
Version 3 (modified by casella, 4 years ago) (diff)

First draft based on Board Meeting minutes


This is not the final release version

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.16.0

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

The new frontend has been further improved, with enhanced support of records and arrays. 26 tickets were fixed since the previous 1.14.0 release. The new front-end can now handle 100% of the Modelica Standard Library 3.2.3 models.

Improvements to the back-end:

  • new minimal tearing option --minimalTearing to disable tearing except for discrete variables
  • improved symbolic Jacobian evaluation option --simJacConstantSplit reuses constant part of the Jacobian
  • improvements to dynamic state selection and common subexpression elimination
  • new ASCC algorithm replaces and improves resolveLoops algorithm, allowing to detect high-index problems with indirect structural state constraints, e.g. in three-phase AC circuits
  • homotopy operator now used on first try by default
  • linearized model export also available in Matlab, Python, and Julia with --linearizationDumpLanguage option

Improvements to code generation and runtime:

  • Better support for models with records
  • CVODE solver from SUNDIALS added; – 2 methods available: BDF (stiff) and Adams-Moulton (non-stiff)

It is now possible to build a version of OMC with parallel Jacobian evaluation using OpenMP

  • On Windows build OMC with make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw omc -j4 USE_PARJAC=yes.
    • On Unix configure with --enable-parjac and build OMC.
    • Only DASSL and IDA can use parallelized symbolic Jacobians.
    • Simulate with -jacobianThreads=<numberOfThreads> or set environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=<numberOfThreads> to use a specific number of threads. Otherwise all available threads will be used.

Graphic Editor OMEdit

Replaceable classes now have graphical support in OMEdit. This feature was planned to be included in release 1.15.0, but it eventually turned out to be more convenient to merge it in the 1.16.0 release.

OMSimulator GUI improved: text editing of SSP models, undo/redo, delete components, etc.

FMI Support

Many FMI export bug fixes and improvements to increase usability of OMC-generated FMUs.

FMI/CS 2.0 now includes CVODE solvers (previously only fixed-step forward Euler) and customization via simulation flags.

Other things

Successful integration of Modelon’s license manager for encrypted libraries. A special version of OMC available to Consortium members can now handle encrypted libraries, preventing source code browsing, and license management, via Modelon’s license manager, embedded in the encrypted library.

Component: *unknown* (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1100 Scalar variables get NON_CONNECTOR instead of NON_FLOW if they are components of a complex variable which is a component of a connector but is not of connector class itself fixed AlexeyLebedev defect high
#1235 Error messages for expressions does not have a context, resulting in very hard to understand error messages for large models fixed petar task critical
#1342 External functions should not be constant evaluated fixed perost defect high
#3541 Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.SinglePhase.Examples.Rectifier gets different result fixed somebody defect high
#3739 Compilation errors for MSL trunk fixed somebody defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#5769 Initialization of HeatingSystem model broken because of questionable choice of tearing variables fixed AnHeuermann defect blocker
#5795 The backend does not compute strong components of initial equations correctly with if initial() equations fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#6023 Update MSL 3.2.3 for the 1.16.0 release fixed casella enhancement blocker
#6091 OpenModelica stopped working on Windows Build 20190 fixed somebody defect blocker v1.16.0-dev

Component: Backend (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1298 Records (and functions) with complex default bindings fail fixed defect critical
#2530 translation error of model in comment1: "model MatricesExp...." fixed defect high trunk
#2735 simulation fails without any error message in OMEdit fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3076 Inconsistent behavior of array vs. non-array connect fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3078 Variable outside interval wrongly reported for certain variables fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3557 PreOptModules messes up model fixed lochel defect high
#5171 EvaluateFunctions.getStatementLHSScalar generates too large lists fixed vwaurich defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5213 Backend can't handle nested record assignment fixed mahge930 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5459 Unnecessary choice of dynamic state selection leads to code generation failure fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#5476 BE tries to generate non-existent boolean attributes when disabling tearing fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect high v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5591 Protected top-level input connectors are not handled correctly by the NF fixed lochel defect blocker
#5595 Equations involving semiLinear are not solved correctly for tearing fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#5699 Support nonlinear equations with non-real unknowns fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5727 More issues with dynamic state selection and Jacobians fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect critical
#5754 Bad error message in SimCodeFunctionUtil.lookForExtFunctionLibrary fixed defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#5771 Bogus CSE in power plant models using Modelica.Media fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5916 Call to external "C" does not work when DAE mode is activated fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker v1.14.1
#5928 The backend should not silently discard initial consistent conditions or ignore initial inconsistent conditions fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect critical
#5938 Add information about linearized model output fixed Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high
#5952 Scaling of matching and sorting for simulation badly deteriorated from v.1.15 fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#6050 reinit with introduceOutputAliases broken fixed AnHeuermann defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6132 backenddaeinfo states wrong number if discrete states fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6137 Remove unit checking from the backend fixed perost defect high

Component: Build Environment (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3438 Wrong reference results for verification of MSL 3.2.1 fixed defect normal trunk
#5749 Segmentation fault during omc compilation with gcc (v1.14.0) fixed adrpo defect high
#5951 OMC build time has increased fixed defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6148 OpenModelica does not compile on Gentoo fixed defect normal v1.16.0-dev
#6153 Mumps compilation fails fixed somebody defect high

Component: Code Generation (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2686 error type: error when building simulator fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2712 Accessing connector array with dynamic index results in C code compile error fixed lochel defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#2912 2 models that work separately, but not when put together fixed lochel, wbraun defect high trunk
#3575 real array binding/default value issue fixed mahge930 defect high
#3612 Wrong C-code for Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.Examples.RealFFT1 fixed lochel defect high
#5225 Nested record assignments causes invalid code to be generated fixed mahge930 defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5880 MSL Electrical machine model only works in the Linux Jenkins tests, but not with -nfAPI fixed adrpo defect blocker
#6022 HeatingSytem runs on Windows, fails on Linux fixed lochel defect high v1.16.0-dev

Component: Cpp Run-time (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5963 Put the old C++ runtime back into OMC 1.16.0 fixed rfranke defect blocker

Component: Documentation (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2998 typo on User Documentation web page fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#5851 Add documentation about temp directory, working directory and communications files of OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#6042 OpenModelica Introduction Web Documentation has error messages in it fixed defect critical
#6104 Icon generator does not properly handle connectors when generating the html documentation fixed adeas31 defect high
#6112 Corrective for icon generation is not complete fixed adeas31 defect high

Component: FMI (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2765 Export of FMU 2.0 fails if parameters are used as start values fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3786 FMU export generates an empty ModelStructure fixed lochel defect blocker
#4273 FMU for co-simulation , Available Solvers fixed AnHeuermann enhancement blocker v1.12.0
#4466 Co-Sim FMIs "maxOutputDerivativeOrder" set to wrong value fixed lochel defect high
#4639 FMI modelDescription contains no units fixed lochel defect high
#5367 Generated FMU missing events in other tools fixed AnHeuermann defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5586 FMU info fixed lochel enhancement normal
#5670 FMU export with 'output Integer' not FMI conform fixed lochel defect normal v1.13.2
#5802 handling of causality="none" for FMI -2.0 fixed lochel defect high
#5845 FMU export not creating UnitDefinitions section in ModelDescription.xml fixed lochel defect blocker
#5920 UnitDefinitions are missing in modelDescription.xml fixed lochel defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5969 Export FMUs without sources fixed lochel enhancement high
#5973 Make it possible to enable custom set of runtime flags in FMUs fixed Karim.Abdelhak enhancement high
#6002 Undefined variable units when using FMUs fixed lochel defect critical
#6058 CVODE FMI variables stuck fixed AnHeuermann defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6082 FMU with CVODE without states failes fixed AnHeuermann defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#6125 Don't throw / assert / abort inside FMUs fixed AnHeuermann defect critical v1.16.0-dev

Component: Frontend (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1126 Dangling modifier in extends clauses not detected if name exists locally. fixed brugard defect high trunk
#1174 Check model reports errors for correct models and vice versa. fixed dhedberg defect high
#1577 Fix returned type of sliced arrays fixed defect high
#1615 Add CREF_ITERATOR fixed defect high
#1729 Flattening error with modelica media type redeclaration of a record fixed zav1984 defect high trunk
#1791 Change DAE.RANGE type fixed somebody task high
#2485 Redeclaration interpreted wrong with array dimensions fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2800 Improve Expression traversal fixed defect high trunk
#2902 Complex parameter binding lost fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2914 Redeclaration is not applied fixed perost defect high trunk
#3073 Wild card import in a sub package function fails to build the model fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3174 Duplicate elements not detected fixed perost defect high trunk
#3300 "replaceable parameter record" and inner/outer causes error messages fixed somebody enhancement low trunk
#3301 Problem with Incompressible Media in MSL trunk fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3431 Failure to look up base class in partial model fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3493 Incorrect flatenning of conditional connectors in outer class fixed somebody defect high
#3754 Buildings model not instantiated correctly fixed somebody defect critical v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#4205 Problem Importing Functions from Subpackages in a encapsulated Model fixed somebody defect critical v1.12.0
#5715 Bad simplification for n*n when n is Integer fixed defect high
#6180 Nested records which seek to assign values between each other now fail to compile fixed somebody defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6183 fully qualified name missing in complex equation fixed adrpo defect normal

Component: Initialization (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5619 Homotopy-based initialization does not use updated parameter values when re-simulating fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker v1.13.2

Component: Installation program (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5933 OMEdit needs libcurl-4.dll in the bin directory fixed adeas31 defect high

Component: Interactive Environment (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5858 Develop a manager for Modelica packages fixed defect high
#5954 More homogeneous handling of Settings fixed adrpo defect high
#6013 choicesAllMatching doesn't work with relative paths fixed adrpo defect blocker
#6027 loadModel takes conversion(noneFromVersion) annotation into account before issuing warnings fixed enhancement blocker

Component: MetaModelica (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5941 Metarecords in uniontypes that are used only in function output bindings are not defined in the .h file fixed adrpo defect high
#5944 Uniontype support for constants fixed johti17 enhancement high
#5968 Support for self recursive constants in Uniontypes fixed johti17 enhancement high
#5980 OMC Spins forever if components are mutally recursive fixed johti17 defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#5992 Singelton uniontypes containing non-singelton uniontypes are not treated as singeltons fixed johti17 defect high

Component: NF API (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1636 getComponents API is wrong fixed adeas31 defect high

Component: New Instantiation (73 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1416 Extends are not handled properly fixed defect high
#1428 inner/outer functions not supported fixed adrpo defect high
#1519 Add check for self-referencing matrix dimensions fixed defect high
#1711 Check for illegal each fixed defect high
#1725 parameter passing for replaceable models does not work fixed perost defect high trunk
#1919 Type extending basic type derived array does not work in all cases fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2029 Incorrect cyclically dependent error, inheritance issue (from MathCore) fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2084 Add Modelica 3.3 impure/pure in the front-end Absyn, SCode, DAE fixed lochel task high trunk
#2127 Instantiation of arrays with multiple iterators fixed perost defect normal
#2187 Evaluation of recursive functions during instantiation fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2193 omc accepts undefined identifiers in structural varying models fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2307 Using cat in loops gives strange results fixed probably noone defect low trunk
#2435 invalid model gets simulated fixed adrpo defect normal trunk
#2620 detect appling of pre on continuos variable fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2624 missing elseif branch fixed perost defect normal trunk
#2740 Inherited elements at incorrect places fixed perost defect high trunk
#2742 Missing inner message despite existing fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#2745 Stack overflow detected and was not caught fixed perost defect high trunk
#2783 encapsulated model cannot find function fixed perost defect high trunk
#2859 Wrong generation of record bindings when defining record components via submodifiers fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3058 Type mismatch in functions with an if clause fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3059 parameters in if equation fixed somebody discussion normal trunk
#3088 Error in inner/outer lookup fixed perost defect critical trunk
#3108 evaluation of structural parametrers fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3142 Better error message for missing function used as pointer fixed somebody defect low trunk
#3146 Impossible to use "redeclare" in an "extends" fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3189 Partial function evaluation and arrays not working fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3244 Removing unnecessary vectorization of assignments in Front-end. fixed wbraun defect normal trunk
#3280 Strange things happening when size of array in a record depends on a value in a constant record of the same record fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3302 "replaceable parameter record" and inner/outer - flattening fails when array size in record changes fixed perost defect blocker trunk
#3365 Slow instantiation due to function evaluation fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3388 Instantation uses parameter value instead of parameter reference fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3469 Conditional declarations doesn't work with inner/outer components fixed somebody defect high
#3476 Replaceable package in connector causes translation error fixed somebody defect high
#3516 flattening fail with parameter fixed=false and redeclare fixed somebody defect high
#3517 wrong cyclic for record structure fixed somebody defect high
#3589 BuildingSystems library fixed somebody defect normal
#3622 Bad management of public and protected variables fixed somebody defect high
#3637 Modelica.Utilities.Files.exist doesn't work fixed somebody defect high
#3645 Modelica.Utilities.Files.removeFile doesn't work fixed somebody defect critical
#3734 Improve handling of impure functions fixed somebody defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3833 Redeclaring package Medium = Medium in extends does not work fixed adrpo defect high
#3882 record parameter binding fixed perost defect blocker
#4012 replace structure parameter fixed somebody defect high
#4044 Invalid equations in ThermoSysPro.InstrumentationAndControl.Blocks.Discret.FctTrans fixed defect high
#5202 NFCeval.evalBuiltinAbs gets invalid vector input in Buildings model fixed perost defect blocker
#5204 NFTyping.typeComponents can't evaluate structural parameter (hard) fixed perost defect blocker
#5241 Issue with ExpressionSimplify.evalCat in the NF fixed perost defect blocker
#5342 Issue with Complex array parameter binding in the NF fixed perost defect blocker
#5373 Issue with Ceval computing array + scalar Real expression in the NF fixed perost defect blocker
#5423 Models with Aron sensor do not simulate with NF fixed perost defect blocker v1.13.2
#5466 The NF does not handle conditional initial equations in sub-components of arrays of components correctly fixed perost defect blocker
#5512 Problem with arrayed parameters in NF fixed perost defect critical v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5674 The NF does not count variables correctly when conditional components are involved fixed perost defect high
#5687 Evaluting structural parameters and array modifications fixed perost defect normal
#5702 NF Lookup issue with inner/outer fixed perost defect blocker
#5738 Questionable warning with annotation(Evaluate = true) in the NF fixed perost defect high
#5753 Checking a model in Chemical results in internal error of the NF fixed perost defect high
#5763 Connections.isRoot statement outside equation results in instantiation failure with no error message fixed perost defect normal v1.16.0-dev
#5782 Failure to instantiate EletricalEnergyStorage Libray fixed perost discussion low v1.14.0
#5821 New frontend fails with StateGraph2.Transition fixed somebody defect blocker
#5835 Issue with NF and functions with arrays of records fixed perost defect blocker
#5836 The NF accepts illegal discrete variables fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#5870 New FE does not resolve unqualified imported names fixed perost defect high v1.16.0-dev
#5910 "Cannot resolve type of expression" when function output is given by functionals fixed perost defect high v1.16.0-dev
#5946 [NF] Cross product inside array models is broken in the Frontend fixed perost defect high
#5970 Compile error on array of models with expandable connector fixed perost defect normal v1.14.0
#5994 Invalid code generation when accessing array index with size(array,1) fixed mahge930 defect high v.1.15.0-dev
#6045 The NF rejects supposedly legal code involving algorithms and discrete variables fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#6089 Evaluate reductions only involving literal constants in the NF fixed perost defect high
#6096 Issues with redeclare in Buildings fixed perost defect high
#6109 [NF] Function pure/impure checking affects result variability fixed perost defect high
#6134 OMEdit fails to simulate a model that should run according to library coverage fixed perost defect high v1.16.0-dev

Component: OMEdit (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2079 OMEdit does not handle replaceable classes and components fixed adrpo enhancement blocker trunk
#4781 OMEdit places the "end Model;" statement at the end of annotation line fixed defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5618 Erroneous unit of sine phase angle fixed adeas31 defect high v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5640 Chineses language no longer available in OMEdit fixed defect high v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5668 Duplicate of Modelica class with dot in class name leads to unstable OMEdit state fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5671 Bad scaling of icons in graphical view fixed adeas31 defect high v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5689 Setting a wrong flag breaks graphical annotations fixed adrpo defect high
#5710 Wrong error when duplicating a class (from the MSL) fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5723 [OMEdit] Do not allow the simulation window to be closed if the simulation is still running fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#5735 Potential bug HeatingSystem fixed adeas31 defect high v1.14.0-dev.beta2
#5778 Wrong links to OpenModelica Documentation in setup dialog and Help menu bar fixed adeas31 defect high v.1.15.0-dev
#5786 OMEdit does not handle consecutive loading and unloading of mol files as expected. fixed adeas31 defect high v1.16.0-dev
#5789 OMEdit can't delete ssp components fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5794 PowerGrids model fails during compilation in OMEdit but works fine from the command line fixed adeas31 defect critical
#5801 Diagram size in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal
#5804 Profiling blocks+html is broken again in OMEdit fixed adrpo defect blocker
#5829 [OMEdit] The plotting window is not activated after you simulated with 3d visualization fixed adeas31 defect high
#5841 Erroneous bounding rectangle and starting size of Diagram window size fixed adeas31 defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#5846 Omedit changes diagram appearance while dragging fixed adeas31 defect critical
#5856 Use helper function instead of QString::number(double) fixed adeas31 defect high
#5871 OMEdit changes extensions of files when top-level package is modified fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5878 Bitmap is rendered wrongly fixed adeas31 defect high
#5879 Add origin marker to graphical primitive shapes fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#5895 OMEdit does not open result files fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5903 Connection line is not removed on undo fixed adeas31 defect high
#5907 Wrong repainting of diagrams of extended models in Omedit fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5908 OMEdit doesn't allow to wire a terminal if it is inside the standard icon area fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5909 Issue with OMEdit under Windows 10 fixed adeas31 defect critical
#5923 OMEdit moves connectors in icons when they are moved in the block diagram and vice-versa fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5935 OMEdit Crash Report: Host not found fixed adeas31 defect high v.1.15.0-dev
#5972 Bad display of diagrams in plot perspective when inheritance is involved fixed adeas31 defect high
#5976 Impossible to set parameters with units different from displayUnit (regression!) fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#5979 OMEdit dies when checking model with mutually recursive constants fixed perost defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#5984 OMSimulator text editing enhancements fixed adeas31 enhancement blocker
#5998 ESC in entry field of "filter classes" (search field) does not restore original view fixed adeas31 defect high
#6007 Improve replaceable class input widget fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#6011 OMEdit does not correctly add redeclare statements fixed adrpo defect blocker
#6012 Handle default choices for redeclare as default choices for parameters fixed adrpo defect blocker
#6032 Bad display and Crash when viewing a diagram in plotting perspective fixed adeas31 defect critical v1.16.0-dev
#6035 Initialization file not loaded from default directory in OMEdit fixed AnHeuermann defect blocker
#6043 Library Browser missing View Documentation menu option fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6060 OMEdit crashes when changing connector names fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#6063 Disturbed model view in plotting mode fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.16.0-dev
#6066 OpenModelica bitmap wrong way around fixed adeas31 defect high
#6083 Diagram size change from OM performs badly fixed adeas31 defect normal
#6086 OMEdit does't show block terminals into diagram view fixed adrpo defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6107 OMEdit adds invalid annotation fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#6113 OMEdit doesn't show connectors at icons in diagram view fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6127 Improve drop-down menu for replaceable class fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#6128 OMEdit deletes the redeclare clause when a parameter value is changed fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6133 OMEdit doesn't load a library if just the version is different; no error, no warning fixed adeas31 defect high v1.16.0-dev
#6138 OMEdit gives an error when trying to set parameter or variable modifier if an "extends" clause is present and replaceable support is active fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6139 Erroneous bounding rectangle when exporting diagrams to Clipboard. fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.16.0-dev
#6165 Parameter window does not have the right width when replaceable packages are included fixed adeas31 defect critical

Component: OMEncryption (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5326 For an encrypted component with inputs and outputs, the connections are not visible. fixed adeas31 defect high

Component: OMPython (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#4622 Update script to use the new ZMQ variant of OMPython fixed alash325 enhancement high v1.13.0-dev-nightly
#5956 omc.sendExpression("buildModel(%s)"%modelName) fails to build a model correctly built by OMEdit. fixed alash325 defect high v1.14.1

Component: OMSens (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5848 OMSens only detects topmost parameters of models fixed johti17 discussion normal
#5930 OMSens missing fortran dependency fixed johti17 defect normal v1.16.0-dev

Component: Parser (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5949 SimpleModelicaParser does stack overflow on huge arrays fixed defect high

Component: Run-time (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2673 OMEdit does not import initial conditions correctly fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2936 Zero-length arrays size(arr, 2) crashes run-time fixed somebody defect high trunk
#4247 Implement state-of-the-art high-order variable-step-size explicit integration methods fixed wbraun enhancement critical
#5139 Initialization failures due to min/max and assert() violations do not trigger the homotopy-based initialization fixed AnHeuermann defect high
#5758 Add separate logging of global homotopy solver fixed AnHeuermann enhancement high
#5807 Start value for final parameters with fixed=false is ignored fixed AnHeuermann defect blocker
#5830 Implementation of CVODEs in OEM fixed AnHeuermann enhancement blocker
#5927 Viewing State Variables of Linearised Model fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#5936 Simulation statistics fixed lochel defect high
#6001 Issues with resimulate fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#6030 Resimulate doesn't read the updated value from resource file fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker
#6106 The default nonlinear solver accepts solutions which are not fulfilling NewtonXTol fixed Karim.Abdelhak defect critical

Component: Testing Framework (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5568 Remote switch for doesn't work fixed defect critical

Component: Third-Party Libraries (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#5615 unmet dependencies error blocks installation of third part libraries on Ubuntu 18.04 fixed defect blocker v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#6025 Incompatible Modelica_DeviceDrivers version (2.0.0) in OpenModelica 1.16.0-dev.02 fixed defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6219 OM 1.16.0 release fails to build on MacOS fixed adrpo defect high