missing critical bit of info fixed defect high
#5227 TableTest not working under Win32 again fixed defect blocker

Component: Code Generation (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2909 Intermediate compilation files should be removed at the end of code generation fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#4269 Record constant in function is initialized wrongly fixed lochel defect high v1.12.0
#4528 buildModelFMU doesn't respect the fileNamePrefix argument fixed lochel defect high
#4534 Stack overflow in SimCodeUtil.createAllDiffedSimVars fixed hkiel defect high
#4545 Code generation for algorithms involving arrays broken in commit 453e1c7 fixed wbraun defect blocker
#4705 Handle indexed assignment of string arrays fixed defect normal
#4836 Red warnings show up in OMEdit when using --daeMode=new fixed wbraun defect high
#4879 clang optimizations for large models fixed enhancement high
#4936 Dimension 1 has bounds 1..10, got array subscript 0 fixed lochel defect high
#4939 mod(x,y) with x < 0 computed incorrectly in algorithms fixed defect high
#4943 Wrong order of equations in info.json file fixed wbraun defect blocker
#5134 Record as argument to external function is not passed by reference fixed adrpo defect high

Component: Command Prompt Environment (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4537 OMShell not starting on Linux fixed hkiel defect blocker
#4958 __OpenModelica_simulationFlags ignored by API simulate() function fixed perost defect high

Component: Cpp Run-time (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3933 Cppruntime should use Sundials from 3rdParty fixed somebody defect critical v1.10.0-dev-nightly

Component: Documentation (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4246 Make the documentation of Integration Methods consistent and up-to-date fixed wbraun enhancement blocker
#4390 Update solver simflags fixed wbraun defect high
#4642 Add documentation of __OpenModelica vendor annotations for compilation and simulation flags fixed adeas31 defect high
#4757 The Sphinx job is fragile fixed adrpo defect high
#4827 Issue with flag documentation fixed defect critical
#5253 Fix SVG generation for Python3 fixed defect normal v1.13.0-dev.beta1

Component: FMI (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2764 ModelStructure with wrong dependencies for states and without dependencies for outputs fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3749 Generated FMUs for C and CPP have different names fixed adrpo defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3865 OMEdit fails to import a 2.0 FMU that contains both ME and CS fixed defect high v1.9.4-v1.9.x
#3903 Generation of FMU broken for several ScalableTestSuite models fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#4140 Questionable compiler options (-O0 -march=native) when building FMUs fixed defect high v1.11.0
#4424 Wrong ModelStructure in FMI 2 modelDescription.xml fixed wbraun defect blocker
#4675 Statically link libstdc++ on Windows fixed adrpo defect blocker v1.12.0
#4977 Directional derivatives error (FMU for model exchange) fixed wbraun defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4991 Too many simulations fail with too long a timeout in the TEST_LIBS_FMI_MASTER Hudson job fixed lochel defect critical
#5035 FMI export produces non-FMI-compliant FMUs fixed lochel defect high v1.12.0
#5117 Cannot load exported FMUs in fmuCheck due to missing required DLLs fixed lochel defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5219 Wrong outputs in modelDescription.xml fixed lochel defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5221 FMU CS 2.0 sometimes drops events when multiple ones occur betweeen adjacent step times fixed lochel defect critical v1.13.0-dev-nightly

Component: Frontend (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1555 Model with array of unknown size fails without error message fixed perost defect critical
#1853 reinit does not handle arrays fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#3625 Extremly long compilation time fixed adrpo task high
#4503 OMCompiler doesn't remove mathematical signs when flattening model + libraries fixed defect high
#4563 State machine reset error fixed bthiele defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4606 Wrong equation count with complex numbers fixed perost defect high
#4646 redeclare non-replaceable: warning instead or error fixed somebody enhancement high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4702 Record binding missing causing string to be assigned 0.0 fixed defect high v1.12.0
#4703 Support fixed=false for Strings (Modelica 3.4) fixed enhancement high v1.12.0
#4710 Cannot pass a string “parameter” that is read from a file to a function fixed adeas31 defect high v1.12.0
#4786 Functions are sometimes not type checked when passed as arguments fixed defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4795 Flattening error for a model with substructure fixed defect critical
#4838 CevalFunction ignores tail recursion fixed defect blocker
#5179 firstTick operator should return Boolean fixed somebody defect high v1.12.0

Component: Initialization (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4498 External object initialization dependencies fixed lochel defect high

Component: Installation program (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4507 Current nightly build Windows installer says v1.12 and not v1.13 fixed adeas31 task low v1.12.0
#5072 Mac OSX nightly build still broken fixed adeas31 defect high
#5100 Accessing older Linux/MacOSX nightly builds fixed enhancement high

Component: Interactive Environment (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4255 Wrong message when library is not loaded fixed defect high
#4386 Text formatting is not preserved in OMEdit fixed defect critical v1.12.0
#4625 OMEdit: Sometimes issues a wrong error message when renaming fixed perost defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4650 OMC opens wrong library fixed defect high
#4889 Provide GC statistics as an OMC API fixed adrpo defect high
#4906 Memory management is extremely inefficient when running multiple simulations in a script fixed adrpo defect critical
#5129 SimulationResult.resultFile ignores simflag -r fixed adrpo defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly

Component: MetaModelica (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4546 MetaModelica JSON reader fixed enhancement high
#4571 MetaModelica function pointer with underscore generates invalid code fixed defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4579 Add support for MetaModelica array literals fixed defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4856 Expression.isConst failed fixed defect critical
#5205 Support cycles in anyString fixed defect high

Component: New Instantiation (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1790 Component redeclarations does not inherit array dimensions. fixed perost defect high
#1805 Multi-level redeclare fixed perost defect high
#1905 Propagate class modifiers fixed perost defect high trunk
#1916 Print an error for nonexisting redeclared modifier elements in extends. fixed perost defect low trunk
#1927 Handle instantiation of builtin functions better in new instantiation fixed perost defect high trunk
#2613 combined modification and redeclaration fixed perost defect high trunk
#4610 New unit checking stack overflows on large arrays. fixed defect critical v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4615 New unit checking performance fixed arun3688 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4654 Activating -d=newInst via setCommandineOptions does not work sometimes fixed adrpo defect high
#4660 NFTyping.typeComponents fails on many MSL models because of missing function evaluation fixed perost defect high
#4676 Hudson scripts do not capture assert() output during translation fixed defect critical
#4778 [NF] Array concatenation (matrix) operator is not implemented fixed defect high
#4779 [NF] Array constructor does not type-check properly fixed defect high
#4884 Improve the performace of BackendDAEUtil.sortGlobalKnownVarsInDAE with the NF fixed perost enhancement critical
#4966 Overconstrained connectors not handled by the NF fixed adrpo defect high
#5057 [NF] Bad handling of derived function from builtin functions fixed perost defect high
#5133 [NF] Problems with variability for impure functions fixed adrpo defect high
#5231 Issue with fixed perost defect high
#5236 The backend should break down initial record equations into their scalar counterparts fixed perost defect critical

Component: OMEdit (47 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1858 Better template classes fixed adeas31 enhancement low
#3756 plots for PDEModelica fields fixed jansilar enhancement normal v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3788 OMEdit working directory too cluttered fixed adeas31 enhancement blocker
#3959 Support calling functions directly from the OMEdit library browser fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#4350 OMEdit: improve duplicate: main issue: create separate file fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#4557 Duplicate of packages is always saved as package in one file fixed adeas31 defect high
#4575 Single precision output selection from OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#4583 files for CombiTimeTable not found anymore fixed adeas31 defect high
#4585 Cannot copy/paste code fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#4594 When duplicating a model saved in a single file, the duplicate model should also be saved in a single file fixed adeas31 defect critical
#4597 Recent files list does not save the current status fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4607 OMEdit does not update model properly when calling generate verification scenarios fixed adeas31 defect high
#4619 Horizontal grey lines in documentation browser fixed adeas31 defect low
#4640 Categorize OMEdit messages fixed adeas31 defect high
#4651 Parameter dialog show extraneous "=" with parameters of Record types fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.12.0
#4652 OMEdit does not show parameters of basic type in parameter's pop-up fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4672 Icons do not render correctly fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4673 OMEdit does not show icons properly fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4687 OMEdit crashes when trying to copy code from the Instantiation window using the NF fixed adeas31 defect critical
#4688 The Crash Report feature doesn't work fixed adeas31 defect high
#4694 OMEdit does not show complex parameters in pop-up window fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4697 OMEdit does not accept parameter with brackets fixed adrpo defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4708 Profiling information reporting is broken in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect critical
#4717 Cannot modify hidden classes fixed adeas31 defect high
#4727 OMEdit crashes after NIghtly-built update fixed adrpo defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4734 OMEdit crash on startup fixed adeas31 defect critical v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4736 Undefined reference to OMCInterface::throwException fixed adeas31 defect high
#4743 Del as a keyboard substitute in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#4771 Attribute dimension syntax fixed adeas31 discussion high
#4788 Saved mo files are not added to a recent list fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#4798 Animation is broken fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4806 OMEdit Ctrl-M calls loadModel(&Modelica) fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#4840 OMEdit does not use displayUnit unit conversion on parameter arrays of component array instances fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#4923 Modelica:// url not recognised in documentation browser fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4935 OMEdit should not switch to plotting perspective when simulation fails fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4959 Exited with code -1 when simulating FMU fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4975 OMEdit keeps command line options between runs fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4983 The Documentation Browser is not updated when a different model is selected fixed adeas31 defect critical
#4987 Only put root package files in OMEdit history fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#5047 Issue with Re-simulate fixed adeas31 defect high
#5068 Library is missing fixed adrpo defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5106 OMEdit changes the rendering of connections between sessions fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5145 Variables browser does not make difference between parameters and variables fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5146 FMU export in ME 1.0 mode broken for OMEdit (but works with omc) fixed adeas31 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5234 OMEdit leaves the Simulation Output window in the background fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5244 OMEdit does not show some derivatives fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#5251 OMEdit on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS does not open the plotting perspective after simulation fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.14.0-dev-nightly

Component: OMNotebook (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4704 OMNotebook: Cellcursor not updated correctly fixed arun3688 defect high
#4714 OMNotebook: documents get trashed fixed arun3688 defect high v1.12.0
#5255 OMNotebook trashes unsaved document when opening other file fixed adeas31 defect critical v1.13.0-dev.beta1

Component: OMSimulator (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4627 1.12.0 release notes mention OMSimulator, but this is not part of OpenModelica super-project fixed lochel defect blocker v1.12.0
#5046 Please add a link to the OMSimulator documentation to the User's Guide fixed adeas31 enhancement blocker

Component: Run-time (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2266 advanced support of homotopy(...) fixed ptaeuber enhancement high trunk
#4160 Systems with variable array indexing produce wrong results with -daeModel fixed wbraun defect high
#4395 Importance of residual scaling for the proper operation of the Kinsol solver fixed wbraun enhancement high
#4509 Unacceptable limitation on log file length under Windows fixed adrpo defect critical
#4569 Implement single precision for matlab result files fixed enhancement high
#4581 OMEdit crashes when the simulation fails fixed defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4582 Units of measure in output matlab file fixed lochel enhancement normal
#4718 Parameter is not evaluated at runtime fixed defect blocker
#4722 Example of (tested) PNlib crashes on Win7 fixed lochel defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#4985 OMC accepts invalid nonlinear system solutions fixed wbraun defect blocker
#5039 How to supress "stdout" messages in terminal? fixed adrpo defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5040 OMC accepts invalid values of parameters fixed lochel defect blocker
#5049 Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode fixed wbraun defect blocker
#5185 Simulating a pure algebraic model in daeMode leads to a wrong solution fixed wbraun defect blocker
#5223 Linearization does not work on Windows fixed adrpo defect high

Component: Susan (Templates) (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4600 Internal template error fixed adrpo defect high

Component: Testing Framework (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4720 Online plots of failed verification on Hudson are not displayed fixed adrpo defect high
#4880 Misleading regression analysis fixed defect high
#4885 Provide reference results for ScalableTestSuite test runs fixed casella enhancement high
#4948 Issues with verification reporting on Hudson fixed adrpo defect critical
#4980 Javascript result files missing in newInst verification reports by Hudson fixed defect high
#4982 Models in the ScalableTestSuite fail on Hudson due to insufficient resources fixed defect high
#4997 Unreported simulation results on Hudson server fixed defect high
#5007 Please get the OSX nightly build up and running again fixed defect blocker
#5058 Linux nightly build broken since July 20 fixed defect critical

Component: Third-Party Libraries (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4794 Application to include HanserModelica as OM System Library fixed enhancement high
#5018 Patch MSL 3.2.2/3.2.1 with missing 'each'? fixed adrpo defect blocker