
Version 1 (modified by, 12 years ago) (diff)


0.12? | 1.1?

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.0 Release

1.9.0 corresponds to the next stable version of OpenModelica (a.k.a. trunk)


Detailed User Visible Changes

Component: Backend (99 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1415 array bindings need to be handled better in the compiler defect high fixed
#1664 Initialization seems to get stuck on model: Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Systems.RobotR3.fullRobot wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1670 Update help() defect high fixed
#1676 Simulation Executable Crashes adeas31 defect high fixed
#1690 initial algorithm aren't considered while the initialization lochel defect high trunk fixed
#1691 M.E.Digital.Examples fail to run backend defect high fixed
#1692 Non-linear system causes stack protection issues defect high fixed
#1708 Strip unused functions from generated code defect normal fixed
#1721 error division by zero mohamed defect blocker fixed
#1735 Driveline model takes a long time to generate code perost defect critical trunk fixed
#1740 typo in janssen defect high fixed
#1743 XMLDump incorrectly wraps matrix, vector, and array elements in an apply block janssen defect high fixed
#1773 Array<Integer> arr := {1,2,3} causes a segfault when arr is passed to a function somebody defect normal fixed
#1775 Concatenating a string with an unbound string variable segfaults defect high fixed
#1780 Linearization returns zero for systems with independent variables wbraun defect high fixed
#1781 Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.LossyGearDemo2 wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1785 Integration has trouble with Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Examples.PreLoad.mos wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1787 Backend adds = 0.0 bindings for no good reason defect high trunk fixed
#1794 Internal error BackendEquation.equationToExp failed with 1.9 beta, 1.8.1 works. jfrenkel defect high fixed
#1802 Nonliniear Solver converge to wrong solution wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1810 omc simulation runtime c crashes on the HumMod model wbraun defect blocker trunk invalid
#1818 Pendulum does not simulate jfrenkel defect critical trunk invalid
#1826 Passing built in functions as funargs generates invalid C code defect high trunk fixed
#1827 BackendDAE cannot represent NORETCALL equations somebody defect high fixed
#1828 Generated code for RobotR3.oneAxis contains division by zero. jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1830 when in algorithm only triggered once wbraun defect high fixed
#1846 Ceval doesn't compile: unbound variable info somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1850 Discrete variables are counted for over/underconstrained system wbraun defect high invalid
#1852 Error: Internal error SimCodeUtil.calculateIndex failed somebody defect normal trunk duplicate
#1865 Error extending Model somebody defect high duplicate
#1866 zero-crossings need to check for logical operator instead just for relation wbraun defect blocker trunk fixed
#1868 A couple of syntax errors in Compiler/Template/CodegenXML.tpl janssen defect normal fixed
#1872 Array-expression and when-statements do not work wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1873 Stack overflow introduced in backend jfrenkel defect high fixed
#1876 Expandable connectors: wrong equations generation in Multibody adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1891 Fail to match discrete equation jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1895 Error building simulator jfrenkel enhancement high trunk fixed
#1898 make tests working again from r13489 jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1903 Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1912 Initial equation not working correctly somebody defect high duplicate
#1913 Initial equation not working correctly lochel defect high fixed
#1926 hybrid initialization lochel defect high fixed
#1943 Wrong equation count for enum in when equations jfrenkel defect critical trunk fixed
#1948 MultiBody model goes infinite in the back-end jfrenkel defect normal trunk fixed
#1955 Parameter values lost adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1957 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.Surfaces defect high trunk fixed
#1959 Modelica.Blocks.Routing.Extractor doesn't work wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1960 Modelica.blocks.sources.pulse wrong simulation results wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1964 Bound Parameter Expression unfixed jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1965 TriggeredSampler model doesn't switch properly wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1968 Modelica.Media.Examples.Tests.MediaTestModels.Water.WaterIF97OnePhase_ph.mos fails on Linux wbraun defect high trunk worksforme
#1970 Multibody Visualizers type error probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#1971 Errors in return values in functions with two outputs probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#1973 Problem with initial equations affecting valve models in Modelica.Fluid lochel defect critical trunk fixed
#1975 Error in solving nonlinear system for Mechanics.rotational clutch model wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1982 issues with circuits containing diodes probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#1992 Problem with plt wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1994 wrong over determined initial system lochel defect high trunk fixed
#1995 Wrong simulation result with symbolic initialization lochel defect high trunk invalid
#1996 wrong over determined initial system II lochel defect high trunk fixed
#1997 code generation fails with symbolic initialization jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#1998 symbolic initialization fails lochel defect high trunk worksforme
#1999 under-determined initial systems lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2006 Omedit cannot load a file (r14547) jfrenkel defect high trunk invalid
#2008 delay in initial equation lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2011 sample breaks c-code lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2016 event-bug lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2017 Division by Zero during Initialization lochel defect blocker trunk fixed
#2021 gaspropreties.mos fails lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2053 sfg probably noone defect high trunk invalid
#2054 sfdg probably noone defect high trunk invalid
#2060 index reduction method causes segmentation fault jfrenkel defect high trunk fixed
#2076 simulation command-line arguments have changed lochel defect normal trunk fixed
#2095 Problems simulating simple nonlinear model probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#2114 strange behavior of event iteration wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2128 Fail to simulate a simple model probably noone defect normal 1.9.0Beta duplicate
#2139 Error in counting equations? probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#2149 Matching should *always* be deterministic even if it has some random components defect high trunk fixed
#2150 Copy back data from external integer arrays defect high trunk fixed
#2163 A new case of erroneous equation counting ardpo defect high trunk fixed
#2177 parameter arrays [with enumeration subscript] are not #defined in generated code perost defect high trunk fixed
#2189 Index reduction broken? wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2198 wrong figures when plotting 2 different variables. probably noone defect high trunk duplicate
#2240 invalid XML being produced by dumpXMLDAE probably noone defect low 1.9.0Beta fixed
#2253 pre(v) is chosen instead of v probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#2261 Problem with initialization of mixed system lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2263 erroneously overdetermined system lochel defect high trunk invalid
#2265 simplify after replace variable vitalij enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2271 check model/simulation fails without helpful error message lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2279 Initialisation problem in equation section when using random generation function lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2280 Possibly bad number of equations and variables computation probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#2290 debian: update omc #15987-1 to 16566-1 fails: omc requests libhdf5-1.8.4 but 1.8.8 installed probably noone defect high trunk worksforme
#2299 Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Examples.RAM does not work probably noone defect blocker trunk fixed
#2328 backenddaeinfo statistics counts wrong no. of single equations ptaeuber enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2330 Avoid duplicate code for tearing ptaeuber discussion high trunk invalid
#2374 Backend cannot handle asub of casted records wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2398 initialization info lochel discussion high trunk wontfix
#2403 Counting size of equations is wrong if tuples are involved adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2404 Iteration variables with default zero lochel enhancement high trunk fixed

Component: Build Environment (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1724 Can't compile through macports amadeus defect high wontfix
#1742 11890 won't compile to the end amadeus defect high fixed
#1771 libintl.h missing when compiling on OS X somebody defect high fixed
#1793 Update omc 3.2 library to MSL 3.2.1 (dev version) task high fixed
#1800 Integrate Modelica3D into OpenModelica task high fixed
#1984 Improperly tests simulations cschubert defect high trunk fixed
#2003 OpenCL headers should be moved to OMDEV mahge930 defect high trunk fixed
#2066 Nightly builds generated in wrong directory defect low trunk fixed
#2317 Compiling model does not work with "Error building simulator" defect high 1.9.0Beta fixed

Component: Code Generation (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1720 error FMU mohamed defect blocker fixed
#1746 Inconsistent array access using indices mburisch defect high fixed
#1769 .so file of FMI for model exchange problem wbraun defect critical trunk fixed
#1799 Fix codegen for tuple equations defect high fixed
#1812 Code generation error with simple Fluid model somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1848 Tuple assignments containing records in which a component has been aliased are not generated correctly in CodegenC.tpl adrpo defect high fixed
#1854 Returning array as an output from function adrpo defect blocker fixed
#1855 assert failure in combination with encapsulated packages defect high trunk fixed
#1870 Using fail() outside a match/matchcontinue causes a crash somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1877 Support size(cr) defect high fixed
#1878 function copy_double_data_mem is missing in cpp runtine Niklas Worschech defect high trunk fixed
#1885 generated FMI can not be simulated with FMUSDK wbraun defect high 1.9.0Beta fixed
#1922 Codegeneration does not handle extended records defect high trunk fixed
#1979 wrong results in integer matrix equation wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2009 Code generation fails when array of a record is passed to a function defect normal trunk fixed
#2020 XML expressions not properly closed in template defect normal trunk fixed
#2034 ASUB_EASY_CASE Error probably noone defect high trunk fixed
#2039 Nonlinear solver prints random strings instead of system names defect high trunk fixed
#2071 Template error: ExpressionDumpTpl.dumpExp: Unknown expression. defect high trunk worksforme
#2073 reading of info XML invalid defect high trunk fixed
#2074 Massive jump in timeTemplates anonymous defect blocker trunk fixed
#2103 code generation bug involving tuples and integers defect high trunk fixed
#2106 Code generation for arrays of records mahge930 defect high trunk fixed
#2119 Bad codegen for simple when-equation lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2126 symmetric code generation error perost defect normal trunk worksforme
#2197 memory pool is to small for many function calls with array arguments defect high trunk fixed
#2217 wrong code generation for array-elements mahge930 defect high trunk fixed
#2230 model does not build - a discrete initialization generation bug ? mahge930 defect blocker trunk fixed
#2286 bad code generation for arrays (2) mahge930 defect blocker trunk fixed
#2310 referenced a variable that was not declared as a <variable> lochel defect critical trunk fixed
#2313 C++ Code generator does not work niklwors defect high trunk fixed
#2339 Code generation issues for: Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* mahge930 defect high trunk fixed
#2368 Record with 0-length array defect blocker 1.9.0Beta fixed

Component: Command Prompt Environment (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1695 SCodeFlatten causes scripting API to stop working defect high fixed
#1744 Add OMDEV info to checkSettings() defect high fixed
#1753 typo in OMShell "does not exits" --> "does not exist" Pittiplatsch defect low fixed
#2019 Execution of omc failed with +help=debug flag somebody defect normal trunk worksforme
#2238 Linearize fuction somebody defect high 1.8.1 worksforme
#2244 Rename output.log defect critical trunk fixed
#2308 Unexpected behaviour of +debug somebody defect normal trunk fixed

Component: FMI (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1915 FMU dll link fails adeas31 defect blocker 1.9.0Beta invalid
#1933 FMUChecker crashes with exported FMUs adeas31 defect high fixed
#1985 FMI import fail to use input varibles adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2131 Multiple FMU's not supported adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2136 FMI Export: _info.xml not found defect high trunk fixed

Component: Frontend (113 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#130 Modifiers are not propagated correctly inside redeclared model casella defect critical fixed
#139 Input-input and output-output connection does not return any error and equation are not reported. donida defect critical fixed
#1085 Speedup check of Digital examples (from MathCore) krsta defect normal fixed
#1106 Array modifications in class inheritance are not instantiated AlexeyLebedev defect high invalid
#1336 Implement a preprocessing phase from SCode to SCode that simplifies instantiation adrpo task low fixed
#1400 Support for package.order files (from MathCore) discussion high fixed
#1707 type mismatch defect blocker fixed
#1723 Check uses-annotations before inst defect high fixed
#1731 Connecting ranges generates wrong equations defect high fixed
#1733 range in connect equation fails Frenkel TUD defect critical trunk fixed
#1734 Compiler generates bad flattened version of function from MSL janssen defect high fixed
#1738 reinit on parameter gives no error and check Model returns nothing petar defect critical fixed
#1749 Improve tuple assignment error messages petar defect critical fixed
#1750 inheritance in protected section not propagated to components petar defect critical fixed
#1766 Locale changes cause real to string conversion to fail defect critical trunk fixed
#1767 Translations of the omc kernel somebody task normal trunk fixed
#1772 Functions that return MetaModelica arrays produce errors somebody defect high fixed
#1774 Instantiation fails for Modelica.StateGraph.Examples.ControlledTanks perost defect high trunk fixed
#1776 Add detection of usage of unbound variables defect high fixed
#1777 function handlin failed for Modelica.Media.Examples.Tests.MediaTestModels.LinearFluid.LinearWater_pT defect high trunk fixed
#1782 `or` is not strict in both operands, should it be? somebody defect high invalid
#1784 Imported function not called from script when noevalfunc is not specified somebody defect high worksforme
#1786 Empty list pattern incorrectly used causes an endless loop defect normal fixed
#1796 Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed perost defect blocker trunk fixed
#1797 Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed perost defect blocker trunk duplicate
#1801 Fixed simplification of matrix-vector multiplication defect high trunk fixed
#1811 Wrong equation count in Fluid source model with zero ports adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1819 RealInput Failure perost defect high trunk fixed
#1821 Complex constructor does not work mahge930 defect high fixed
#1823 Error when using constant in connector defect high fixed
#1825 Error filling array with A:B:C notation perost defect high fixed
#1829 Cannot find aliased package functions discussion high trunk fixed
#1833 Local name shadowing and assignment to inputs openmodelicadevelopers@… defect high trunk fixed
#1834 Name shadowing in match statements cause unintuitive type errors somebody defect high trunk invalid
#1835 "pre(time)" not working somebody defect high invalid
#1844 Incorrect Type Unboxing (?) when calling funargs in if expressions defect high trunk fixed
#1847 Duplicates in the package.order file are reported in the wrong place defect high fixed
#1849 generateHelpVarsForWhenStatements failed somebody defect high duplicate
#1851 Warn on unassigned output variables (Using unbound output variables causes segfault) enhancement high trunk fixed
#1875 Error printed although record instantiation succeeds defect high fixed
#1882 Inside flow appear twice in the connection set in some weird cases somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1892 Error extending model somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1896 Error occurred while flattening model Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.PointGravityWithPointMasses2 somebody defect high fixed
#1907 Handle empty arrays on the lhs of algorithm defect high fixed
#1911 Detects a duplicate element where none exists somebody defect high invalid
#1917 Instantiaten lost Parameter Binding adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#1920 Add casts inside matrix constructor defect high fixed
#1923 Connection Graph is not broken correctly adrpo defect critical trunk fixed
#1944 unbalanced models: empty array of unused connector yields equations perost defect critical trunk fixed
#1945 unbalanced models by duplicate inheritance perost defect critical trunk fixed
#1946 Finding the dimension of the component with unknown dimension from the parameter binding fails adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1947 unbalanced model - Wrong root in connection graph adrpo defect critical trunk fixed
#1950 symmetric: failed to elaborate expression defect high trunk fixed
#1951 Array reduction with function returning a tuple does not work adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1952 SCodeDependency removes necessary classes in some cases somebody defect high trunk fixed
#1953 Function calls returning tuples are not handled in binary/unary expressions adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1954 Vectorization of inStream and actualStream does not work adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1961 Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Sources.Table adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#1969 function with multiple return value used only first one does not work adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#1972 Reinit in when equations with condition initial() should report an error adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1980 SCodeFlatten fails to rename imports perost defect high trunk invalid
#1983 Parameter has neither value nor start value, and is fixed adrpo defect normal trunk fixed
#1986 Wrong Warning about usage of variable before defined defect normal trunk invalid
#1987 Unbalanced model adrpo defect critical trunk fixed
#1988 Inner class definition is removed by dependency analysis adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1993 CevalScript.getConst: Not handled exp: -4 adrpo enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2002 Parameterbinding is lost adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#2012 FrontEnd generate wrong record constructor function for records with constants mahge930 enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2024 Problem with connects and array components perost defect high trunk fixed
#2025 Look-up failed for replaceable functions. somebody defect critical trunk worksforme
#2027 linspace() does not work with input defined via parameters defect high 1.9.0Beta fixed
#2028 Problem in initial residuals defect high trunk fixed
#2032 Implement loadResource defect high trunk fixed
#2033 matrix() operator gives error in frontend perost defect high trunk fixed
#2035 Error with replaceable models somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2043 NFSCodeDependency fails on Modelica_DeviceDrivers perost defect high trunk fixed
#2056 Problems with Modelica.Math.Matrices.inv() perost defect high trunk fixed
#2057 Problems with ones() and size() in start attributes perost defect high trunk fixed
#2072 intialization of output formal parameters in modelica functions defect high trunk fixed
#2089 OMEdit loses connection to OMC if opening Modelica.Media.Examples adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2092 Got type mismatch error, but matching types Integer adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2099 constant evaluation of array is transposed perost defect blocker trunk fixed
#2102 Surfaces fails in new MSL perost defect critical trunk fixed
#2111 array element as first argument to change defect high trunk fixed
#2113 fill dimension arguments adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#2121 OMC can't load invalid packages somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2129 Incompatible argument types to operation matrix multiplication somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2143 Wrong flattening of element-wise operators perost defect high trunk fixed
#2146 Add support for default off debug-flags defect high trunk fixed
#2154 Connecting arrays of constants or parameters does not generate asserts perost defect high trunk fixed
#2155 Cannot declare constant record defect high trunk fixed
#2158 Stack overflow with cyclic dimensions defect high trunk fixed
#2159 Non-stream component becomes stream and fails to connect somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2192 error during expanding of a slice subscript expression somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2251 when-equations are indented incorrectly somebody defect high trunk duplicate
#2262 empty vector as first argument to change lochel defect blocker trunk fixed
#2283 Usage of imported qualified package constant is not working adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2289 instantiation of a very simple model failed defect blocker trunk fixed
#2294 Simplify sign defect high trunk fixed
#2297 Multiple declarations of FoldType in Compiler/Util/ somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2298 Incorrect instantiation of overdetermined connector equations somebody defect high trunk duplicate
#2300 empty array adrpo defect blocker trunk fixed
#2314 No source info for duplicate enumeration literal error somebody defect normal trunk fixed
#2338 Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* are failing to compile adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2345 Flattening error for Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.Machines.Examples.TransformerTestbench somebody defect high trunk fixed
#2346 replaceable component with modifiers cause instantiation to fail somebody defect blocker trunk fixed
#2355 Class not found in scope if a model extends from another model with the same name perost defect blocker trunk fixed
#2356 ExternalObject: constructor arguments must not be variables AndreasHofmann defect critical 1.9.0Beta fixed
#2359 Dependency analysis is a bit wrong in some cases adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#2362 Wrong handling of scalar() defect high trunk fixed
#2363 smooth operator is removed for order 0 perost defect high trunk fixed
#2369 Unwanted modification of the Modelica code when the text is regenerated somebody defect blocker trunk fixed
#2400 Values.RECORD cannot represent records defect blocker trunk fixed

Component: Installation program (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2041 Wrong file endings in MSL32 Linux adeas31 defect high trunk worksforme
#2278 apt repository adeas31 defect high trunk invalid

Component: Instantiation (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1509 Modelica.Electrical.Digital needs better performance perost defect high trunk fixed

Component: Interactive Environment (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1421 AddClassAnnotation adds the duplicate annotations to the model. defect high fixed
#1863 simulate with storeInTemp=true fails (again) defect normal trunk invalid
#1864 Load libraries in the user's home directory by default task high fixed
#2067 OMNotebook is not able to plot $cpu_time adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2133 OMEdit: Handling multiple class definitions in one file somebody defect high trunk duplicate
#2147 simulation fails with buildModel(), but works with simulate() adeas31 defect blocker trunk invalid
#2215 Unparsing of unary minus perost defect high trunk fixed

Component: MetaModelica (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2068 Segfault (Stackoverflow?) when bootstrapping omc defect high trunk fixed
#2229 Bootstrapping defect on 32 Bit Ubuntu System somebody defect normal trunk worksforme
#2375 Improve performance of bootstrapped compiler defect high trunk fixed

Component: New Instantiation (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1956 Merge modifiers from the original component when redeclaring components. adrpo defect high trunk fixed
#1977 Better error messages for missing imports perost defect high trunk fixed
#1978 Improve lookup in instances in the new lookup perost defect high trunk fixed

Component: OMEdit (77 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1379 OMEdit does not show 'edited' attribute any more adeas31 defect high fixed
#1475 OMEdit: Fails to parse quoted variables adeas31 defect high fixed
#1480 OMEdit: Double click on model instance in diagram view should open it for edit adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#1481 OMEdit: Icon view in Modelica Files list jez discussion high invalid
#1483 OMEdit: filling and colours adeas31 defect normal fixed
#1544 OMEdit: Issues when adding class perost defect high trunk fixed
#1655 Omedit display of PID MSL component adeas31 defect high fixed
#1719 OMEdit does not display quoted classes defect high fixed
#1756 OMEdit should be able to convert files to UTF-8 adeas31 enhancement critical trunk fixed
#1809 Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer task blocker fixed
#1820 Add GUI boxes for dynamic state selection and index reduction adeas31 task high fixed
#1836 OMEdit: navigation buttons in documentation viewer hkiel enhancement high fixed
#1837 OMEdit: default action for double click hkiel enhancement normal fixed
#1838 OMEdit: connections editing adeas31 enhancement high fixed
#1841 OMEdit: quick cloning adeas31 enhancement normal fixed
#1845 Simulation messages not shown in OMEdit adeas31 defect high fixed
#1862 Better search/replace in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement high trunk fixed
#1880 OMEdit: uses all CPU during simulation hkiel defect high trunk fixed
#1897 OMEdit crashes (segfault) when opening Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Examples.SignConvention hkiel defect high trunk fixed
#1906 Add GUI option to select compiler enhancement high fixed
#2001 OMEdit (R14547) crash adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2005 OMEdit cannot start on Mac OS X 10.6.8 adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2082 Annotation relative to models not in their proper place defect high trunk fixed
#2085 OMEdit 1.9.0 crashes frequently adeas31 defect high trunk duplicate
#2086 OMEdit 1.9.0 crashes frequently adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2097 OMEdit 1.9.0 Bitmap import does not work adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2108 OMedit alters code adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2110 OMEdit escaped double quote parsing issue adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2116 OMEdit crashes when renaming a model adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2134 Cannot resize documentation widget adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2135 Impossible to save changes of a package adeas31 defect blocker 1.9.0Beta fixed
#2137 GUI based FMU import does not extract the .fmu on its own adeas31 defect normal trunk worksforme
#2138 Problem saving models in subpackages adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2141 Mix of some upper and lower menu entries in german translation adeas31 defect low trunk fixed
#2144 Parameters of extended class(es) not shown in properties dialogue adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2151 Simulation dialog does not like long class names adeas31 defect blocker trunk fixed
#2156 OMEdit cannot browse Modelica.Media.Water adeas31 defect blocker trunk duplicate
#2160 HTML description strings adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2161 Syntax highlighting issues in OMedit adeas31 defect high trunk duplicate
#2162 A case of repeatable OMEdit crash adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2165 Within crashes OMEdit adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2168 OMEdit remember the viewing mode ... adeas31 defect low trunk fixed
#2169 OMEdit library browser shows blank icons adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2170 let OMEdit open files with more than one model adeas31 enhancement normal trunk wontfix
#2175 Save problems adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2179 OMEdit does nothing when double-clicking on a component adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2184 OMEdit does not draw all lines in the polygon adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2194 New OMEdit almost not working on Linux adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2200 OMEdit array connection from partial model adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2202 OMEdit does not update results adeas31 defect critical trunk fixed
#2203 OMEdit should display newest results first adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2211 crashed straight up on fresh install v1.8.1 adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2218 Can't modify examples adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2219 Make it easy to modify examples adeas31 enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2227 new menu item: "Open Modelica Library" adeas31 enhancement high trunk fixed
#2228 OMEdit: local changes get lost adeas31 defect blocker trunk fixed
#2234 Add UTF-8 conversion command to OMEdit adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2235 runtime arguments missing adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2236 hierarchical connectors cause segfault adeas31 defect blocker trunk fixed
#2245 OMEdit: scroll whell "selects" items in list views adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2248 OMEdit: all the messages adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2252 OMEdit: compiler (omc) flags adeas31 enhancement high trunk fixed
#2256 Disable interactive button adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2257 Loading system libraries gives unexpected result adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2259 an OMEdit plotting glitch adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2268 icons in library browser get displayed wrong adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2269 multiline warnings in the message browser adeas31 enhancement low trunk fixed
#2270 negative startTime/stopTime adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2272 Real expression icon adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2273 [shift] + [enter] in "Modelica Text View" adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2291 Dialog box missing when connecting to array component adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2295 URIs as references to external resources don't work adeas31 defect high trunk worksforme
#2315 Cannot find dgesv on OSX 10.6 adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2320 Syntax Highlithing in Omedit adeas31 defect normal trunk fixed
#2333 File name in the Variable Broweser of OMEDIT adeas31 enhancement low trunk fixed
#2371 Omedit Welcome page rather rigid adeas31 defect low trunk fixed
#2406 Mac OMEdit and OMShell don't build adeas31 defect high trunk fixed

Component: OMNotebook (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2046 help() prints not the expected help-text defect normal trunk fixed
#2047 plot using xRange/yRange within OMNotebook adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#2171 Misleading diagnostics in OMNotebook adeas31 defect high trunk invalid
#2353 Invalid inputplot adeas31 defect blocker trunk invalid

Component: OMPlot (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2048 OMPlot -? adeas31 defect high trunk fixed

Component: Parser (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1727 Loading structured package hubert.thieriot defect high invalid
#1757 loadFile of with encoding="Windows-1252" only applies to file. somebody defect normal fixed
#1764 getClassNames and list should care of package.order adeas31 defect high fixed
#1808 Reject multiple elements in class somebody defect critical trunk fixed
#2096 Lexer message could be clearer enhancement normal trunk invalid
#2115 Change annotation abstract syntax format to MSL 3.1 defect high trunk fixed
#2358 Openmodelica can not handle floating point numbers somebody defect blocker trunk worksforme
#2382 When files are not encoded UTF-8 give a warning and try some other encoding defect high trunk fixed
#2402 Parser does not parse output list correctly! defect blocker trunk fixed

Component: Run-time (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1701 error with Modelica.Utilities.Streams.error wbraun defect critical fixed
#1751 Wrong code generation for getEnvironmentVariable mburisch defect high fixed
#1778 Make TwoMass.mos work again somebody defect high fixed
#1789 CombiTable2D does not work with simple double(8,6) table defect high trunk fixed
#1798 Support for ModelicaError in ModelicaUtilities.h task high fixed
#1807 Let assert() trigger during initialization lochel defect high fixed
#1843 MSL 3.2 Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.LossyGearDemo* issues wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#1860 Multibody MSL models that use quaternions as states fail simulation somebody defect high 1.9.0Beta fixed
#1871 The FMI implementation contains int<->pointer casts adeas31 defect high trunk fixed
#1881 Glycol47 segfaults in LAPACK routine somebody defect normal fixed
#1894 Failure in nonlinear reports simulation success somebody defect high worksforme
#1901 problems with event handling wbraun defect high trunk worksforme
#1902 problems with event handling on 32-bit with gcc-4.6 somebody defect high 1.9.0Beta fixed
#1921 Oscillator executable fails without message wbraun defect high fixed
#1928 Multibody - ModelicaTest models that use quaternions as states go into infinite loop lochel defect high trunk worksforme
#1981 wrong handling of events for the first evaluation lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2026 generated mat-file is invalid defect high trunk fixed
#2064 c-runtime: linear/non-linear solver warnings/errors wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2065 c-runtime: side-effects using -lv lochel discussion high trunk fixed
#2069 Print in initial if equation gets printed a lot of times. It should only be one. lochel defect high trunk invalid
#2077 override flag broken defect high trunk fixed
#2088 Mat results get corrupted with variable filters lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2112 runtime handling of array assignments somebody defect blocker trunk fixed
#2172 Simulation results are not saved in file wbraun defect normal 1.9.0Beta fixed
#2178 non-linear sytem solver failed wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2210 variable-names involved in equation-systems defect high trunk fixed
#2231 radau1 solver fails on a simple model vitalij defect high trunk fixed
#2237 Assertions checked at the wrong place wbraun defect high trunk fixed
#2241 Problem detecting discontinuity somebody defect high trunk invalid
#2288 inconsistent solver flag lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2324 Linear Tearing produces wrong simulation results lochel defect high trunk fixed
#2326 default start and nominal values lochel discussion normal trunk wontfix