Custom Query (109 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 109)

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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#6240 Extend overconstrained connector semantics to handle dynamic branches AnHeuermann, phannebohm, perost, adrpo, dietmarw, ceraolo, Andrea.Bartolini, adrien.guironnet@…, rfranke, dr.christian.kral@…, anton.haumer@… new Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high
#6367 Avoid C compilation bottleneck in OMC Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann, adrpo, jean-philippe.tavella@…, adeas31 assigned defect critical
#5813 Improve selection of start attributes for alias variables Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann, adrpo, perost, phannebohm, adrien.guironnet@…, rfranke new casella defect critical
#6350 OMEdit cannot handle simulations with more than 10000 variable comfortably Karim.Abdelhak, adrpo, lochel, phannebohm, simone1.bosotti@… new adeas31 defect critical
#1645 renameClass API takes very long time when Modelica library is loaded adeas31, adrpo assigned adeas31 defect high
#1575 Really bad code generation for parameter arrays set via a function call... adrpo new adrpo defect high
#2378 addComponent does not handle the double declaration check adrpo new somebody defect high
#2591 backend debug-dump within OMEdit adrpo new somebody discussion high
#2849 Wrong flattening of "inner outer output" adrpo accepted adrpo defect high
#2850 Redeclared models use wrong icon adrpo new adeas31 defect blocker
#2852 Use the same C-code for identical functions adrpo accepted defect high
#2870 Non-linear solver is unable to handle HeatingSystem (msl32) properly adrpo new wbraun defect critical
#2894 Summary of improvements for OMEdit GUI usability adrpo accepted adeas31 enhancement blocker
#3165 Cyclically dependent parameters due to min/max attribute adrpo new somebody defect high
#3356 Improve Susan buffers adrpo accepted enhancement high
#3899 Make FMU Compile without configure script adrpo new adeas31 defect high
#3930 Better tuple access functions in MetaModelica adrpo new enhancement normal
#3945 OMC doesn't build with hdf5 1.10 adrpo new defect high
#3950 Cross compilation of FMUs under Windows adrpo new enhancement high
#3998 OMC does not search in the correct places for libs under Linux adrpo accepted defect high
#4410 moving a replaceable object in the block diagram duplicates the graphical annotation in text view adrpo accepted adrpo defect critical
#4536 OMEdit fails to update relative class names to absolute ones upon duplicate adrpo assigned perost defect blocker
#4608 Unit string lost in Modelica.Media inheritance chain adrpo assigned adrpo defect blocker
#4658 OMEdit does not show pop-up list of enumeration type in parameter's pop-up window adrpo new adeas31 defect critical
#4809 OMEdit cannot deal with component parameters deriving from more than one inheritance step adrpo new adeas31 defect blocker
#4998 table.getNextTimeEvent adrpo new lochel defect high
#5028 Add readDerivatives to readSimulationResultVars() API function adrpo new enhancement high
#5248 Implement saveTotalModel using the new frontend adrpo new somebody defect high
#5258 Top-level parameter tolerance is replaced by OMEdit with the simulation tolerance adrpo new adeas31 defect high
#5292 Can't run OpenModelica install-executable on Windows via explorer adrpo new adeas31 defect normal
#5408 GUI annotations are not inherited correctly adrpo new somebody defect blocker
#5744 Problems to simulate MSL models with OM nightly adrpo assigned defect high
#5842 When installing OpenModelica under Ubuntu, MSL 3.2.2 is installed adrpo reopened defect blocker
#5852 getCommandLineOptions fails with newInst adrpo new perost defect normal
#5866 Update Save Total to NF adrpo new perost defect blocker
#6000 Expected "XXX" to be a class, but found component instead. adrpo assigned adeas31 defect critical
#6118 MSVC does not work with Cpp runtime under Windows adrpo assigned defect blocker
#6282 Allow mainstream use of ParModAuto adrpo new mahge930 defect high
#6327 OMEdit crashes when unloading a library adrpo new adeas31 defect high
#6343 Issue with simulation flags in the testing infrastructure adrpo new defect high
#6387 Some OMEdit window controls missing with release 1.17 adrpo assigned adeas31 defect high
#6438 A lookup issue adrpo accepted adeas31 defect high
#5347 Issues with MSL library handling in Linux adrpo, Andrea.Bartolini reopened defect blocker
#1935 getNthInheritedClass is wrong for some models ... adrpo, adeas31 assigned adrpo defect normal
#5639 Issues with WasteWater library adrpo, adeas31, dietmarw new perost defect blocker
#2456 Change the garbage collector adrpo, adeas31, petar accepted defect normal
#6416 Error in Implementation of the delay function adrpo, arun3688 assigned AnHeuermann task blocker
#5862 Make it possible to manage variable modifiers in OMEdit adrpo, ceraolo new adeas31 enhancement blocker
#2972 OMEdit-omc integration for performance adrpo, fcasella new adeas31 enhancement high
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork adrpo, fcasella, wbraun, jfrenkel assigned wbraun enhancement normal
#3535 duplicate function names are not detected adrpo, francois.beaude@… assigned adrpo defect blocker
#3230 Initialization handles when-clauses within algorithms wrong adrpo, mahge930 accepted lochel defect high
#2883 Restructuring SimCode phase adrpo, mahge930, vwaurich, mwalther, wbraun, niklwors new lochel task high
#4992 Should we skip some versions of the Buildings library in Hudson testing and in the OMC installer? adrpo, mwetter assigned task high
#4037 Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes adrpo, niklwors accepted lochel enhancement high
#6004 Cpp runtime on Windows can't handle spaces in install path adrpo, niklwors assigned adrpo defect blocker
#2421 OMEdit gdb debugging - desired features adrpo, per, petfr,, alash325 new adeas31 enhancement high
#1770 Polymorphism breaks in RML and OMC adrpo, perost new somebody defect high
#4513 expandable connector connects array-Variables adrpo, perost new somebody defect normal
#5543 OMEdit does not check if added connections are valid adrpo, perost new adrpo defect blocker
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit adrpo, perost new somebody defect normal
#5855 Achieve successful simulation of 100% MSL 4.0.0 models adrpo, perost new casella defect blocker
#6123 Preserve order of modifiers in OMEdit adrpo, perost, Andrea.Bartolini new adeas31 defect blocker
#6351 Severe memory management issue in Ubuntu adrpo, perost, Karim.Abdelhak, AnHeuermann reopened defect critical
#2957 MetaModelica reflection API adrpo, perost, peter.fritzson@… new enhancement normal
#4149 Cannot instantiate equation in Joystick model adrpo, perost,, bthiele new somebody defect high
#1754 Change ADD/MUL to n-ary expressions adrpo, petar new somebody task normal
#2897 continue statement for for- and while-statements adrpo, petfr reopened enhancement high
#4464 Import FMU Model Description fails for any model not named modelDescription.xml adrpo, ponnuss@…, alash325 assigned alash325 defect high
#2634 underdetermined initialization problems lead to division by zero adrpo, ptaeuber new lochel defect critical
#2122 Save API doesn't handle multiple classes adrpo, assigned adeas31 defect high
#2582 do more check in checkModel adrpo, new probably noone defect high
#3044 warn if one tries to override secondary parameters adrpo, new somebody discussion high
#3953 simulate(..) returns record instead of string adrpo, new somebody defect high
#4003 OMEdit uses wrong modelica:// path adrpo, reopened adrpo defect high
#4166 SimCodeFunctionUtil.lookForExtFunctionLibrary for msvc adrpo, new somebody discussion normal
#5291 Issue with Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.RollingWheel in OMEdit adrpo, new adeas31 defect critical
#5398 getClassInformation returns wrong source info adrpo, new somebody defect high
#2884 Performance tracing for compiler and simulation stages adrpo,, adeas31, vwaurich, mwalther new somebody discussion high
#1688 Reinit of non-state variables adrpo,, jfrenkel assigned lochel defect high
#6010 Get OpenModelica back into FMI Cross-checker adrpo,, lochel assigned AnHeuermann enhancement high
#4050 Array of component: Too many equations. adrpo,, perost, mahge930 new lochel defect critical
#2576 Partial Function Evaluation in Backend for Spice3 adrpo,, wbraun, lochel, vwaurich, jfrenkel new probably noone defect high
#3494 Start values not taken from modelDescription.xml adrpo, wbraun assigned wbraun defect high
#3586 FMI import crashes adrpo, wbraun, lochel assigned lochel defect high
#3568 Performance issues in DIVISION_SIM casella, adrpo, wbraun new somebody discussion low
#6220 Small array optimizations: stack allocation casella,, adrpo, AnHeuermann new mahge930 defect normal
#2825 Override of Q-Idents cbrinkrolf@…, adrpo,, adeas31, wbraun new somebody defect high
#5427 Proper handling of library versions in OMEdit ceraolo, rfranke, adrpo, leo.gall@…, new adeas31 enhancement blocker
#4994 Is startTime a built-in variable in OMC? danieljose.penagos@…, adrpo assigned adeas31 defect critical
#5346 Duplicate model function in OMEdit should work without compromises dr.christian.kral@…, dietmarw, ceraolo, perost, adrpo new adeas31 defect blocker
#4549 Zero size string array janK, adrpo assigned wbraun defect high
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? kieran.fung@…, casella, adrpo, adeas31 assigned adrpo discussion high
#6048 FMI testing of models without states behaves in a bizarre way lochel, adrpo new defect blocker
#3397 Sorting of algebraic loops can affect solvability lochel, adrpo, new somebody defect high
#3293 Array of records containing array get wrong equation count. mahge930, adrpo, wbraun new somebody defect high
#6306 OpenModelica fails to build on MacOS olero, hkiel,, adrpo, dersh accepted adrpo defect high
#3182 dimension size of function calls perost,, adrpo, niklwors new somebody defect high
#1633 Provide error message for unknown sizes in slices, adrpo new defect high
#1703 Comments are not merged, adrpo new defect low
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