
Version 1 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


1.9.3 | Future?

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.4

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

Graphic Editor OMEdit


FMI Support

Detailed Changes

Component: *unknown* (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2907 Inner model with algorithm fails fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2939 OMC Doesn't handle spaces in path fixed hkiel defect high trunk
#2970 0/0 = ? fixed vwaurich discussion normal trunk
#3050 override values for parameters are ignored by the generated executable (same problem also from OMEdit) fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3072 mac omedit simulation fails fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3110 Can't upgrade to r24277 fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3136 Mac openmodelica-devel fails to build fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3225 annotation(defaultComponentName = "...") works only once fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3298 OM upgrade fails on Mac fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3359 Ubuntu nightly builds not updated fixed defect high trunk
#3364 OMEdit crashes at once fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3371 Missing documentation files in the Windows nightly build fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#3386 Compile error with constant array fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3421 Wrong error: Tuple assignment only allowed when rhs is a function call (again) fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3427 CPP runtime does not handle OMEdit simFlags correctly fixed mwalther defect high trunk
#3444 Add one/two decimal figures to timing reports by Hudson fixed adrpo enhancement high trunk
#3528 ModelicaBook stopped working fixed perost defect blocker
#3611 Mac build error: Unsupported version of OS X : 10.11.1 fixed somebody defect normal

Component: Backend (64 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1728 findDiscreteEquation failed for algorithm fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2176 Better error message for missing else in if-equation fixed probably noone enhancement normal trunk
#2204 OMC should warn about iteration variables with default zero start attribute fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2337 When equations get not solved for lhs fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2408 Backend messages printed to stdout fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2482 OMEdit hangs on a model check fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2536 missing support for HideResult fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2563 Problem with PFPlusExt Pantelides algorithm fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2631 "Duplicate modification" errors with a Complex matrix fixed probably noone defect high trunk
#2659 Initial equation called in each time step fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2690 Problems with functions returning multi-dimensional arrays in when statements fixed perost defect high trunk
#2787 Wrong nonlinear loop with semiLinear fixed vitalij defect normal trunk
#2830 Override of start attributes does not work in combination with fixed=true fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2843 wrong SimCode.SimVar generation fixed vwaurich defect critical trunk
#2864 Replace homotopy with actual expression in non-initial sections fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2866 initial() influences DAE fixed lochel defect low trunk
#2888 nonlinear systems around external functions fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2901 wrong initial conditions obtained in initial equation section fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2927 Wrong zero crossing function generation fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#2947 Performance issues with BackendVariable.mergeVariables fixed perost defect high trunk
#2950 Failing ThermoSysPro model with Cellier Tearing fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2951 Failing MSL31 model with Cellier Tearing fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2961 Event handling problems fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3014 known vars break initialization fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3052 Initialization runs into division by zero error fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#3081 Inverse solving of algorithms fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3092 BackendDAECreate.mergeWhenCluases fails for more than one elsewhen fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#3109 asserts are evaluated too early in certain cases fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3113 Wrongly constructed initial system fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3114 Empty equation systems during initialization fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3127 resolveLoops module break jacobian for linear systems fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3129 ModelicaByExample.Components.LotkaVolterra.Examples.ThreeSpecies_Quiescent doesn't simulate fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3212 Code generation of algorithm with enumeration indexed array fails while integer indexed array works fine fixed perost defect high trunk
#3213 Failure with arrays composed of arrays if at least one index is of enumeration type fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3214 Failure to generate or compile code when functions returning arrays or arrays of arrays are involved fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3215 replaceHomotopy=actual and cseCall do not cooperate fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3305 Derivative of homotopy fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3325 Symbolic Jacobian is not generated for systems with one state fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#3340 asserts inside initial equation triggers after initialization aswell fixed lochel defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#3358 Strange discrete behavior in algorithms fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3381 problem with model translation fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3452 Separation of back end transformations for simulation and initialization fixed lochel enhancement high
#3458 Code generation fails for 10 MultiBody examples and more after latest BackEnd changes fixed lochel defect critical
#3462 Missing descriptions of some back end optimization modules fixed lochel enhancement high
#3477 Problem with simplified algorithms in certain cases fixed lochel defect high
#3490 Initialization scales badly fixed lochel defect critical
#3497 Wrong initial system for clocked equations fixed lochel defect high
#3502 Wrong tempvars from createInitialEquations for synchronous models fixed somebody defect high
#3521 Problems when writing data to file in when section fixed lochel defect high
#3530 "comSubExp" introduces bad alias variables in certain cases fixed vwaurich defect high
#3531 Backend changes from October 27 significantly slow down BranchingDynamicPipes fixed vitalij defect critical
#3543 New errors in Modelica_Synchronous fixed lochel defect high
#3549 Evaluation of Clock parameters fixed lochel defect high
#3597 clockPartitioning fail for new MSL models fixed lochel defect high
#3631 Stack overflow in unit checking module fixed lochel defect high
#3644 Elimination "reinit" in post-optimization module "simplifyComplexFunction" fixed lochel defect high
#3656 Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error fixed wbraun defect blocker
#3659 Infinite loop in ExpressionSimplify fixed wbraun defect high
#3684 index reduction fails with a singular jacobian fixed wbraun defect critical v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3687 Inline module fails with protected array variables fixed wbraun defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3693 root of negative value fixed lochel defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3716 Wrong handling of two-dimensional arrays inside arrays of models fixed lochel defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3738 fullRobot broken in MSL trunk fixed wbraun defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3741 removeSimpleEquations too aggressive for Modelica_Synchronous fixed lochel defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: Build Environment (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2987 Mac openmodelica-devel fails to install fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3056 Mac openmodelica-devel fails to build fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3378 Macport OM Install fails fixed defect high trunk
#3504 Qt version conflict in qjson fixed defect high
#3609 make omc; cd OMCompiler; make install fails because omedit is not present. fixed defect low
#3610 Generating a fmu fails because share/omc/runtime/c is not present fixed defect high
#3621 Check for OpenMP in configure script is broken fixed defect high

Component: Code Generation (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2258 Code generation does not support multiple iterators fixed defect high trunk
#2413 Any way to put initialAnalyticJacobian information in an XML or other file? fixed wbraun discussion normal trunk
#2782 Code generation fails on Jacobian columns fixed vwaurich defect high trunk
#2808 Codegen Error for strings in zero-crossings fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2911 Error caused by utilizing array " Compilation process exited with code 2" fixed MJ defect high trunk
#2933 Problem with array reductions in code generation fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#2981 Unfixed parameters should not be changeable for resimulation fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3026 Boolean array assignment in initial equation section fixed lochel defect blocker trunk
#3047 invalid c code for array in algorithm fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3060 *_info.json is corrupted when model has no real equations fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#3080 XML code generation doesn't work for Clock equations fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#3082 record/array codegen error fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3134 Compilation failure for functions returning two dimensional arrays fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3184 arrays of arrays fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3188 Array indexing generates bad code fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3345 omc crashes with stack overflow fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#3396 Missing nominal attribute in integer tearing variables nlsData C structure fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#3455 Undefined references after back end changes fixed lochel defect high
#3457 Codegen issue after back end changes fixed lochel defect high
#3484 Undeclared symbols simulating with c and cpp runtime fixed lochel defect critical
#3596 Using a c keyword as a Modelica variable name doesn't work fixed lochel defect high
#3629 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.NonCircularPipes fails in simulation in OMEdit fixed defect high
#3632 linearization - is no longer working fixed lochel defect high
#3653 Evaluation of lists (stringReal looses type?) fixed defect critical
#3701 A regression fixed wbraun defect normal v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3707 Handle roots of negative values don't work well fixed lochel defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: Command Prompt Environment (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2212 Description of flags missing fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2857 loadFile does not handle '\\' equivalent to '/' fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2935 Bootstrapped OMC needs to handle -flags fixed perost defect normal trunk
#3208 default configuration for pre/post optimization modules fixed lochel defect high trunk

Component: Cpp Run-time (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3264 Solver for algebraic loops fixed mwalther defect high trunk
#3322 C++ runtime broken using boost_thread 1.55 under Ubuntu with clang fixed mwalther defect critical trunk
#3451 Internal error GetVarIndexListByMapping fixed mwalther defect high
#3522 Replace boost with C++11 in generated code fixed rfranke enhancement high

Component: Documentation (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2904 Clarify how to get information about and use all the OMC flags fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk

Component: FMI (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2975 HelloFMI 2.0 WorldEvent fails fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3011 Dependent parameter is not changing in FMU fixed adeas31 defect high MathCore Branch
#3034 Import issues with inputs in fmi 2.0 fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3171 BouncingBall modelDescription.xml is not valid for trivial reasons fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#3377 FMI 1.0 export - dependent libraries (.so, .dylib) Linux, OS X fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#3475 Add support for source code FMU's fixed defect normal
#3532 Link FMUs with static versions of Lapack and Blas fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#3615 RHEL 6.7: VanDerPol FMU fails to compile: undefined reference to clock_gettime fixed defect blocker
#3616 RHEL 6.7: FMU fails to compile: stringAppend missing fixed defect blocker
#3641 FMU generation doesn't work on Windows fixed adrpo defect blocker
#3733 C FMI export does not work with external functions fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: Frontend (43 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1078 Improve error message when trying to override a final parameter/variable (from MathCore) fixed defect high
#1405 Wrong dimensions for arrays of array aliases fixed AlexeyLebedev defect high
#1726 Add support for multiple error sources fixed perost task low
#1759 Erroneous warning in function fixed somebody defect high trunk
#2348 Duplicate modification error treated as warning fixed adrpo defect normal trunk
#2349 Type coercion gives (ignored) duplicated modification error fixed somebody defect normal trunk
#2483 function call with multiple output fixed defect high trunk
#2588 +modelicaOutput does not work properly. fixed fbergero defect high trunk
#2793 Connect equation bug on outer declared components used in arrays fixed perost defect high trunk
#2806 Instantial Model should show only top level inputs and outputs as inputs and outputs fixed perost defect normal trunk
#2829 Using nonexisting positional function arguments gives bad error fixed defect high trunk
#2834 Don't print attributes in type mismatch errors fixed perost enhancement normal trunk
#2848 No error when using conditional expression without value fixed perost defect high trunk
#2879 Saving a file with multine strings inserts spacing when saved fixed perost defect high trunk
#2959 Use of partial, non-redeclared classes is not reported by the front-end fixed adrpo enhancement blocker trunk
#2965 Information about "outer output" declarations needed in backend for variable merging in state machines fixed bthiele discussion high trunk
#2977 Array slice should have implicit : in trailing index positions fixed perost defect normal trunk
#2995 Boolean array equation expands in a bad way fixed perost defect high trunk
#3041 Implicit iteration range does not always work fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3051 extends and modification of attributes fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3153 Chek model fails for duplicate final parameter fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3159 Duplicate modification error fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3219 Failed to elaborate expression: enablingProb[remTAin[1:nremTAin]] fixed perost defect high trunk
#3337 Make array type modifiers more useful fixed perost defect high trunk
#3357 inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables fixed perost defect normal trunk
#3360 Model flattening fails with enumeration type arrays fixed perost defect high trunk
#3409 Wrong array concatenation with zeros operator fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3422 Invalid for loop range in ModelicaCompliance.Algorithms.For.ArrayRange is not detected fixed defect normal trunk
#3448 Stack Overflow Detected in OMEdit fixed defect high trunk
#3467 Problems with type redeclaration in complex numbers fixed perost defect high
#3473 Conditional arrays don't work fixed perost defect high
#3479 Conditional equation is not working fixed perost defect high
#3480 Connectors inside top level connector should be a top level connectors too fixed gossen defect high
#3481 Loading Modelica_Synchronous 0.92 fixed defect high
#3492 Incorrect flatenning of connectors in outer class fixed somebody defect high
#3505 Annex60 flattening broken since f3bb4482 fixed perost defect high
#3506 Buildings flattening broken since f3bb4482 fixed perost defect high
#3518 vector with fill fail fixed defect normal
#3520 Allow instantiaton of inherited classes fixed gossen defect high
#3527 wrong blt, becasue inlining of functions fail for more then one output fixed somebody defect critical
#3662 Internal error expanding package in OMEdit fixed perost defect critical
#3666 Undefined variable time is not detected within functions fixed perost defect high
#3697 Much slower front-end from 31eaa49 to 56626b0 fixed somebody defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: Installation program (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3132 When installing OpenModelica give a warning if OMDEV environment variable is present fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3319 omlib-modelicaservices-3.2.1 missing fixed defect high trunk
#3344 Windows Nightly installer broken fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3376 Command prompt under Windows fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk

Component: Interactive Environment (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2966 setComponentModifierValue can't set a two level modifier fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3028 Segmentation fault when Simulate is called with non-existent argument (stepSize) fixed perost defect high trunk
#3254 getComponentAnnotations fails for choicesAllMatching fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3401 LeastSquares fails on GCC fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3460 getComponents fails if base class is not defined fixed adrpo defect high
#3545 listFile returns wrong contents fixed defect blocker
#3551 diffModelicaFileListings make the code invalid fixed defect high
#3552 Complete the implementation of moveClass API fixed adrpo defect high
#3574 addClassAnnotation fails fixed perost defect high
#3577 Complete the implementation of copyClass API fixed perost defect blocker
#3581 getComponents fails with no error message fixed perost defect high
#3588 diffModelicaFileListings consumes huge time and memory fixed defect blocker
#3642 diffModelicaFileListings outputs nothing fixed defect critical

Component: MetaModelica (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2090 Stack overflow detection fixed defect high trunk
#2801 Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging information fixed defect high trunk
#2915 Warn or error when re-binding the same variable in pattern mattching fixed defect high trunk
#2974 Insufficient type checking for polymorphic tuples fixed defect normal trunk
#3005 Constants not evaluated in match patterns fixed defect normal trunk
#3006 Implement matching on enumerations fixed enhancement normal trunk
#3021 Match switch optimization causes issues with guards fixed defect high trunk
#3178 Dead store elimination removes used statements in for-loops fixed perost defect critical trunk
#3281 Error: Wrong number of subscripts in number[eqn2] (1 subscripts for 0 dimensions) fixed perost defect high trunk
#3573 Better support for generic types fixed enhancement high
#3594 Bitwise operators in MetaModelica are broken fixed defect critical
#3633 Returning from a non-returning match generates bad code fixed defect normal
#3647 boolString doesn't work as function argument fixed defect normal

Component: New Instantiation (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1904 Move handling of package constants entirely to SCodeInst fixed perost defect high trunk
#1908 Handle redeclares with multiple inheritance fixed perost defect high trunk
#1909 Propagate redeclares correctly fixed perost defect high trunk
#1918 Implement better checking of extends in new instantiation fixed perost defect low trunk
#1989 Fix propagation of modifiers in new instantiation fixed perost defect high trunk

Component: OMEdit (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1463 OMEdit: Error messages doesn't set filename of user-provided models fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#1464 OMEdit: Clickable error messages fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#1540 OMEdit: Wrong result-file is used for models using quoted identifiers fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#1760 Line number don't match error messages in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#1840 OMEdit: enable copy/paste fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#1900 Handle connections to expandable connectors in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2123 Modelica text view adds newline in when statement fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2180 OMEdit, changing an Icon does not alter instances in open tabs fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2188 Handling of arrays in the plot window needs improvement in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2191 Inspect parameters in read-only models fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2239 Use spinboxes instead of textboxes for numerical options in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2364 Math order of operations changes after file save fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#2393 Icons get not displayed correctly, depending on the order models get loaded fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2451 Do not check model while saving fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2552 Implement total model dumping in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2711 Icons are not updated in diagrams in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2781 OMEdit dislays info messages very slowly fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2796 OMedit renders HTML enity π incorrectly fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2797 Documentation view and parameter dialogue do not render images fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2831 OMEdit fails to find local dlls on Windows fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2860 Don't always autorescale for new variables in plot fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2865 OMEdit crash reports needs better handling fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2872 OMEdit - better omeditcommands.log fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2892 Undo/Redo feature in the Diagram view editing fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2908 OMEdit does not update models when submodels are changed fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#2922 View arrays in numerical order fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#2930 Printing models drops lines fixed alash325 defect high trunk
#2938 OMEdit grid lines are too visible fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#2944 OMEdit News: Error creating SSL context () fixed adeas31 defect low trunk
#2984 OMEdit subwindow feature faulty? fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#2985 Updating submodel icons where they are used fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3040 Disable simulation for partial models fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3054 Revert from previous unclear fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3128 Add key shortcuts to switch between views and trigger Check and Simulate fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#3145 saving issues fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3148 model with tabs cant be saved in OMEdit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3158 OMEdit parameter window shows wrong values for base classes fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3179 Automatic saving after model change in OMEdit destroys libraries fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3194 Better space exploitation by OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3207 Debugger does not show compound variables fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3222 Different lineThickness of lines fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3270 plot redraw doesn't erase fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3271 Switch from and to variable browser in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#3296 OMEdit crashes on startup since rev.25700 fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3311 Enable loading JS globally when inside the info annotation of fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#3346 Camel case in OM fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#3352 Repeated simulations in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3362 Context menu names in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#3373 Give more stack on Windows for the QT clients that use the omc dll fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3374 Management of Tabs in OMEdit fixed adeas31 discussion low trunk
#3404 Add an OMEdit menu option to open the working directory fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3408 Unable to make connection from Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.PointMass fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3425 Retain font information when copying fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3447 Use of msvc flag in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3466 OMEdit scrambles up package directory structure fixed adeas31 defect critical
#3470 Connection of many components doesn't work any more. fixed adeas31 defect critical
#3471 Give full description while hovering fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#3472 Make OMEdit compilation process same as Compile.bat fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#3529 Improve connecting ports in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#3558 A flip horizontal issue fixed adeas31 defect high
#3576 New menu options in OMEdit for FMU export fixed adeas31 defect high
#3579 Block size seems to be distorted fixed adeas31 defect high
#3580 Opening a model causes OMEdit to crash fixed adeas31 defect critical
#3584 OMEdit hangs when moving objects fixed adeas31 defect high
#3585 OMEDIT crash when creation of a model in a package fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#3587 OMEdit build on MacOS is broken fixed adeas31 defect high
#3601 Syntax check does not show error details in browser; the error wrongly persists. fixed adeas31 defect high
#3604 OMEdit does not show renamed names fixed adeas31 defect high
#3607 Message number reset fixed adeas31 enhancement normal
#3619 inner package (folder) deletion not saved fixed defect high
#3620 Use "del" to delete models within packages fixed adeas31 enhancement low
#3624 New OMEdit does not retain some text modifications fixed adeas31 defect high
#3630 OMEdit crashes or fumbles up the formatting when duplicating classes or copying and pasting text within the same package fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#3635 New model faulty and not saved; package sometimes destroyed fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#3648 Spelling mistake in variable name "pDefautlViewLayout" --> "pDefaultViewLayout" fixed adeas31 task low
#3654 Empty icon rendering broken in latest nightly v1.9.4--dev-699-g7205327 fixed adeas31 defect blocker
#3658 OMEdit doesn't allow to add or change comments fixed defect blocker
#3663 Rename context menu entry "View Class" to "Open Class" fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#3665 Add display of the description string of instantiated component fixed adeas31 enhancement high
#3667 Add keyboard shortcuts for changing the order to components in the tree fixed adeas31 enhancement high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3670 OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting after restart fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3673 Add a button for inferring bindings fixed adeas31 enhancement high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3677 Missing Cpp path when simulating from OMEdit under Windows fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3683 Sometimes OMEdit does not delete connect equations fixed adeas31 defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3686 partial clipped or even entirely invisible component diagrams fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3690 Improve simulation settings and adding "interval" as parameter fixed adeas31 enhancement normal v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3698 Comment preserving parsing/unparsing creates hidden duplicate declarations fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3702 A case of immediate OMEdit Crash fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3708 OMEdit Leftover Connecting Lines fixed adeas31 defect normal v1.9.4-beta.2
#3714 OMEdit should not allow dragging components onto diagram layer of a package fixed adeas31 defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3719 OMEdit "save as" without function fixed adeas31 defect high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3723 When creating new model in multi-file package with OMEdit, the model is empty and not saved fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3728 Enable loading of style sheets from file systems fixed adeas31 enhancement high v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3737 Omedit creates wrong pathnames when objects are moved fixed adeas31 defect critical v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3744 New blocks created by OMEdit cannot be used fixed adeas31 defect blocker v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3746 Add and manage uses annotations in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement high v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: OMNotebook (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2303 OMNotebook: move cells / change hierarchical structure of document fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2305 OMNotebook: “eval all” button fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#3442 plotParametric not working from OMNotebook fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: OMPython (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3392 OMCSession() function can not connect to OMC server fixed defect high trunk

Component: Optimization (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3437 Failed optimization tests after fix in stream connectors fixed vitalij defect high trunk

Component: ParModelica (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3190 ParModelica fails to build fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3198 ParModelica fails to build model calling print due to invalid conversion fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3315 ParModelica generating broken code for minimal testcase fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3324 ParModelica: not found fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3326 ParModelica: Error setting kernel arguments: CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#3334 ParModelica: failure using parallel function fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#3335 ParModelica: parfor with for inside creates broken OpenCL code fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3336 ParModelica: Cannot pass parallel array as argument to function fixed mahge930 defect blocker trunk
#3339 ParModelica: Integer division does not work due to generated OpenCL-code not working fixed mahge930 defect normal trunk
#3347 ParModelica: Cannot use sqrt() or log() within parallel code due to generated OpenCL code fixed mahge930 defect high trunk

Component: Parser (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3193 TplParser - stack overflow for big templates fixed defect high trunk
#3255 getComponentAnnotations should merge the constrainedby annotation with the component annotation fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3694 Stack overflow in Modelica Parser fixed defect critical v1.9.4-dev-nightly

Component: Run-time (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1529 It should be possible to use non-fixed parameters as array indices fixed lochel defect high
#2334 terminal + assert causes segfault fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2721 initialization and dynamic state selection fixed lochel defect normal trunk
#2861 test IfEquation5.mos has never worked correctly fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2980 String GC issues fixed somebody defect critical trunk
#2990 max/min attributes overwrite start at initialization fixed lochel defect critical trunk
#2999 Divide by zero in algorithm crashes omc fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#3064 Dynamic state selection is not initialized properly fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3094 XML Parse of output gives error fixed lochel defect high trunk
#3140 Memory leak in modelInfoXmlInit fixed adrpo defect normal trunk
#3167 Discrete variable does not change in a discrete manner fixed somebody defect blocker trunk
#3236 Unhandled Assertion-Error fixed mahge930 defect high trunk
#3245 OMEdit crashes: When set record parameter in Function fixed perost defect high trunk
#3500 Incorrect numerical output not detected fixed wbraun defect critical
#3501 Wrong sparsity information reported by -lv LOG_SOLVER fixed lochel defect normal
#3513 Missing support for operator interval fixed lochel defect high
#3544 Integration failed due to ordering of the states equations fixed wbraun defect blocker
#3590 LOG_NLS_V fails due to memory overrun fixed lochel defect critical
#3602 -overrideFile flag does not work in 1.9.4 latest fixed lochel defect blocker

Component: Testing Framework (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3465 Hudson fails with test Crane_FMU1_CPP fixed adrpo defect high
#3560 Testing of Modelica_Synchronous fixed enhancement high

Component: Third-Party Libraries (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2803 Generated SVGs not quite right. fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3331 Problems in flattening Buildings.Electrical.DC.*.Examples.* fixed defect normal 1.9.0Beta
#3542 CombiTable1Ds with Data Reading in external file does not work anymore!! fixed defect blocker